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Posts posted by Hannibal88

  1. Arkan had a great connection and i believe a different Java as he could 2 square a NW/SE catch whereas something would always prevent me doing this, it was never bad positioning or timing the game itself would just not allow me to catch a straight on those axis - i had to either run paralell, one square them (Also hard with my connection) or follow their line until they went straight for a square and get them then.


    I know some people had that program 'speed_set' that fiddled the 'fid' variable in-game and made your frame rate go really slow - made catching somewhat easier, if not a little weird, and 2 sq'ing NW/SE was possible.

  2. whats up bro, long time no see.


    drop me a pm of your new msn or something. <3:




    Richard! Long time no talk, mate. I still have the same hotmail address, but I'm rarely on buddy. I'll have to hop on-line and chat to you soon though and see how you're doing. :) If you're interested, you should hop on a rsc private server. Pm me if you need to.




    @ Timmos: I had a green phat that I bought for a half key in 02 I believe and I sold later down the line as I needed pking supplies. Bought the pink phat for 16m soon after (think that's just before the dupe happened - my luck, eh). I do remember the day of the dupe, though, I was at jungle spiders training and got a pm from a mate going crazy that people were selling phats for like 300k. I tele'd to varrock, hopped onto f2p world and traded a santa for a blue phat. Pity I had wasted 16m on a pink one months before. :(

  3. tnx for vids scott. funny to see how much ppl screamed auto ;) and how low we all hitted in fights on rsc compared to priv. servs lol. i spose the LT war was that one against reinét. we owned em hard tbh. \' remy published a pretty long and good vid about that war on lumbtrain forums back then. :cry: lumbytrain was hawt.




    LT was an awesome forum. I remember moderating the pking forum until getting into a massive argument how I was favouring people on the forum and not moderating them compared to others. Soon resigned. :lol:




    Good memories, those vids. :)

  4. On my very first character, I started off as a wizard. I think you got 7 mage automatically and a couple of runes. Then decided I'd make a warrior.




    Oh and I remember making archers for profit (or so I thought it'd be profit :lol: )




    Make a random name like 'sdjkasfpio'


    Login, drop the 10 arrows


    Make another char, drop 10 again etc. etc.


    Every few characters, login to my main and pick up and repeat.




    I soon got bored and realised it was a waste of time. :P

  5. I made these in like 2003 I think with my pure plate. Note the TERRIBLE stats of 60 50 60-70 in the vids, haha. :lol: Couple of clips are repeated - hey, I was like 14 at the time. #-o




    Anyway, for [cabbage]s 'n' giggles -




    P.S. Cheers to devinesaiyan for uploading. :P




    The first 5 vids are on my pure plate and the last is on my lil noob. Do excuse the horrid catching in the war video as I was on an American server and I could barely chase let alone click attack whilst they were on the same square. :oops:













    Lumbytrain vs Reinet war:










    My lil noob:







    Enjoy. :)

  6. I play p2p also. Low Fighter and I were pking last night and I noticed that there's basically 4 types of people on that server:




    1. People who play level 41 and border fight with a huge team.


    2. People who play level 118-123 and only fight with a huge team.


    3. People who prayer beast with 99 1 99 which is just boring.


    4. The old school guys who know what they're doing, but yet told they're 'noobs' and 'owned' because they don't decide to fight 4v1 against ibanners and another 3 with fire waves.




    Not a bad server, but slightly peeves me off the amount of immature morons on that server. Especially the tards on the forums that just spam typing '+1' in EVERY post of theirs and spam that global chat with 'hahaha you got 3 hit n00b!'




    *Facepalm* :wall:

  7. There are 39 people on server one and 22 people on server two. It's not worth going back to it, mate. However, jagex are re-releasing rs1 to the public, so if they keep their word it should be populated with newbs from rs2 and oldies alike. :)




    On a side note - nearly four years since...








    Wish I still had NTL cable. :lol:




    I know this is off topic, but how did you get on RSC if you haven't playing in over 1400 days? I thought your account was locked after 6 months...




    There was a certain cut-off point where if you did not log on within 6 months, you would not be able to get onto rs1. As long as you did, you can leave you character idle for as long as you wish and it'll still be there to log on.

  8. I can't stand the RSC private server community. It's just a bunch of punks and cheaters who flame each other about everything. There's a few normal people, but I don't think its worth it.




    I agree. The difference between the private server community is that the majority of them were young kids/early teens who started when rs1 was dying already and still haven't grown up compared to the young'ins who started back in 01/02 etc. who are now basically adults. I never thought at 20 I'd still even be uttering the word 'runescape'. :lol:

  9. There are 39 people on server one and 22 people on server two. It's not worth going back to it, mate. However, jagex are re-releasing rs1 to the public, so if they keep their word it should be populated with newbs from rs2 and oldies alike. :)




    On a side note - nearly four years since...








    Wish I still had NTL cable. :lol:

  10. PS. I think I still have 500+ kill JPG's on my old PC I could upload if anyone is interested in seeing some old names. They weren't all 'impressive' kills, I just decided to take a photo of every kill I got for a month or two. It brings back some memories looking through 'em though.


    ya man upload




    I agree - upload them. ;)

  11. [bleep] me, Kryptix. Long time no see. I remember pking with you and xdeanx (Ithink it was) a long, long time ago on da str pka (think this is you logging in below too) :P








    Oh, and that trade limit. Think jagex did it to stop people trading loads of cash for real life money because too many were using frauded credit cards and costing them reimbursements. Something like that.

  12. Agree with adx's post. Having admin'd on a server myself, it's piss easy to detect auto'ers. A command to teleport to a 'mod office', spawn npcs etc. is all you need. Fair enough, you'll probably get advanced scripts that will talk, log and such, but a good set of rules of etiquette when spawned by a mod or talked to would sort that out. That would mean afk'ers would be fine as afk'ers simply would log out after 5 mins of being teleported and would not attack npcs spawned in the mod office.




    Ok, enough rambling. Option 1 would obviously suit jagex most, but let's hope they don't make a mess of rs1 this time. :pray:

  13. Haha, starting a trend here! Strange, though - they seem to sucking up to the rs1'ers. Possibly in the lead up to rs1 being re-opened? :-k




    In fact, I bloody wonder when they're going to re-release rs1 now.




    @ DAVI: What up, buddy. You play rs2 at all? I've tried to play it, but I just kinda get bored way too easily. #-o

  14. Ok, I really was not expecting this. After appealing countless times since I was banned for the mass AR ban Jan 01 2004, I tried for the banter recently. The appeal was pending for about a week, and thinking it would be denied again, I checked today.








    Had to laugh when I seen these still in my bank (could have sworn I gave them to my pure plate days before the ban) and check how much these things have inflated hahah:








    How I done it?




    Wrote a pretty honest appeal. Just simply said I understand why it happened, I take it on the chin. I've read the updated rules, it's been 5 years for goodness sake, if we let it slide I'll start playing runescape2 HD because it looks 'different'.




    Why I done it?




    Sheerly for the banter to see if it would be accepted. And it was. :lol:

  15. I admin'ed on a server which a mate owned and we had a pretty big base for a while. Had only f2p pking and tweaked the combat/mage to near that of rs1. Sorta lost interest then that guy 'Tewl' somehow got it and changed it to 'piruonline' or something?

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