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Posts posted by Omali

  1. I'm astounded at the way this community acts towards those who wanted old school RuneScape. It's not enough that you simply disagree with people, a few of you have resorted to vilifying them, generalizing anyone who wanted the classic servers as whiny, "petulent children," abusive, and immature. God forbid Jagex had to delay an update because something you weren't interested in came out, you don't have to make it into a personal attack on the people who do like it.

    • Like 1
  2. I swear your parents must have been shot in a theatre by elitists if you hate them that much on every post you make involving them :razz:


    I wouldn't mind an infusion of fresh blood, and we've definitely been through that before.


    The theatre down the street puts more butter in their popcorn! *pow pow pow*


    I for one welcome our new newbie overlords. Maybe they'll be pleasant, that would be a welcome change over the current lot.

  3. id feel better if there was a counter vote. if you could vote no it would seem way more legitimate. at this point you are only giving voice to a vocal minority i would expect.




    I can understand their reason for not having one. The question is would you play, so the only response they need to care about are the people who say yes. They aren't gauging which opinion has the majority vote, they simply want to know how many people are interested in playing on the server. They have the easiest way to gauge, because people who are not interested should simply not vote. It's a system of "not interested until proven otherwise."

  4. I think most are over reacting about it to be honest. And EoC was a waste of money no doubt.


    They can add 90 tiered in the old system very easily. All they needed to do was add a tier LP boost to armours and give next something unique to it still had its value. That would of solved power creep. And there would of been room for better equipment for effects and higher damage.


    They just took the bad option in messing the game up totaly for the sake of Mod Marks crazy visions.


    And what about the transition to free trade? surely its a simular concept


    I love reading comments on how easy something is by armchair developers who clearly have no experience programming a game, let alone one as complicated as RuneScape, or running a business. You really need to get through the idea that it is nowhere near as simple as you think.

    • Like 1
  5. i agree with a lot of the statements here, having been both P2P and F2P, it is quite safe to say that not many ppl get 99's in F2P. However, i know the odd few who have, and have as a result purchased membership just for the cape. I do see JaGex's reasons for keeping it P2P.


    Yea, I get the whole idea of feeling pride in being pure f2p because the training is harder, there is more competition for resources, the methods are slower, and you have none of the free-exp mini-games and D&D's so getting a 99 takes a hell of a lot more time and grind. On the other hand, pure f2p'ers have to recognize that jumping around yelling "look at me, I not only will never pay, but I make my lack of payment a point of pride," doesn't help when petitioning a corporation for free stuff.

  6. Runescape has been going down hill ever since 2007 I remember when there were over 200-300k accounts logged on at one time, Now I see at max 80k and I hardly ever see a legit person playing. Majority of runescapes players enjoy the older runescape content than the new content. We aren't asking for EOC to be removed we are asking for a complete seperate server from the ones at the moment completely started from knew. If they spent as much time/money into this than they do with SoF/Solomons store they would have the recources to do this easily. The amount of people that would transfur to the new Pro-Eoc server they would make as much and if MORE money than they do with SoF/Solomons.


    Yea, I remember when RuneScape had a 75:25 bot to player ratio too. 2007 would be the year Jagex was reportedly banning ten thousand bots every week.

  7. so they still have not removed the 5k cw thingy. It is just amassing the it was even put there in first place, still dose not justify bots.

    good to see that they at least try and do something, I just wish there was more they could do.


    When I saw the 5k Castle Wars thing, I immediately thought "well I don't care about getting this cape anymore." I already know the odds of me hitting 99 in everything are slim enough, but with 5k castle wars I just don't care anymore.

  8. Can anyone access this thread? I'm trying to figure out if it links to the high level forums or to some kind of private Jmod/Pmod forum:


    [use Quick Find Code]/c=SXypBZ5UUHU/[Please Use QuickFind Code]?259,260,916,64169690






    I'm guessing he didn't actually read the article I wrote, since I say several times that Jagex would never be shut down because the procedure means Companies House doesn't view them as actively doing business, something which is pretty hard to miss for the biggest MMO developer in the country.

  9. I miss it aswell, saw how it's just another console game or any other hacknslash game out there.


    As opposed to the previous combat system which was about as mind-numbingly boring as the rest of the game.

  10. <*checks world list*>


    Good thing I quit IdiotScape already. Investors and Jagex's current staff are DEFINITELY trying to kill off F2P. Makes me wish Andrew Gower would come back and take everything back over. At least he KNEW how to keep everything on an even keel. I would suggest that as many P2P as possible cancel their subscriptions until Jagex gets it through their heads not to kill what made them. You know, F2P-gone-P2P... Heck, last I heard, there were a lot of P2P'ers already upset by Jagex doing these bad things to F2P. Unfortunately, the only way that Jagex will understand is via a hit to their cash pockets, the only spot where a point can be put across. <_<


    ~Mr. D. V. "Glad to be RS-less!" Devnull




    (p.s.: Seems like all big businesses end up falling down into this death pit.)


    Feel free to stop posting in the RS section if all you're going to do is have a tantrum and mention how happy you are to not be playing anymore.

    • Like 8
  11. hello all EOC Haters


    The only thing Jagex understands is our money. Therefore I implore all fellow haters of the EOC update to Cancel their monthly subscriptions


    Please send a written request for a refund for all remaining days of your membership to [email protected] om They wont refund you but by doing this, it will tell them just how serious we are


    Send a e-mail to [email protected] om & tell them why you cancelled your subscription. Tell them why you wont renew your membership & Tell them why you don't like the EOC update


    Consider Joining a Recognized Runescape Fan Site to sign the various petitions & join the class action Lawsuit. We wont get the old game back unless we fight for it. We must Stand united


    I beg all the players that hate the EOC to Cancel their subscriptions & to Log off. Lets fight to bring back the old Combat system So who's with me?


    We must fight the good fight we must rage against the dying of the light. We must not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Dylan Thomas 1914–1953


    Fight I say! Fight For our rights! But we must do so with polite means. Which means we need to mind our language. If you swear or use many bad insults or other words of that nature you risk having your post hidden


    I ask all the EOC haters to Join the Class action Lawsuit & to sign the various Petitions demanding/requesting Jagex to roll back the EOC update of Runescape or split the game in 2 & give us the choice to either play Runescape 3 or to play our beloved game on Runescape 2 servers


    All we can do is join forces & fight together. We must make Jagex listen to our complaints since they are ignoring us. I've been forum banned twice now for posting my dislike of the EOC & imploring other players that hate the EOC to join in


    We must Join up on Facebook or Join Up on Recognized Runescape Fan-sites join only the ones Jagex has advertised & posted links for be safe


    Copy & paste this message to spread the word


    Suing Jagex, lmfao.


    I've always wondered what it'd look like if an entire website was run by entitled children. Now I know. Read the "Msgs to Jagex" page, it's so pathetic it actually hurts.

  12. I am so relieved I actually got round to doing the Fight Kiln. Now all I have to do is get level 90 in Herblore, Prayer, Runecrafting, Thieving, Slayer and Fishing. They certainly weren't kidding when they called this high-level content.


    If it's any solace, you only need 90 in one skill to at least participate. Luckily my 95 fishing will mean I don't have to sit out Player owned ports completely.

  13. Having everywhere be multi is retarded. Safe FFA is a mess where you can't take one step inside without being instantly annhilated by giant clans.


    Single-Way Wilderness

    Basic Ability


    "Toggle between using single-way and multi-way combat while in the wilderness. Changing this setting takes 10 seconds and will be interrupted if you perform any actions or are attacked while changing. This setting is retained across death and log-out."


    Maybe take some time to know what you're talking about before throwing a temper tantrum.

  14. Is that implying you would be able to do better?

    Then please, do apply for Jagex.

    I have no doubt that I could.


    Even if they switched to a PunkBuster/HackShield, with said companies in the past we had bypasses released minutes after they'd update. >.<


    I'd pay to see this. If you think you can make a better system, do it, and present it. Looking at Jacmob, you'll probably end up with a cushy job at Jagex.

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