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Everything posted by Sellador

  1. What about Pandora's box for random events? Anyone build one of those?
  2. I managed to get a 10k chime seafaring captain with zero traits. What traits should I give him?
  3. One of the reasons I moved back to EOC is that I'm skeptical of 07's future. Sure, the player base may hold somewhat steady for a while, but it's hard to imagine a brand new player choosing 07 over EOC. Especially with the impending release of RS3 and a new skill.
  4. Maybe someone else can chime in as to what is considered most efficient. I did single-stat crew > 4th ship > rudder > hull of glory > JoDs > deck upgrades > Jade merchants. I debated getting the rudder first, but the speed improvement is only 200.
  5. Uh, by the time you get to the pincers, you should already have the 4th ship, right?
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