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Posts posted by Omali

  1. They're already giving a massive middle finger to the pure community with the very update we're supposed to be talking about here, while the update I'm suggesting could make runecrafting much more useful than it already is while allowing mages to use less resources when casting spells. Win-win for both sides, with the only people being alienated being the ones who haven't bothered training rcing, but who hasn't with the Runespan?


    Not the same. Jagex has said time and time again that they do not recognize combat pures or skiller pures as legitimate ways to play the game, and have warned them time and time again that updates are not made with pures in mind. I remember a Jagex mod commenting on a rant back when certain equipment was given defense requirements so pures couldn't use them (I can't remember what), that pures should not be surprised if Jagex updates the game to break their playstyle because they consider it as gaming the system.

  2. To be quite honest, I wouldn't mind seeing runes get taken out of the game, and instead runecrafting is turned into an enchanting skill of sorts. It would make sense as an "advance in technology" kind of update.


    It would have to be one hell of a quest to smoothly remove the runes from the culture of man in this Age as well as their dependency on them - and then whatever miraculous change that is would have to be a world-wide event that would suddenly allow the human race to work magic without runes.


    I personally don't think it can be done, or will be done, within our "play-lifetimes." There's no real point. Such a revolutionary change would be the start of a new Age, and we're already lining up one to start with the climax of re-emerged Elder Gods etc.

    We can already infuse staves with the power of runes, and we can already infuse items with runes, why not infuse staves with spells? I know we're off-topic here, but I can see it feasible and not game-breaking at all to restructure RCing into an enchanting skill, then incorporate staff-imbuing into it. Extra spells not covered by the staff could be covered by tablets instead.


    Doesn't matter. Jagex would never remove or radically alter a skill to remove its primary focus because they would be opening the door and giving the middle finger to the massive swaths of the community as they walk out.

  3. If you need to use magic stones to cast magic, then I'm sorry but you're not a mage.


    I suggest you brush up on RuneScape lore. The whole point of the rune stone is that since humans were not capable of magic on their own, Guthix created rune stones to allow them to channel it in with training. When the God Wars ended, the rune supply had been drained and the gods had long since departed. Over time, the Freminik discovered that the Stone of Jas had left behind the essence stone, which they found could create runes.


    So no, there are no humans capable of magic naturally, but that's the way the lore was written so both Jagex and the players now have to deal with it.

  4. This week's event doesn't unlock a piece of the suit, right?


    No it does not.

    All 4 outfit unlocks have come and gone.

    There is going to be a 'bonus' unlock in early september if you missed one of the 4.

    If you missed more than 1 of the 4 your still utterly screwed for getting it all.

    There may be a possibility that the bonus weekend will be worth more than 1 missed piece still, depends how many people are missing 2+ pieces I suppose. Either way I'll take part in the bonus event just to 100% guarantee I get myself the Steam Punk outfit even though I have done 4/4, 5/5 is better :)


    There is not.

    Jagex have said it will be be a single unlock for if you missed one previous weekend

    "While there’s no item unlock this weekend, don’t forget that we’re putting in an additional outfit-unlock weekend in early September, as a catch-up event. So if you missed an item unlock activity previously, you’ll be able to complete the catch-up activity in order to get access to the complete Mad Scientist Outfit. Sweet!"


    From the beta event BA post for this week.

    Note 'if you missed an item unlock' is in singular, not plural (which would be if you missed item unlocks). So it is for 1 item unlock.

    yeah but Jagex'sIVPex's word is worthless IMO, don't trust a thing they say til it's live content. In there eye's £ > keeping there word. Time will tell I suppose.


    Even when the content goes live, you can't assume that policy won't suddenly change.

  5. Yeah, I will admit it. It is hypocritical of me to make a big deal out of people complaining about something minor when I have done so myself.


    Well you do always come around in the end.

  6. theyll just make new accs and continue hosting anyways


    Yep. If Jagex were really committed to removing gambling from RuneScape they would have done something about the methods of gambling, like they did with the horse and dice. They don't even have to remove the items from the game, just:

    1.) Divide the mithril flowers into different seeds for different colors.

    2.) Take the random draw items and just make them repeat in succession instead of randomly. Like the Classic Cape will always go bar - arrow - etc.


    And none of this has any effect on the blackmarket dicing that takes place on IRC


    Not much you can do about that except make dicing against the rules, encourage players to report those advertising it. Getting rid of the in-game gambling would reduce a lot of the gambler's income, however.

    • Like 2
  7. theyll just make new accs and continue hosting anyways


    Yep. If Jagex were really committed to removing gambling from RuneScape they would have done something about the methods of gambling, like they did with the horse and dice. They don't even have to remove the items from the game, just:

    1.) Divide the mithril flowers into different seeds for different colors.

    2.) Take the random draw items and just make them repeat in succession instead of randomly. Like the Classic Cape will always go bar - arrow - etc.


    I still blame Jagex for all of this. They know that the community is a pack of wild, mostly unintelligent, animals and yet they still threw the meat out (dice). Now they'll find anything and everything to gamble with.


    Remember this is the same community that wanted Durial unbanned, expected Jagex to not ban players for exploiting that penguin bug allowing people to get thousands of points, and regularly wonder why Jagex bans players for killing each other where they shouldn't be.

    • Like 1
  8. Ah so you support Jagex crackdown on those unhappy with microtransactions? I suppose you don't mind the game sinking and dieing then either, or being milked while it dies.

    > Assuming anyone wants RuneScape to survive anymore.

    I want to know where people keep getting information about Runescape dying if microtransactions weren't released.


    You're asking for logical and factual details from a group of chronic whiners. You're trying to get water from a dry well.

  9. On the topic of being "set for life" from this glitch.


    $5,000,000 million USD, invested properly (through a professional), should bring in on average 2% return per year. Which is $100,000 USD. Which is very easy and comfortable to live off. I'm not saying that these kids sold enough gp to make $5 million, but if they had they could be "set for life".


    2%? Really? My checking account has a higher interest rate than that.

  10. next up they'll pm players not spinning ingame to reach there target of 130% player satisfaction, IVPex are dreaming big (£'s that is) :P


    Jagex are looking to take the Putin route.


    (If you don't get the reference, Vladimir Putin received 107% of the vote in Chechnya. More votes than people actually living there)

    • Like 1
  11. If more xp lamps before didn't do the trick, this will for sure. More SoF spins will have been bought this weekend than ever before.


    They will be disappointed. I bought 25 ($9.99) spins and received 1 fishing and 1 hunting pendant.


    And you are a big part of the problem, the people who "only" buy for the "science" of it, but when lots of people do the same, it sends a message that people like doing this and we should do more of it,.....


    I don't buy them for the science. I buy $10 in spins every other month or so when they do weekend specials because I'm an adult, I work 50+ hours a week on top of going to college full time fully funded by the money I make with said job, and I will spend the money I allocate toward leisure however I damn well please.

    • Like 5
  12. I care about the beta, but when I'm never really sure which week is a beta week and which isn't, I seriously can't be bothered to sift through the newsfeed for what I'm looking for. While I know you guys are right that they have been trying to be visible, there's just more that can be done considering the fact that they can't do away with the bullshit newsposts. Even a set-schedule, or something.


    It's right on the front page, and still is five days later. You have to "sift" through a whole six articles displayed on the front page to find it.

  13. I can't stand checking the front page because it's filled with crap articles touting shit I don't care about more often it is than actual important, time-released things.


    Well at least you admit that it is your fault.


    Personally I'm not chuffed about the suit either way. For however annoyed people are now that they miss it, it is still going to be another costume that winds up in Diango's inventory for 364 days of the year.

  14. I apologize for considering something I've put thousands of hours into important.


    It's okay, eventually you'll realize that video games are only temporary. You do recognize that eventually RuneScape will hit its peak in players and start its slide toward death, and your thousands of hours will be wasted regardless of what Jagex does simply because the game has become too old and antiquated for the market.

    • Like 1
  15. Why should someone show any respect towards somebody else who is paying for the downfall of RS?


    It's a simple and mature method called "minding your own business." For the same reason you wouldn't walk up to someone on the street and start berating them for wearing shoes from a brand you don't like, you don't go up to someone in RuneScape and start harassing them for wearing cash shop clothing.

    • Like 2
  16. i dont lurk around the forums and i dont play it anymore, l2 read lol.

    im just saying i checked it out today and frankly its horrible

    i cant see why all of you would continue to play.


    "I can't understand why someone would disagree with my clearly superior opinions."

    • Like 1
  17. if you think soloman's store wont be selling bonus xp items by the end of the year, you haven't been paying attention. Mod Mark basically said it when he announced no BXPW


    Jagex have said they won't sell non-cosmetic items in the solomon store. Obviously they can change their stance on this. However, *currently* the store doesn't sell non-cosmetic items. I refuse to judge based on possible future actions they could take. Their track record is not great (Wildy/Free Trade revival, Squeel of Fortune buying spins, and their change of heart about RWT) However, the store currently is perfectly fine.


    RuneScape's future lies in Maplestory. IVP is going to take Jagex exactly the same direction they did with Nexon.

  18. The problem with RuneScape is that the community always forms around the game plan of the developer, and for years Jagex's plan of action was to take everything mainstream in MMOs and completely disregard it.

  19. The idea of selling non-cosmetic items would be most viable, imagine the issues involved if only say 20% of the player base 'buys' an upgrade to say a major town i.e. graphical rework + quest bundle, then they'd have to create a clone of the same location and make the town almost instanced to stop non paying members not see the upgrade others paid to see. And besides that's what we pay our monthly membership for, future content/updates.


    Jagex has been doing pretty good with their phasing technology on a smaller scale while allowing players to see one another (IE: statues and a few other objects that appear/disappear based on quests), I don't doubt that with a few engine upgrades that they could easily introduce full town phasing. Not that I think the community would tolerate it.



    I can see this going in a few directions but the two I'd be the most mad about would be they either start selling items that aren't purely cosmetic and/or they start making us have to pay for some updates similar to the skill animations in the future. Not a fan at all.


    Take it from Turbine with Lord of the Rings Online. While they originally stated that no non-cosmetic equipment would be sold on the cash shop, once Warner Bros bought the company, all of that changed. They added in lower level armor with the explanation that, well hey, it's not like it's powerful or anything. Translate this to Jagex-speak, and you can quote me on this: When (not if) Jagex does introduce non-cosmetic equipment into RuneScape, it will be untradeable and they will use the comment of "much like Squeal of Fortune, you can't trade it, and if you drop it on death it is gone." I said in an earlier thread on Squeal of Fortune that they'll give the store a special name like "Gielinor Surplus" and the items will have a similar "lucky" tag, like "Requisitioned Dragon Warhammer."


    Solomon's Store will not remain cosmetic only, I can probably guarantee that.


    It's days like these that I miss Me_Hate_Libs. She would stomp around all adorable and then we'd have an argument about something.

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