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So Rowdy

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Everything posted by So Rowdy

  1. ?? I've nearly maxed out jade. Is that uncommon?
  2. Tetsu chest around 50m, legs sold mine for 35m about 3-4 days ago? Helm is like 10m Not sure about others Got a huge RC lamp from meg...hell yes
  3. Major ?????????????? going on right now I'm 83 RC and the occultist is in my port. Only mission is 700 steel though. But still. ????????? It gave me the +50 port score for the adventurers met also, says I've met 6
  4. Sent out 3 final story lines and a 300 steel missions, all roughly 85+%...Pretty cool E: Also, I finally got an adventurer re-roll. I look back at it and it says I have two. Either I'm very forgetful or something weird happened. Anyone else experience this? I'm inclined to think that something weird happened. I could have forgotten I received one, but I doubt it cause I always look out for them
  5. From my experience of 3 days or so in the pincers, trade goods do show up pretty frequently
  6. You kind of answered your own question/musing. The annoyance had nothing to do with the story content; it had to do with the fact the trade good reward for story for each adventurer randomly differ from their usual trade good. Like in the example you give the Assassin who only ever gives out spices suddenly gives out Laquer for the story end - people, understandably, assumed an adventurer that only ever gave out spice missions would give a big spice payoff on the story. Sorry I think I worded it wrong. What I meant was the story line gave lacquer because of the content of the story, because the adventurer was killing the death lotus people or whatever. This makes sense. It wouldn't make sense if as a reward from completing the story you receive spices. I think it's supposed to be viewed as the story missions and the missions where he offers spices as two completely different things.
  7. Some people said they were annoyed that the end-story rewards were different from that respective adventerurs rewards...but from the assassin, it kinda seems normal as when he comes back he's like "ahh yes! the death lotus are defeated!" and he brings back lacquer which is used to make death lotus. Doesn't seem too random to me, makes more sense than spices from the assassin. Although I am speaking from never reading the story voyages cause they don't really interest me lol
  8. Nope, I'm 81 RC and I get chi missions all the time. Just not from the occultist, obviously
  9. Partially failing a final storyline is fine, right? It'll come back later? If yes than that's kind of a good thing I guess...free 7 plates
  10. I was talking about the Slayer trait in ports, but I heard the dragons were pretty annoying too so that's not bad either
  11. Slayer works now and all the Meg answers are released so not that harmful of an update! Ghostly figurehead (the jade upgrade one) has been renamed to Intrepid Figurehead...hm E: Luxurious bar looks fancy as hell
  12. Ahh that makes sense. Thanks. I know the reward for the trio story line for missionary+bio+conv is 50 plate, what is it for the other one? Not sure if I can be motivated to get 90 rc but hey
  13. So if two of those three happen to show up in my port, an option will be available for the story line? Even if I've completed each of their individual story lines? That can't be right, as the biologist and the missionary literally showed up on a re-roll 20 minutes ago with an option for their final story lines, and some resources, etc. No trio mission though.
  14. How do trio voyages work? I haven't gotten one yet..I have all the adventurers except for the occultist unlocked
  15. Reached the pincers. I'm figuring I can send 2 pincers and 1 bowl mission set per day, while missing one set of pincers every 4 days due to time and such. However, this is being extremely optimistic as I doubt I'm going to get max speed for every voyage lol E: First regen in the pincers..Whaler with 100 spices and a plate/scroll for 20k SF...... :oops:
  16. Should reach pincers tomorrow. Woohoo. I still have the convict story line to finish, I'm on the last 7 hour base one right now. Kinda sucks cause I sent a scroll last night from him instead of his story line and I ended up failing the scroll. :(
  17. My sea witch just leveled to 10. Pretty cool I got a random and received 1x voyage re-roll and 2x Captain re-rolls. Far better than 3x Bag of winds when i'm maxed out but i'm still crossing my fingers for edam to update them
  18. If anyone's interested tetsu legs are 30-40m
  19. Random events are really [bleep]ed up. I'm using my bag of winds now for speed when it's convenient for me. I got a special voyage down to 10:26 so I could send out another voyage in sync with my other ones and when I sent it said ETA 11:11. Dumbbb
  20. This morning I got my random for the day - 1x Captain, crew reroll and a bag of winds. I had 2 Captain re-rolls at the time, 3 Crew rerolls and 3 bag of winds. However, all of them maxed out. I'm gonna assume now the maximum number of possible captain and adventurer reroll is 1. Pretty stupid tbh
  21. I'm pretty sure I've gotten 8:40 before o.o Only with my mouse though. When I use my touchpad it takes like 5 minutes lol
  22. Can anyone confirm the usefulness of the "Receive more trade goods from trade goods mission" totem. Is it anything significant?
  23. I currently have (all 10k captains) 3 seafaring, 1 moral, 1 combat. Just got a roll for a 10k moral based captain. Should I replace one of the SF captains for it? Also, it says I partially failed a story mission. ???
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