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Everything posted by puretppc

  1. What is the fastest way to get a lot of Livid Farm points? How many per hour can you accumulate in that method? Thanks in advance.
  2. Thanks for the DirectX suggestion! I finally am able to change worlds without the black screen!
  3. How do I do that? And what is the difference between 2 display modes?
  4. Yeah but it gets really annoying having to close and open the game. It takes like 1.5-2 minutes out of my time.
  5. How do I fix this problem? I sometimes keep getting a black screen when I'm join hopping worlds. When the black screen shows up, it stays there until I close and reopen the game. Is there any technical fix on that?
  6. I only use Chrome and RS game launcher. So how do I reduce the lag and/or buffering ticks? I sometimes take like 5 ticks to get a bank preset done.
  7. I use a Windows 7 Acer Aspire Laptop but I notice that the usage is around 1.3m kb for Runescape launcher. I have 6GB RAM and use an i3-2370M core.
  8. Assume from Varrock West bank and the run energy will automatically recover itself, how long does each cycle take? Using V-Tele to square and by walk?
  9. Well seemingly making unfinished potions are the most profitable ways of non-combat but they might be hard to sell sometimes. Also, how long does it actually take to get the outfit from scratch?
  10. I somehow found this on a Herb guide but this outfit requires a lot of playing in the Flash Powder mini-game. If I use it for Herblore, is it worth it (based on the time it takes to get the full set and based on how good it is). Also I have a few more questions regarding this: 1) Which set piece is best to buy first and last (assuming you want the best benefit to make the most out of the mini-game)? 2) Does the 20% rate of making an extra dose in a potion actually work for Overloads, Extremes or any untradable potions? I heard sources claim that it does and other sources claim it does not. Can anybody confirm? 3) What is the fastest way to get this outfit and how long does it take on average to get all of it?
  11. For cost efficiency I'd say Super Ranging/Magic up to 94 then use Prayer Renewal. Usually one of these 3 potions are the best GP/exp at high levels. http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Calculator:Herblore/Unfinished_potions
  12. When do raw materials (aka resources) become so cheap and crash so badly? I'm talking ores, bars, runes, seeds, summoning ingredients, herbs, secondary herb ingredients, logs, planks, etc. Over the past week, they have been in a staggeringly high demand. It seems like they may be crashing because it feels a bit overpriced but when usually does the demand fall rock bottom? Also, when does "processed resources" become expensive (best time to sell for good price)? I'm talking potions, armour/weapons, pouches, etc. So in other words, what sorts of events surround the market?
  13. Do not make this inference. The data shown here does not properly substatiate the claim. The main point of my spiel was that the study was garbage and that you can't draw anything from it. For now, discard this idea until you come across more stringent research. No. The reason for this is demand and supply. High levelled herbs are used in high level potions which are in greater demand than lower levelled potions. Additionally, high level seeds are much rarer than low level ones. MTK, which is a pretty significant supply of seeds, barely provides any of these seeds. No, at least not directly. Watering only lowers disease rates. The less your crops get diseased, the faster they grow unimpeded and the less they die. These effects help yields in the long run. > So far for Watermelons I obtained an average of 17.625 per patch out of 5 full runs That seems a bit on the low side. I'm currently doing snape grass and getting closer to 20-25 per allotment per run (over 40 runs). I guess many high leveled players tend to farm out the highest herb so that creates the demand. Herbs are just expensive in general because of farming has no ways of 100% protection from disease and the yield is really small. White lilies do not even affect it. Well the Wikia claims watering does make a difference in the yield (no disease assumed). But there is no point in protecting disease if the flowers already protect it anyways (at least for allots). Uhm, Snape Grass might be a higher yield maybe because they take 2x longer than watermelons and require a much higher farming level.
  14. Never heard of this. Any source? There's a general trend that higher levelled crops tend to be more likely to lose lives, but there are some crops that don't fit this trend (I think sweetcorn is one). Mod Ash mentioned this in the OSRS forums a while back. Also, higher farming levels also improve your chance of not losing a life, forgot to mention this earlier. From the same source. Lose more lives as in tend to have a lower harvest rate if grown successfully? But that's OSRS that claims that farming level increases chances of harvesting more herbs. I think you mixed up the conclusion as the study suggests higher leveled herbs die more (~10% vs ~2% as they claim) and have a higher average live yield and vice versa for low level herbs. What puzzled me about the entry is that it claims that it uses "optimal equipment", but doesn't mention Jujus or Greenfingers. Seeing this and all of the other problems with this article, I did some deep digging into the history of the page. It seems some data was entered back in 2010 for a single small set by a lone user. Later on, another user just dumped another 650+ seeds worth of data into the data, with no indication if this was an addition to the existing data or a replacement. The amusing piece is an edit made by one user that added most of the "analysis" following the data. Some of it is a cute attempt to apply statistical analysis (and in some cases incorrectly) and the rest is bad or poorly presented advice. It seems no one questioned it and let it stand; it baffles me how to this day no one has corrected or at least removed this shoddy entry. It's stuff like this that make me appreciate more rigorously moderated sites like here at Tip.it. While I still don't think Tip.it has the capacity for as much breadth, the information when it is entered is almost always correct and well presented. TL;DR That entry you linked is trash. Don't continue to rely on it for information. Yeah it looks outdated. So wait, it's the other way around as in higher herbs = higher death + more herbs but vice versa with lower ones? This is probably why high level seeds are expensive compared to herbs (which probably forces people to check their patches more often). Also, does Watering a patch actually give more crops per yield (for allotments/hops)? Lets assume I only water it once in the entire lifetime (and it does not get diseased at all). Well I've decided to make my own Excel Spreadsheet for the Watermelon (no disease due to flower patch) and Snapdragon farming logs. The tools I used are Magic Secs, Normal GF aura and supercompost. So far for Watermelons I obtained an average of 17.625 per patch out of 5 full runs (8 allots per run).
  15. I don't think bonus herbs from Juju/GF aura stack off each other so they wouldn't be multiplicative. Beyond that, I believe researchers figured there's about a 35% chance upon each picking that you'll consume one of the patch's lives and magic secateurs reduce that to 25%. My stats are pretty rusty so I couldn't tell you what that works out to be in terms of expected base yield. From the expected base yield you can calculate average total yield using the 33% and 15% from juju/GF. Never heard of this. Any source? I heard they are supposed to stack off each other especially from herb farming and money making guides. So how does Juju farming work? Does it make the patch 33% less chance of losing a life or when a herb is picked, it has 33% chance of getting a 2nd one? Same goes for GF aura? This source tells me that higher herbs = lower life loss + lower yield and vice versa for lower herbs. Oh I see. But wait, I thought all herbs on average (including the account of disease) are supposed to yield like 6.8 per patch. Also, does Magic Secs and GF aura give more experience if the extra crop is harvested?
  16. So what about the Herb crop yield rate? If I use Supercompost + Magic Secs + Juju Farming Potion + Supreme Greenfingers how much will I get on average? Will it be 5*1.1*1.33*1.15=8.41? Well not sure about the disease rate factored in but I believe it's around 10% with Supercompost maybe? Also, I heard that higher level herbs have a very low chance of disease but yield fewer crops right? While it's the other way around with the lower level herbs?
  17. To sum it up, the logging in and out reset only replies for the first 5 minutes, which is the growth window right?
  18. So if I log out while the plant is growing for farming, does it stop growing and/or reset?
  19. Do I need to equip it in order to have the bonus yield or can I just keep it in my inventory and still get the bonus?
  20. I just did an RC run through the Abyss but now it says that my Giant Pouch as decayed. I swear I recharged it to the Dark Mage every 2 finished Glory teleports (8 trips). I just filled it then tried to use the bank presets only to notice it is darker colour than usual. It gave me a message "Your pouch has decayed through use.".
  21. So to increase the rank, do you have to cap every skill plot or just 1 skill plot?
  22. Uhm what does Fealty do? So if it's 250k per week and it takes 2 hours to cap then it's about 125k per hour then right?
  23. For every resource in the citadel, it's takes roughly the same amount of game ticks to gather right?
  24. At level 99 of the skills and Tier 7 Citadel and full focus, how much exp per hour is one expected to gain? Generally speaking, how many "resources harvested" can one get every hour of Clan Citadel if we were to use any example?
  25. Wow that must be really stupid for Jagex to make it so low. Anyways I would suggest using Energy Potions instead then as it's 2nd best and their buy limits aren't going to affect. Yes it is more fun and motivating to finish up unfinished potions because of lack of exp making unfinished. EDIT: Energy Potions do in fact give more exp than Defence potions. So I'd say Energy from 35-63.
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