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Posts posted by pal2002

  1. funnniest thing i saw yesterday.

    i went to barb village to fish some food for myself to continue training (i'm a diy, hence i didnt buy it lol) and there were like 30 -> 40 bots jsut standing around. after some watching, i found out that they were fish-pickers. due to all the people/bots dropping their salmon/trout while grinding fly-fishing, these other bots picked up all their salmon and trout, and essentially then banked them i assume. well after some experimentation, i found out that their range of picking up was the mini-map. so being the smartass i am, i lured 30 bots to the black knight's fortress, killing 5-6 of them. t'was fun, and totally free, though due to the new death rules, you dont usually get anything as a drop.

    just thought i'd share. :P



    bot killing is the best.

    lmao there are bots picking up after othe bots now - are you [[bleep]ing] serious.


    but lol good job in luring the bots - not that short a distance.

  2. A PR stunt to sell RuneFest tickets. Maybe they couldn't find enough fanboys, so now they have to come to the real community, who pretty much all (to varying degrees) hate the new corporate Jagex.


    At this point NOTHING is going to convince me that Jagex is "trying their hardest" to stop bots. I like @totalpwnage's ideas and they're relatively easy to implement - but will it happen? NEVER. Jagex is way too dependent on the bots' membership $ to keep their wallets fat to care now.

  3. Jrhairychest


    Tell me, how many bots have you reported compared to the number out there? It is completely hopeless, especially with jagex refusing to even remove the reporting limit. I've personally spent hours reporting ess bots before even the botdemic or free trade only to be called vigiliante by other pmods. And guess what? Of the 20 bots i actually tracked -maybe 1 or 2 got temp bans. And this is before rollbacks/free trade!


    There is just 0 hope now when bots outnumber humans - even more true on f2p.


    And ...why shouldwe report when jagex had promised us such advanced anti bot technology?

  4. 110920013047.png

    Just spent an entire week getting this staff.

    Drops from 100m to 50m 40m in 1 day.

    Seriously, I'm ready to quit again.

    That's the awesome price gouging free trade for ya...


    Even IRL there's no such thing as 'free trading' in rs now - if something happens on a stock there would be SEC llimits and trade suspensions - but here in RS - we're all at the mercy of the investors merchants.

  5. Maybe I should put this in my sig, but I def don't play anymore. I speak out just for the sake of the game, and taking this on as a cause and whatnot.


    Do you realize that there is no rule for criticizing jagex but there are very clear rules against cheating? I really doubt even the pmods have to sign away their rights to criticism either.

    Ofc jagex has their right to demod jiblix - but that doesn't mean they're not quite frankly a jackass company to do so.

  6. Are you playing? Yes? Then stop making these stupid graph threads. Posting these won't get people to play RS more.

    No, I'm not playing.


    And no, I no longer spread word about rs -even though jagex has seen a dozen referrals from me over the years.

    It is shameful to go out and promote rs in its current bot infested state.


    I post these just to show that jagex is not getting more players from tacitly tolerating widespread cheating.

  7. @newb

    Honestly, if you likes rules and following rules that much, go move go china or north Korea. I was brought up with values of challenging the rules and do the right thing instead blindly following authority. If jagex actually enforced their own rules on cheating, none of us would give a damn. They did not enforce their own rules and their tos to us - and then punishes people for speaking out. That, is the sign of a immoral company.

  8. Pal, did Jagex kill your mother and eat your sister in front of you? You sure seem to love making these kinds of threads.

    Honestly, yes -or something similar the way they let bots get this bad over this little green pasture once known as rs.


    I would have loved to continue play a smaller rs with less bots, but not a 'bigger' rs where everyone bots.


    But here's the thing, even with the ton of bots (or is it because of bots), the game is still in decline.

  9. Jagex has a right not to mention the video publicly. But actually censoring the subject after it is mentioned is way too far. There is a difference between deleting spam vs censoring an entire subject, especially one of criticism, the latter is done only by communist regimes around the world.

    Ie. You can go find many Microsoft bashing threads in Microsoft forums or anti Obama comments on the white house site.


    And Pal' date=' not they aren't turning into one. They've been one for a while.



    Here's what makes me so sad and makes me still fight. Here is my story.


    Once upon a time in 2002, I remember Jagex in its infancy - what a naive noob I was, ended up giving away my pass to scammer - and I completely gave jagex crap recoveries + email when I registered....So, in pretty much desperation to get my lvl 40 char back (not bad then tbh) I actually emailed Jagex - when Jagex had a real contact email, giving them random details of my account - such as that random firemaking level that is not on the hiscores. Guess what, I got a PERSONAL email from a Jagex staff member from giving me my poor F2P account back and thanked me for playing their game. You have no idea how much that made me love this company - it is why I have decided to stay loyal to RS all of these years, and spread the word to everyone.


    For everyone who have thought I was always Jagex hater, let me tell you, I WAS THE BIGGEST JAGEX FANBOY EVER.


    It just saddens me so much to see how everything deteriorated so fast in the past few years with Andrew's sellout. This is not the Jagex I remember...certainly not the Jagex that touched me in 2002.

  11. I notice the video is still up on youtube and they haven't removed it yet, so i don't exactly see how you can say jagex is trying crush free speech lol.


    Demodding =/= silencing.

    You must have not been on RSOF when news of this first broke- there were hidden threads EVERYWHERE. If you don't think so, go make a jiblix thread on RSOF even now discussing the demodding and see what happens.


    Jagex has no legal right to remove that video - yes it has game foottage - but it is WAY on the side of "fair use" of US copyright law. It is a obviously a commentary. If it comes to an actual copyright fight, Jagex will not win.

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