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Posts posted by Omali

  1. It should also be noted that the computer software industry is the only industry we actively allow to get away with things like this. No other industry is allowed to sell things that don't work on a routine business while still being allowed to get repeat customers. And this is our fault, society as a whole. At some point we decided it was okay for a game developer to release a game for a console that literally doesn't have the hardware to run it properly, but if that brand new steak knife fails after 3 days use your going to flip out and take that sucker right back to the store. I'm not sure what went wrong, and I understand that there will always be bugs, but at some point we decided that it was okay to sell us stuff that was obviously broken or incomplete, as long as it's a computer program of some sort.


    That misses a pretty important point: There are billions of computer combinations in hardware and software and not enough manpower in the world to make a product work equally as well on all of them. And the software industry isn't alone in this, the pharmaceutical corporations have the same issue: No two people are alike. So instead of holding products until they work on 100% of people with no side effects, which is impossible, they put it out after it is effective with a certain percentage. It can be dangerous for some people for any number of reasons from allergies to sensitivities to ingredients, or not work at all for others, or be completely effective.

  2. There isn't anyone left who can make a big clan for people to gamble in safely. Fishy's spot will turn into the above; dozens of spam bots advertising various scam fc's. Starry already sold his gold, the damage was done. Banning fishy has just opened it up for dozens of smaller fc's to have a go, and I have no doubt people will get scammed as a result of this who otherwise wouldn't have.

    I suppose that Jagex getting the Pmod community involved is too much to ask for? Somebody's got to clean up the mess they left behind.

    Jagex's auto ban system currently goes after people who auto type for the rwt sites (visit worlds 1 or 2 in the ge to see the show). There are also some pmods who pick up the slack in the system (it has on days and off days, as they introduce new methods and jagex counters). When Jagex finally decides to turn this system on the gambling auto typers as well, I think you can expect the pmods to arrive in force, just as they did when during the phase when they were given permission to attempt to take back the grand exchange.


    If they can get it to the point where there are no reputable clans left, and its just scamming, then maybe, just maybe, they will unshackle their ban dragon and silver army.


    Did Jagex say that they'd be taking down gamblers? I know that the flowers were changed in the beta.

  3. I remember early on in the beta release, maybe mentioned in one of the videos, a the reason for not letting us wield any weapon in any hand. I believe they stated it was too much effort for such a small thing so they created offhand weapons. I think that was somewhere in the video where they stated Excalibur would be made the abyssal whips designated offhand.


    I can understand that. The way that RuneScape's system works is that each item is tied to its own animation set. I imagine allowing items to be equipped in other arms would require extensive changes to the way characters animate and to the item system itself.

  4. Scamming has always been in RuneScape, in force. The gambling popped up on Jagex's account when they figured it'd be a great idea to put dice into the game. Dicing evolved into a variety of other gambling techniques, and when Jagex eventually removed the dice, enough of the community realized how much money you could make screwing addicts out of their GP that it became the problem that it is today.

    wait, you're blaming jagex for putting die in the game when it was intended as a simple tool?


    meanwhile, gambling groups latch onto any randomized element in the game as a staging device and were the key instigators of the phenomenon


    and you're still here blaming jagex for the die


    I blame Jagex because after all these years, they still don't have someone with half a brain vetting their decisions. Maybe it's just because I have police in my family that work in cities, but I knew from the moment dice were announced that street-dicing would become a problem. You take an atmosphere that already caters to gambling addicts (MMOs in general do this, not just RuneScape) and throw a gambling tool and you'll have a few scummy people suckering a lot of gullible addicts.


    Years ago I got into an argument here because I said that with each update Jagex should be carefully factoring in how whatever they're going to add in can be manipulated, exploited, and abused, and someone accused me of not trusting the community. I don't, not in the slightest. I wouldn't trust the collective nature of this community to guard a steak sandwich, let alone trust them to not completely screw the atmosphere of the game in return for some money. And I blame Jagex for inserting that first injection of heroin that has spiraled into every world's Grand Exchange being spammed with "H/C 2x 419m pot," 24 hours a day. I also blame Jagex for not doing anything about it. Forget taking away two methods, if they want to express dissatisfaction, they should grow a pair and start removing the random-attribute items or make gambling a bannable offense.

    • Like 3
  5. Scamming has always been in RuneScape, in force. The gambling popped up on Jagex's account when they figured it'd be a great idea to put dice into the game. Dicing evolved into a variety of other gambling techniques, and when Jagex eventually removed the dice, enough of the community realized how much money you could make screwing addicts out of their GP that it became the problem that it is today.

    • Like 1
  6. What's got my head scratching is why so soon? It's not "ready" by anyone's standard. Even those people who want EOC deployed say it isn't ready. They have to KNOW it isn't ready. So, why do it now?


    Obviously, the only logical conclusion is that they feel it has to be in place because something else is in development and EOC needs to be in place for it. Right? Or am I leaping to conclusions?


    That is mostly correct. You have to remember that the longer Evolution of Combat is in development, the longer Jagex has to develop two versions of their content, to be consistent with both versions of the game. With how much EoC changes, it'd almost be as if Jagex were developing RuneScape and Classic side by side. Corporate could have also told them to hurry up, as Google is one of the few companies who want their products in beta for multiple years.


    Another idea that has already been polled here is that Jagex wants organic testing. Not just people who are in the game to methodically pick out bugs and inconsistencies, but you get much better feedback when a lot more people are just playing the game to play it and stumble across bugs that way.

    • Like 1
  7. Apparently they have decided to move the deadline for the mad scientist outfit. I find that somewhat annoying. I have a question or two regarding it: I did 3 events, lost P2P, got P2P again, did the 4th event. Will I still get the outfit? Second, I accidentally reimported my file from the live game to the beta after I had done all 4 events, will I still get the outfit?




    As for the Beta, I have been playing for the last 1-2 weeks, and my goodness is the place dead. There were literally 20 people playing during weekdays. I can't help but think that interest has waned down and people aren't really to enthusiastic about it. Are there polls on this? Jagex should host a poll.


    1. As long as you attend four "equipment" events, you'll get one. Apparently it's either all or none.

    2. Reimporting your file doesn't affect your event participation. If you had it pre-import, you'll have it afterward.


    As for the beta, this happens on all games when the beta goes on too long. I personally love the changes in beta, but considering that progress won't be saved, it isn't worth spending a whole lot of time on there. Once you get a feel for how the system will work, what's the point in staying on when nothing you do will carry over? It's a better use of time just to go and train up in live and wait for EoC to come out.

    • Like 1
  8. Agreed. It's not really worthwhile unless it's a skill you can't stand. It needs to be updated or something.

    I did always get a kick watching someone else play alongside of me and announce "wow 200 points" Uh-huh. I used to average in the 130's at best. There's no way you got 200 kid.


    "This guy is better at me than something, therefore not only is he a liar, he must also be a child."


    Solid logic.

    • Like 7
  9. Have Jagex added lag to slow down XP gains - nothing would surprise me!!


    Of course it wouldn't surprise you, you're on the lookout for something to complain about and someone to blame.


    Actually, If you follow the threads I respond to I very rarely criticise Jagex, given in the main they do a good job in trying circumstances whereby they cannot please everyone. On this occaision I found it very surprising to be working fine up to 1pm & then 'Bang' the infamous 2 step start stop walking routine.


    So your first inclination is to say that Jagex is deliberately causing lag as some conspiracy to reduce xp gain? When Jagex originally talked about ending the double exp weekend, one of the moderators (Mark, I believe) said that the reason was half economic and half technical. Maybe running one last bonus exp weekend is their way of solidifying with the community that the event seriously screws up the game.

  10. If it wasn't for that last paragraph mentioning the Solomon's Store (remember when they updated hairstyles for free?), I would have said that this will be a great month.


    But ah well, I like it how Jagex is updating old quests. I believe a Black Knight's Fortress quest is also in the works. Now they've got to update Rune Mysteries so that it's not a delivery quest anymore, and turn Vampire Slayer into a quest where you get to kill a sparkling vampire.


    K quitting rs now.


    [bleep] sparkly vampires.


    I'm joining your rage-quit, only if the "sparkly vampires" are named after the Twilight characters... :wall:


    Oh it gets worse, they're going to name them as puns of the Twilight characters. So instead of fighting Count Draynor, you will kill...

    DEADWARD CULLING! (dun dun dunnnnn) in order to save that girl whose name I can't remember but won't Google to find out.

    • Like 1
  11. We will also be offering a 'Choose Your Own Outfit' consumable. This item can be used on any of your favourite items to make them a cosmetic over-ride, in the same manner as the other Solomon Store items. Enter battle with a party hat or Halloween mask, when you are really wearing (and risking) a dragon full-helm, for example.


    Worst update I have ever heard of, this alone will crash rares.


    Well don't keep us waiting. Do tell how this will crash rares?

  12. I didn't know there were rs rant sites. Is this even legal?


    You're joking, right? As long as the guy isn't slandering Jagex (and even then they likely won't go after him), it isn't illegal to set up a website complaining about a product.


    In all honesty i've brought just over 1000 spins, and in doing so I can tell you for sure that this thing is so rigged from 'my personal' experience


    This guy reminds me of half of the other people who whine about Squeal of Fortune. "People who buy spins are terrible. Yes I bought exponentially more spins than the average person would, but I'm different."


    Well, There's proof right there that the wheel is rigged over 1/10,000 instead of 1/13 like shown.


    This player isn't too bright if he thinks that the ultra-rare (note the adjectives) were at a 1/13 chance just because there are 13 slots on the spin wheel.

  13. You're not the only person this has happened to Soniku, I've seen a few people saying they've had Chinese friends banned yesterday. Perhaps the bot update isn't all it's cracked up to be and Jagex resorted to "Ban China" as an alternative. Joking aside, this is a pretty serious problem. If the early stages of the nuke are catching innocent players in the net, what will happen when the main update is rolled out?


    I picture the Jagex offices in a big musical number.


    "Blame china! Blame China!

    It seems that everything's gone wrong since China came along.

    Blame China, Blame China!

    They're not even real players anyway."

    • Like 1
  14. False positive + reasonable doubt on both sides of the issue + swift and final justice = bad. I don't know Sonikku, and it's been the case that players that were thought to be outstanding members of the community wouldn't cheat (e.g. Duke Freedom), but hey - you never know...


    That was botting/cheating, this is goldfarming


    BloodArgon turned out to be a gold farmer. And we all know how he went out. Not saying Sonikku is, just a reminder that tip.it isn't exactly squeaky clean.






    Before I start, Id like you to take notice. The 19th, a 10 day ban was applied. This last offense was issued on the 23rd. How could I be online if I was banned?




    Anyway. I started back in 2005 or so, I really can't remember. My cousin got me to play it, I gave up after tutorial. I finally sat down with another account, and got to work. I didn't like the character, so I started over. I started over here. I gradually worked up my skills. I did a decent bit of quests, about 190 QP I believe. Everything was going great. My levels were gradually going up, and I barely realized how fast I was getting money and EXP. Hitting 70M cash, I finally decided to get 99 crafting, a bold long 99. But I finally got it. I cant remember the date, but the number to it was in my signature. Then, I decided to go for my second 99. Attack. This was also accomplished a few months later, and was a lot of fun getting it. Then my next 99, magic, was never completed. Stopped at about 97 magic because of the above.



    Now, your asking, why did this all end if your just an average player?


    Well, Im an average player, but not an honest one. Since Im already perm-a-banned, I figure why not go share all my dirties with everyone, what will Jagex do? Layer up my ban? More black marks? FUN!




    -I macroed a lot of mining, woodcutting, fishing, and combat. About 10M or so from this.


    -70M cash. Obtained by running a private server, playerbase of about 20,000 accounts, 20-30 daily users. Before the trade limit, spawning rights and modship was sold for about 500k RSGP each. I used to honestly sell it, but then I decided to IP ban anyone who bought it


    -Once up to the 70M, I decided to go for 99 crafting. Doing it legit? Nah. Too much time. Made a green body crafter for pest control island and hammered away making bodies while watching movies. No bans, got 99 in about two weeks.


    -At this point, my combat stats wernt all to good. So I got a macro someone else made for the fight caves, which camped in there, making about 30k xp per hour. Not great, but, hey, 10 hours of this is 300k per day. This is how I got 99 attack. Suffered a few bans in there, but, hey, nothing big.


    -Magic. I was looking for money. Brand new script came out by a skilled scripter that ran the MTA for you. Ran this for a lot of mage XP, and a grand total of I think 4 mages books. Two bans during this time.


    -I did some misc macroing with Yaks for range, Yaks for normal combat, yews for money, and just general stuff I was lazy to do.


    -My last macroing adventure was when I got the idea to build a smart script. It kept you in your house on building mode and alched, put you back in when you logged out. 0 randoms, and about 880 alchs per hour. Went from 94-97 magic with this. But sadly, that is where my chapter ends, with the perm-o-ban of doom.




    Its been a fun time here, cheating over the years, and it wasnt always about the game. I actually learned 90% of my java from running a private server for about two years, and creating the java based macros. Big learning experience.




    Whats next? Real life. Maybe Ill try my hand on a newb account for a little bit, maybe a month of members, but, hopefully I wont.


    Go ahead and flame all you want, Ill save the topic and post it in the Grr I was banned thread, but, for now, let at least some people share their opinions.


    Fire at will

  15. you got caught cheating, just accept it


    You must be new here. If you can't contribute to the thread, don't post.


    I think sharing IP with a major bot farmer and getting caught with a sweep. After all, even if you were just present in the group, Jagex doesn't just sweep the group regardless of where they are from. And as for some wanna-be mod, Jagex has said for years that they don't ban just because someone reported a player.


    Hopefully contacting support through the email listed in your thread in rants will come up with some answers.

    • Like 2
  16. I hope this is a mistake, but then again there have been a number of well-known members here at Tip.It who have turned out to be gold farmers. I think you're playing the victim card too hard by changing your signature to "omg jagflax baned me cuz Im chinese! der racest," and it's making me doubt your sincerity.

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  17. Hm, sounds interesting. But XP-wise, I'm more interested in the 'decent prayer xp' mentioned toward the end of the video.


    I call it at 250k.


    Not very much new info about Al-Kharid, but interesting nonetheless. Not sure what they mean by the "first signature hero quest". We've already had Xenia in Blood Pact and Raptor in Wending Through the Willows (or whatever the hell the name was) as well as a few other less significant cameos.


    The mention of the "new prayer training" towards the end got me excited. Hopefully this offsets the rise in price of dragon bones due to the bot nuke. Assuming bots aren't back within a week or two.


    Maybe they expect that this will be the first signature hero quest that newer players come across. Kinda like how they kept adding Mahjarrat quests earlier in the storyline than those that already existed, so the "first" quest was actually more of a prequel to current players, but newer players would see it first.

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