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Lower Levelled

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Everything posted by Lower Levelled

  1. Lower Levelled


    Think my original account didn't join you til 2010.. :(
  2. Lower Levelled


    It's been awhile since I've played myself. I need to check to see if I still have a subscription or not
  3. Lower Levelled


    I, however, care an excessive amount about your run ins with cashiersBut but...at least mine had an implied pun in it...After rereading the thread I now see Arc was trying to say he didn't care about me shitting not that he didn't care about low's pregnancy situation. Comes off as far less of a [bleep] lol Lol yeah of course, I probably should have quoted your post instead to make that clearer.My b fam
  4. Lower Levelled


    I, however, care an excessive amount about your run ins with cashiers
  5. Lower Levelled


    Told both sets of parents about the impending offspring. Did not go as poorly as I thought it might.
  6. Lower Levelled


    Any chance for family to help out until you graduate?Yes. Haven't told them yet, though. It will mean a lot to my dad that I sought out a second job, he's old school like that.
  7. Lower Levelled


    Planned Parenthood confirmed our suspicions. I applied for jobs, got hired as a delivery driver for papa johns. So it goes.
  8. Lower Levelled


    We are going to planned parenthood Thursday to confirm and see what our options are.
  9. Lower Levelled


    Yes. She's not comfortable with either option. Tbh I'm open to thinking about them, but I don't think I could ever ultimately give up a child.
  10. Lower Levelled


    Yeah.. so still no period. Pretty much a guarantee at that she truly is pregnant at this point. She's taking it far worse than I am, which is understandable since she is the one that has to sacrifice the most. I wish she was the same year as me in school, I don't know what we are going to do next year. I don't know where the thing is going to live. We've only been together since the spring and I don't particularly know if we should move in together since we still have a lot to learn about one another. Her dad is the super old school catholic type so I'm wondering if he's going to kick my ass when we tell him. They'll act like the world is ending, whereas my parents will immediately be pragmatic and supportive
  11. Lower Levelled


    I'll write a longer post later.. the tldr version is that we don't know exactly which time something happened. Her period being late was the first time we knew something was up. It's now been 6 days late so she decided to take a test yesterday. She's taken 4 pee tests, all positive. Different brands, too. We are setting up a Dr's appt later in the week to confirm, but I feel [bleep]ed. She's not on the pill, and lust has gotten the better of us several times over the last 6 months when we were drunk and condoms weren't accessible Edit to add, I always pull out. I know that's not super effective but just wanted to clarify I didn't bust in her
  12. Lower Levelled


    Girlfriend is pregnant. I'm a senior in college, she's a junior. She's a devout Catholic and won't consider giving up the child. I'm so [bleep]ing lost
  13. Lower Levelled


    What was the reason for the divorce and was the kid planned?
  14. Lower Levelled


    Student teaching full time for free since it's my senior year. I'm tired as [bleep], basically working 10 hour days for free [bleep]ing sucks
  15. Lower Levelled


    You don't owe them your friendship, brotein shake
  16. Lower Levelled


    [bleep] people that want you to burn bridges. It doesn't directly affect her if you maintain a friendship with the other person. That's her being insecure.
  17. Lower Levelled


    His rsn was ocialisiz, granted he quit well before I did, probably around when we started high school I'm 2009
  18. Lower Levelled


    Yeah, we graduated in the same class and we only had 28 students haha. Was one of my best friends, we used to scape together actually
  19. Lower Levelled


    Went to high school with one of the dudes that got silver on the US archery team
  20. Lower Levelled


    Can't wait till Trump writes a tell all
  21. Lower Levelled


    I thought about them WHEN I WAS, A YOUNG BOY
  22. Lower Levelled


    mcr was what all the softcore emo kids jerked to at my school
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