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Posts posted by CaJ

  1. I think that you'll have better luck going down to Tormented Demons and hoping for a Dragon Claws drop. The ratio is much more in your favor than it is camping down at Metals for weeks trying to get a Visage.

  2. I think that you'll have better luck going down to Tormented Demons and hoping for a Dragon Claws drop. The ratio is much more in your favor than it is camping down at Metals for weeks trying to get a Visage.

  3. This is why I barely talk in-game anymore. People getting riled up in situations like this that really, contribute NOTHING to the game.


    There are plenty of worlds where the competition is not so fierce. It's not as if every world is packed with high levels who are going to crash weaker opponents.


    This is lacking common sense and if you find this as a serious problem, then tough. That's life.

  4. Amen brother. All these noobs practically ate scams anyways....


    Noob:I'll do anything for money.

    SmartPerson(TakesAdvantage of the willing): Give me your armour, and I will turn it to rune.

    Noob: Yay

    SmartPerson: log off and count to 60

    Noob: Does what he says logs off forgets the guys name while other guy puts him on ignore list and runs


    I was in the 4th grade when i started playing, now in 9th and i quit for about 2-3 years and a few months everynow and then to come back to some freaking kid like game.

    This isn't teaching kids anything. People get scammed all the time, this will help them to learn not to be fooled. Now they will fall into traps. Also wtf with the ditch its not like the wild is

    dangerous anymore. I miss running away from some pure shooting spells at me just to make it out of wild. Atleast pvp is somewhat of an ok update. Just gets crowded....


    No one asked for real-life lessons to be inculcated into computer games. Seriously, we already have enough of "educational" games which are completely idiotic.


    So someone who wears a shiny watch and walks into an alley at night deserves to be robbed?


    The Nintendo Wii is an excellent example. So many games that are bent on fitness and educational purposes. Complete bullcrap.

  5. Wtf? I click on an old-school thread and I see mostly RS2 pictures. Either I'm getting really old or....I'm getting really old.


    I lost most of my old pictures during a hard drive crash years ago. This account is 9 years old and it is definitely a step back in time to see some of these RSC pictures. Feels weird having been present for everything in this game's history; too bad few people respect that nowadays.


    Almost gives me the same pleasure looking at these as it is looking at cartoons from the 1980s/1990s.




    I feel lost in today's generation.

  6. As I already said, I am far from the ONLY ONE who is against this.


    Plain and simple, this is setting a new low for Runescape. A lot of other high level players had their say on this issue, and not necessarily because they want to get skills up faster.


    And foofoomagoo, I did most of my Thieving pickpocketing Knights. I didn't have the benefit of Pyramid Plunder until just a couple months ago.


    I wish I could go and look at this update casually, but I can't. I mean, yeah, it sounds like fun to get BONUS EXP, but in the long run that only loses you respect. I therefore respect all of the veterans who got their skills the LONGER WAY, because they didn't have the benefits like we do now.


    Why should I only look at this and shrug my head?

  7. I don't understand why ANY of you NEED this event. It's not good for ANYONE.


    Jagex did NOT need to put this down. After some digging and researching, I have noticed that Jagex is trying to start a trend to AFK your skills to 99 and gain advantage over those older players who did NOT have those benefits.


    I am a veteran. I started in 2003, quit in 2006, came back last year to find a completely different atmosphere. It doesn't help when you guys just sit on your [wagon] all day and praise Jagex for lowering the bar for you.


    I don't support this update, and I believe that this event is actually cheating your way to higher stats. I gained a lot of my stats the hard way, and I've put a lot of time and effort into this game. With this, newer players can get my stats in less than half the time it took me.


    Summoning/Herblore supplies are all bought out, and will be for the next few weeks until the economy slows down. This was not what I expected to see after I just made an achievement I wanted to get for the past few years (99 Thieving).


    Soon getting high levels won't matter because the game will be too easy to be a challenge. I came onto this game for fun and to achieve my own goals while having a level playing field with everyone else. This only saps the fun I had, and I will be forced to quit and find something else to waste my time on.

  8. Did some more digging on the Runescape Forums and found a nice topic by Fatness66. Here's what he had to say:



    "If you've read this far, and don't see what is happening to the game, I will tell you. You are no longer receiving all of your rewards and achievements from your own work completely. It is getting to the point where a large portion of players' rewards come from over-generous updates, and don't have to put forth the effort they once had to. I do not mind giving players alternatives to training skills at all. However, when you make that alternative involve LESS effort and MORE reward, it isn't fair to ALL players.


    Veteran players are getting tired of seeing their accomplishments become diminished and degraded by updates that allow newer players to "achieve" the same thing in a fraction of the time, money and effort it took the older players. It is not fair to them. Skills will always have the same achievement cap of level 99, and all of these updates have been making it easier and easier to get to. Why would Jagex make every skill easier to get to 99 when there is no in-game reward after level 99?


    New players will be affected more than veterans. Much more. The game is going to become too easy, there will be no challenge, and they will get totally bored of the game quicker than older players. The game itself will mean nothing because rather than trying to achieve something, they just have to wait until Jagex gives it to them. Is this what you want Runescape to become?


    There are people that play Runescape for many reasons. Some play for achievement, some play for fun, some play for socializing, some play for a challenge, and some play for other reasons. The updates of the last two years rarely catered to all groups at the same time. Why Jagex doesn't do something about this before they release a piece of content, I don't know. It isn't as hard as Jagex might think, which I will explain in a later post.


    With all of the above said, what was the thinking behind the next "great" idea Jagex had, the 2x experience weekend? Other MMO's have done it, but does that mean Runescape NEEDS it?? Of course not... Runescape was better than that. Adding large rewards for little effort is one thing, but adding a large reward for NO effort is taking it too far.


    Does this 2x experience weekend cater to any of the players who play the game for certain reasons? Absolutely not. So why is it a good idea? It isn't. It ruins achievements by allowing players to receive more experience for doing all of the same activities. It does not make the game more fun; we still will be doing all of the same things we had available before this weekend. Nothing will change as far as socializing goes, unless people start fighting over resources rather than drops. It degrades the challenge involved in training your stats higher. It is destroying item prices. It is stacking with the rest of the insane experience we get, making the game shorter and shorter.


    Do any players NEED this experience? I cannot understand how anyone could think that they NEED this event. Have players really become that lazy? That incompetent? That selfish? This event is completely against the "spirit of the game" and should never happen again. As for the first event, it is too late. It is going to happen because Jagex felt it would be a good idea to announce it two weeks early and get every player excited and prepared. If you have read up to this point, please add a <>< at the end of your post.


    How can Jagex appeal to all players? It is not that complicated.


    Each time they introduce a new method of training a skill, they need to look at how much effort and attention it requires. The more attention, risk and effort, the higher experience they are able to give out. Money is not much of a determination because if something gives high experience and high value in items, those items will lose value due to the amount of people doing it. Here are some examples of how some skill training updates could have been altered to fit this consistency:


    Distractions and Diversions. The main problem with these is too much experience gain for too little time, effort and risk. They are fun and very enjoyable to many, but that is also part of the reward.

    -Penguins - Same experience amount, but for hunter only

    -Evil Trees - Remove the teleport and/or lower the experience payout

    -Shooting Stars - One first touch bonus per landing period for one person

    -Circus - Less experience in range and magic, it is too much

    -Familiarisation - ?


    Stealing Creation. Stealing Creation allows players to only have to train half as long as people who do not use it. The biggest problem is the half money for certain skills. Another problem is that there is NO RISK. Your team can lose and you can still be heavily rewarded with points. You lose nothing in this place. You actually save MORE time if you play non combat. So why is this so rewarding?

    -Tools should be only 1.5x for money skills. If you want to save so much money on skills, you should have to spend MORE time on them.

    -Non-combat stealing creation needs to go.


    Great Orb Project. This mini game is extremely rewarding for clans, and clans only pretty much. They completely ruin the GOP worlds and make almost all games one-sided. 50-50 games are rewarding for players who don't have to do much, and it's apparently against the spirit of the game to do so, according to Jagex. This game needs a complete overhaul before they remove 50-50 games.


    Soul Wars has similar problems to Stealing Creation. It fractioned the amount of time players need to train combat stats. You still get a point if you lose. There is NO RISK. Players STILL do not need to participate to receive zeal. Why should this be so rewarding?

    -Wins should be 2 zeal and losses should be 0, or experience rewards should be halved. People who constantly fight while in soul wars will receive experience and be rewarded with even more afterwards, so it would still be faster than regular training for winners.

    -In some worlds, teams should be randomized. The games are too one-sided the way it is, and allows for clans to have the easy way out of training their combat.

    -Players need to PARTICIPATE. Include a damage counter similar to Pest Control. If necessary, allow level 3's to use recoil rings to contribute to their damage counter, so they don't complain. I would prefer for them to be excluded, since it is a COMBAT mini game.


    Living Rock Caverns. This made mining too quick. I wasn't sure if this was created to bring prices down and put more ores on the market, or just satisfy people who don't like mining. I don't think doing both at the same time was very balanced, especially if the place isn't very dangerous. Two things could balance this out, but only one would be fine:

    -Removal of safe spots

    -lowering experience payout


    Ivy and the Sawmill mini-game. You probably hear about this one a lot. This was NOT a woodcutting "re-balance." It made woodcutting easier, faster, inattentive, and for some reason, we can still make money with it (nests). The sawmill, on the other hand, perfectly reflects the effort vs. reward concept because you have to pay attention the entire time. In order for ivy to actually be "balanced," this would have to happen:

    -Experience rate should be cut. It should never have been faster than willows.

    -If ivy remains faster than chopping willows, nests should be removed. "

  9. The reason why I made this huge complaint in the first place is because this game is already, too easy. Jagex had begun destroying everything in it's path starting about two years ago and nearly every 'other' update since then has made this game easier. This game is much easier now than it was when I decided to quit this game back in 2006.


    I already seen the chart. You don't have to give me a novel explaining it. All I know is that most of you here complaining against my opinion are selfish, inconsiderate people who's only goal is to gain EXP and GP. Everything from Soul Wars to this Double EXP Weekend is draining the life that Runescape once had.


    Jagex is giving this game away to the new generation of gamers, plain and simple. Veterans like me, on the other hand, are left out.


    For you people who are going to be leveling Summoning to a high level, fine. I don't care what you people do. Jagex is giving you guys a silver platter to feed on so why not take advantage of it?


    Also think of those who can't be on the weekend. Completely unfair and insulting.


    The game is easy enough as it is. I guess you morons have nothing better to do but to cheapen Summoning and Herblore, so go for it.


    I'm sick of talking to such selfish people like yourselves.

  10. Found this while browsing on the Future Updates forum of Runescape. I think this guy said it best:


    To quote Maolsomn:


    "I feel that the weekend is not only unfair due to its devaluation of past effort, but also a hazard due to far reaching negative consequences (beyond the havoc it has wreaked on the market this week).


    If people think that double xp weekends will be a recurring event, there will be a huge disincentive to train skills except on double xp weekends (of course, this applies particularly well to summoning and buyables). We have already seen the boom/bust cycle in skill supplies last week; I predict this will continue. Immediately after the weekend, produced goods (tradable potions, summoning supplies, etc.) will plummet due to oversupply. Skill resources will also crash after the immediate opportunity for double experience passes.


    In the longer term, why should anyone train summoning except on double xp weekends (if they recur)? To do so would be a tremendous waste of time because you would have to collect twice as many charms and secondaries if you were to train regularly. It is clear that if the double xp weekends continue, supplies for skills will spike before weekends and crash after weekends, causing continual havoc with the market, and giving merchants plenty of opportunity to take advantage of short term market shifts. Since this type of merchanting is a zero-sum game, there will be losers - the regular players who are trying to train.


    Moreover, if the double xp weekends do not recur, this weekend will be the one chance for players to save possibly hundreds of hours of their time training Summoning, in particular. This is completely unfair to people who do not participate in the weekend or are unable to participate fully due to an inability to obtain secondaries, not to mention players who have already spent time and money on 99 Summoning.


    It is for these reasons that I believe the double xp weekend to be one of the most unfair updates ever produced by Jagex.




  11. I don't support this, at all.


    I will participate, in order to train like I always do, but this better be the ONE AND ONLY TIME.


    This is giving players a HUGE ADVANTAGE over others. For those who can't play on the weekend or have plans regarding being away, too bad, you missed out.


    I have always trained the old-fashioned way and I never asked for much from Jagex. But this is really bringing home the bacon. I do not want to feel that getting lvl 99s will be a walk in the park.


    And never before has this devalued a skill (Summoning) more than anything else. The skill was meant to be expensive and take time to gather the charms. Now players are all excited about "88 Summoning! 96 Summoning! 99 Summoning!" How does this feel to the players who have 99 Summoning? I mean, it's simply an insult and a slap in the face.


    This devalues every past achievement made in Runescape. So now Jagex feels the need to give this previously unique game a Double EXP Weekend just like every 'other' MMORPG has done. Are they asking themselves to sell out? Are they trying to alienate the veterans of this game? Cmon, this is pathetic.


    Not to mention that Merchant Clans will gain the benefits while the normal players will feel the downfall of the economy due to overproduced goods and unwanted merchandise. Prices will drop sharply.


    This is not only devaluing the achievements, but also giving the game serious negative consequences in the near future. The game has gotten easier, and therefore, less fun to play than it should be.


    There should be an Asterisk to those players who participated in the weekend. Those who trained their skills the normal way won't have an Asterisk next to their name.

  12. Personally don't like the idea of this at all and hope this is a once off and they won't do it again, although I doubt that.


    Ignoring the economic effects of this, which I imagine will have already started, two weeks prior to the event. It just seems unneeded and I personally don't see a single gameplay benefit from this at all.


    Complaining isn't going to do any good, but I find this whole idea appalling. I wouldn't mind so much if it was a flat 10% xp increase over the course of a weekend, that's not too bad. But 2.7x? even if it's only >2 for a few hours that's a huge impact it'll have on the game.




    The challenge of Summoning and Herblore is part of the game. This event will certainly cheapen those skills.

  13. You will still hit 0s every now and then. Right now I'm grinding at Armoured Zombies and the XP Rates are still the same as they were before the update.


    If this is the path for new weapons, armors, etc, am I supposed to say goodbye to my Abyssal Whip and Dragon Scimitar?

    If I remember right they said in one of the QA's that some of the new armour and wepons would be like Kuradels ring. Therefor only working in certain areas.


    Ah, I see.

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