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Posts posted by Hannibal88

  1. My pure plate was around 50 40 80 or so when I pked at castle a lot and pbs would always attack me and eventually realising they would never win would always shout 'defence newb'. Always boiled my blood hearing that. :lol: Would always seem to win even against those pbs that had good attack like cianna, r h i n 0 etc.

  2. I have a RSC account, not like it matters. Terrible version of the game we have now that nobody plays anymore lol.




    As far as I'm concerned, rs2 is NOT a different 'version' of rs1. They are two different games altogether. Rs1 was a more simple game for those who did not want to nerd out on other MMORPGs that had about 900294832 different pieces of helmets to choose from etc. Rs1 was a simple game which produced a unique atmosphere due to the tight community within it (well, not so much in the later years when I can assume you joined).




    Anyway, if it was not for the 'terrible version', you would not have the game you have now to collect your charms and farm potatoes. What the hell is that about? :lol:

  3. Chose wizard for my first ever character. Then thought I was onto a winner by creating numerous rangers and trading arrows over, until I realised it was pretty time consuming and pointless. :thumbsup: Done it on rs2 also before they stopped you taking items from tutorial island. Dropped the arrows, talked to the dude, dropped, picked up, etc. etc. Then realised rs2 is utter [cabbage]e.

  4. Oh, quit whining rs2'ers. If it wasn't for people like myself, playing from 01/02, then YOU would not have a runescape to play. You guys that did not play rs1 really missed out. The simplicity; the irony of the beauty of such a shoddy looking game made it unbelievably unique.




    BlackKingX, you're not getting the point here. Rs1 players did not shun the game. A minority of botters, which turned into a majority unfortunately, ruined the game for everyone. There were still loyal players who did not macro. Albeit, if I'm being honest, I had been using AR 2.8 for quite a while when botting was low key and a private community. I'll admit that, but the fact remains that if rs1 had not gained the popularity it did, then you would not be on these forums as we speak.





  5. I've been doing the same routine for about 2, 3 months now and I reckon I should change things up so that I don't get used to it and not work as hard.




    Currently I do


    Bench, Incline , Decline


    Lat pull downs


    Bent over rows


    Dumbell curls


    Preacher curls


    Leg lifts






    I have a little idea of what to do, but thought I'd ask you blokes too - you seem to know what you're doing.




    You're doing too many isolations. Pretty bad routine, to be totally honest with you, mate. Stick to heavy weights with compound movements. I mean, unless I'm mistaken on 'leg lifts', you're not even training your legs. :-# Nor your shoulders. :-# Or doing deadlifts. :-#




    Stick to:




    Military press - shoulders


    Bent over row/pull ups - back


    Deadlifts - hams and lower back


    Squats - legs


    Bench press - chest


    Dips - triceps/some chest




    If you really want to add arm exercises or isolations in, then by all means do so. However, you train your biceps on rowing movements such as bent over row and sticking to those movements, you're going to grow all over. Not to mention more test and growth hormone production by lifting heavy and doing squats/deadlifts.




    If you're not gaining doing 5x5 or 3-4x8 on that routine, three times a week Monday/Wednesday/Friday, then your diet needs a look at instead.

  6. No, I understand that legs are stronger than arms, that's essentially a fact across the human race. What I'm saying is that him saying he can do 400lbs on the leg press is bull crap. He's either not extending right or not doing the sets right, or probably both. A set at 400 lb no the leg press is at or beyond world champion weight lifting level mate.




    The 1000lb thing is even more bs. That's not even humanly possible. I mean, for christ's sake, the leg press machine at my university gym doesn't even go past 310 people.




    EDIT: Strange, something is off about this. Doing a bit more research I'm seeing claims of up to 2,000 pounds- it seems that there's a combination of artificially high numbers and different form that makes it easier to life more. With limited extension I can leg press over the 310 limit on the machine, but with my knees close to my chest I can't break 200. More research is required to understand this easier version of the leg press, but first I must eat...




    What are you talking about? 400lb leg pressing is beyond 'world champion' weight lifting level, haha? Professional IFBB bodybuilders, who aren't even as strong as powerlifters, can leg press 2000+lbs. Yes, that's full extension reps on the leg press. No argument about it.




    Edit: Oh, I see you know what it is now. Never seen your previous post there. Never mind.

  7. oh yea, wanted to say something else. today is no school for me. yesterday I saw this dude who last year had no arms and now, all of a sudden, has toned arms! like wtf? obviously steroids, as he is never at the gym and whenever I see him at my gym class, he cant even do 15 push ups. Its pathetic ppl who take steroids.




    thats it.




    Hahahaha. I'm sorry for laughing, but that is funny. Don't accuse someone of steroids because they've put on some muscle. If he was on steroids, he would not be managing 15 push ups if he's mid cycle or had a cycle or two under his belt. That's absurd.




    I keep seeing this word 'toned' on here, all too often. TONED is a state that your body can be in; in other words a way to describe one's body. You CANNOT tone a muscle and you cannot do 'toning' reps with higher reps and lower weight.




    To get 'toned', you need to grow in muscle mass and also lose body fat, therefore making you more 'toned'. Basially 'lean' with muscle.




    For the last time now, so the toners understand - IT DOES NOT EXIST. Lift heavy for 5x5 or 3x8-12 and you're onto a winner for hypertrophy and strength gains. Don't be led into this silly toning word.





  8. Why is there a massive discussion on how to train your abs? If you want abs:




    1. Diet is 90% - that's probably an under-estimate, also.


    2. Do compound movements that work your whole body. Forget about doing bloody leg raises etc. just do heavy squats and heavy deadlifts and you'll soon feel your core being worked.




    Muscles are built in the kitchen.




    You need to pick a goal:




    1. Lose fat -




    Eat 500 cals below your BMR, keeping carbs to breakfast and PWO. Keep eating GOOD fats and keep protein high to make sure you're not losing muscle as well as fat.




    You'll build muscle at a very slow rate if you aren't eating enough, so if your goal is to lose body fat, then forget about building much muscle, because you need to eat to build mass.




    Also, anyone who tells you cardio is the best for losing weight clearly doesn't know that much about working out. For example, which of the two scenarios below would you prefer:




    i) Doing cardio, putting yourself at risk of being in a catabolic state and losing muscle.


    ii) Doing weights, not perhaps expending as many calories as cardio, but gaining some lean muscle (very slowly of course on a cutting diet), raising testosterone which aids in fat loss and therefore raising your resting metabolism due to your lean mass being higher.




    I know which one I'd choose.




    2. Gain muscle -




    If you're serious about building yourself up, then you need to leave most of the isolation exercises at the door. Ask any bodybuilder and they'd have a noob to weights on compound movements, to add all over mass. It's not an exact science, but basically:




    1. Eat 500 more than your BMR of quality calories. (Can't even be bothered getting into macronutrient ratios much, but something like 40/30/30 - protein/carbs/fat) Find what works for YOU.




    2. Stick to heavy weights, changing the reps and sets every few weeks to keep your body guessing. Forget about this toning crap - it does not exist doing many reps and 'toning' a muscle. NO. If you're not lifting heavy, you're wasting a lot of your own time.




    3. Do this 3 times a week, four at most. Squats, deadlifts, military press, dips, bench press, bent over row and some isolations if you want such as incline/decline DB press variations, bicep curls etc. Doing it 3-4 times a week is more than enough, as overtraining is just as bad as not training.




    4. Sleep. Get your rest and loads of it.




    5. Forget supplements. There is no magic drug out there that will make you get the body you desire, and that even includes steroids. As much as the media will make out that steroids will make you massive in about 24 hours, you need to put just as much work and effort into working out and eating properly 6-8 times a day.




    6. Be patient.




    7. Don't care if you don't see those 'kewl abz' whilst bulking. Come a year, you can strip any excess fat you may have and actually have some muscle to show for, instead of looking like a malnourished skinny kid.




    8. If you are putting on some body fat whilst trying to gain muscle, then make sure you're eating the proper foods. If you are, and still putting on fat, then down your calorie intake by a few hundred.




    Simple. That's basically it in a nutshell.

  9. could anyone name me some good ways to build good muscles in my arms yet still keep a good amount of fat on my body?


    I know it may sound weird, but I would prefer it, for practical reasons




    Simple. Train your legs.




    I'm not even joking.

  10. We wouldn't have a weight epidemic if the media would not throw out [cabbage] diet trends and rubbish on how to eat properly. Examples:




    Eat 5-7 portions of fruit a day!




    Err. Fruit is a simple carb, full of sugar. Loads of fruit causes insulin sensitivity and will raise carb sensitivity and calories being stored as fat stores.




    Eat a 'balanced' diet!




    No, please don't. Eat 40% carbs (low GI), eat 40% lean protein and 20% good fats (unsaturates, omegas etc).




    Today's fad diet! Starving yourself!




    Starving yourself only makes your body cling on for dear life to your fat stores because the body is wondering when it will get its next meal.




    Thing is, even if kids were taken in by the government for help on how to eat healthily, the top 'nutritionists' and personal trainers will have them on some crap routine and diet that it'll hardly be worth it. :roll:

  11. What a monumental waste of time. I suppose that's the genre nerds are used to I suppose, so whatev I guess.




    I totally agree that this 'game' is pointless, and I could rather spend my time excelling at something worthwhile instead of a pointless stacking of cups game. However, if it floats your boat, then fair play and I don't think I'd be able to do it if I tried.




    The reason I quoted this guy, though, is that the sig and avatar is awashed with all that 'anime' crap, and that's even sadder than this speed stacking thing. I believe there's a name for calling someone a 'nerd' with that type of childish 'anime' nonsense over your profile -





  12. How about I do a lot of running which has given me a fast metabolism, which burns calories much faster than just having muscle. I then do weights and gain muscle, which appears toned because I have a fast metabolism from running which burns the calories before being stored? Then If I don't do weights and still have my huge appetite, I won't gain lose muscle and gain fat because of my running.




    Running won't make you skinnier unless you already have enough fat, my legs have gained a lot of muscle from running relative to the little amount of weigh lifting I did at the time.




    This depends on what type of cardio we're talking about. Interval training can be anabolic in that it aids explosiveness in the muscle fibres, slow-steady state cardio such as walking is neither and will aid in burning calories and then 60-70% pace for long sessions is catabolic.




    Irrelevant of that, you're telling me that by doing cardio once a day, you're going to burn more calories through quick metabolism than eating properly and having muscle mass? Eating 6 times a day, protein with every meal means that your digestive system is essentially using calories to digest protein, as it needs more calories to digest than any other macronutrient. Add that then with the fact your resting metabolism will be sky high when you're lean with muscle mass, I'm sure there's no contest in that the latter wins.




    To build muscle for you to look 'toned', you NEED those stored calories. You seem to think being in a calorie deficit is a good thing when trying to look good, but really all you're doing is setting yourself up to look like a stick figure. You need more calories to aid muscle growth, that's the fact of it, and if you're using those calories to run then you're going to end up in calorie deficit, which then will lead your body to feeding off aminos and protein stands in your muscles for nourishment which is called being in a catabolic state.




    I don't mean to sound rude, so I hope you don't take it that way, but I think you need to read up on the differences between anabolism, catabolism and also metabolism that running is not the only way to increase one's metabolism.

  13. He said he isn't in shape, doing weights and eating doesn't make one fit. It will work to bulk him up, but what about when he doesn't want to do as much weights anymore, or he is at the size he wants? If he bulks up quickly, and then slows down it turns into fat because he isn't burning the calories to match his then huge appetite. If he bulks up a little slower but gets fit, his metabolism speed will shoot up and his muscles will be tone and have shape rather than just be big, and he will easily burn off the unused calories he will eat when he slows down with the weights. Of course a little fitness work should continue afterward, but that's just common sense.




    Also high reps of lower weights targets a different energy system which burns fat, which in turn tones muscles. You can't target areas but the fat comes off regardless.




    I realise that this has already been replied to, but I thought I'd add some stuff.




    No offense, mate, but your first paragraph is something out of those bull '6-minute abs' advertisements. You cannot TONE muscle. If you lift heavy for a session of 40-60 minutes, try and tell me your heart rate isn't beating rapidly and you're sweating unbelievably. If you aren't, then you aren't lifting heavy enough or with enough intensity.




    The bit about the difference between bulking quickly and slowly in order to *cringes*.. 'tone', is absolute nonsense. Muscle cannot grow in different ways, whether that be 'shaped' or 'big'. That's down to your genetics, the way your muscles will grow. You don't grow big muscles overnight, it takes years to build significant muscle mass and then added with a cutting regime, then you'll be, to use this commonly used phrase - 'toned'.




    The contrary is to be said for your thoughts on metabolism. The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you burn by sitting down or resting. If the OP was to lift weights to look good or 'get in shape', and then stop when he achieved that, then he'd be stupid to do so. Muscle cannot turn into fat, but it can waste away as proteins are stripped away from it for nutrients if you're malnourished, but that takes a lot of time when you've gained significant mass.




    You need to realise, judging by the last sentence of what you typed, that muscle building and fat burning are two entirely different things. Put it this way:




    (A) - My way of building muscle that I have reiterated:




    Lift heavy, eat above your BMR, sleep heavy and you will grow muscle. If you keep your workouts intense, then you'll keep fat gains to a bare minimum. The OP wants to 'get in shape', and he's not going to look in shape by losing more fat, he's going to look even more skinny which is not a good look.




    (B) - Your way of 'toning' muscle:




    Lift low weights, high reps which will burn fat and then will 'tone' muscle. I'll just add a bit there to ask you where exactly did you get that from? Unless you're using AAS (anabolic, androgenic steroids) or are still on 'noob gains' from starting weight training, losing fat and gaining muscle is a hard thing to do. That's what toning essentially is; gaining muscle and losing fat. You cannot stimulate muscle growth with low weight which will hardly break up a sweat, and therefore you're hardly going to be pushing yourself to expending much calories. It just makes no sense.




    Anyone who wants to know the no-bull approach to building muscle, I suggest you visit:





  14. Couldn't read half of the replies because I was cringing at the amount of uneducated people in bulking up. It's simple:




    Building bulk without fitness or at least toning isn't a good idea because it turns into fat easily without the faster metabolism to go with it.




    Just because one is eating more than their BMR does not mean they won't be 'fit'. Your body needs more nutrients than you burn in your daily activites to use to build muscle.




    'Toning' is a myth, also. Toning is essentially building muscle and reducing body fat. High reps of lower weights won't get you 'toned', it'll just waste your time.




    The point of bulking up is to add weight, and unless you have amasing genetics, you will add some body fat. However, if you keep your food sources clean and be very strict on keeping your calories only about 500 above your BMR, then your body fat percentage won't go up much at all. When people are adding too much fat when bulking, then they're either dirty bulking, whereby eating foods from 'unclean' sources, or are simply eating far too much.

  15. Couldn't read half of the replies because I was cringing at the amount of uneducated people in bulking up. It's simple:




    1. Put together a full body routine including mostly COMPOUND moves and a few isolations if you want. Compounds are military press, squats, deadlifts, dips, bench press, bent over row etc. which will put overall mass on you quicker than silly isolation exercises.




    2. Want to put on muscle and you're not eating more than your BMR? Forget about it, then. Calorie surplus + heavy lifting = growth. 6 meals a day, protein the core of every meal with carbs. Do not neglect good fats such as nuts, fish oil etc.




    3. DON'T neglect your legs. Training your legs releases growth hormone, adrenaline and also more importantly testosterone.




    Eat big + lift big + sleep hard = muscle growth.

  16. RuneScape is better than it ever has been.


    You gotta be kidding me right?




    I'm going to have to agree with him. We can actually play the game without every spot being crowded with bots/goldfarmers. Also the community is -somewhat- more refined, as it was thinned out of the stereotypical obnoxious pure/pker. In addition to that, scamming was completely eliminated,even though the trade limit is kind of annoying. I'm finding the game more enjoyable even with less freedom because I don't have to fight with bots to play and never have to worry about being cheated out of my stuff.




    Stereotypical or obnoxious pkers, as you describe, were part of the beauty of rs. You could be who you wanted to, build your ego by becoming known and play your part accordingly. I don't play rs2, but from what I understand now it's basically gather a huge team, enter BH and attack anyone with numerous confusing spells for some ranger gear and possibly a little dagger which the other guy will probably protect. Now it's a bunch of good old cheery happy players who can share their loot from kills. Oh, how fun, now let's all hold hands and sing songs how botters do not exist and exchange flowers! :shame:




    If you were ever scammed on rs, it was down to one's own stupidity. Now rs is suited to welcoming new players and it seems every single time they do an update, they [cabbage] upon the players that built up their game to what it is today.

  17. There's what rune weapons were like:




    (From top left going through the rows)




    r2h, rune long


    rune short, rune dagger


    rune scimitar, rune battle axe


    rune hatchet, rune mace






















    (From left to right)




    Gold amulet, sapphire amulet of magic, emerald amulet of protection, ruby amulet of strength, diamond amulet of power, amulet of accuracy


    Brass necklace, gold necklace, sapphire necklace, emerald necklace, ruby necklace, diamond necklace


    Gold ring, sapphire ring, emerald ring, ruby ring, diamond ring













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