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Everything posted by Dragon-xiv

  1. wow who gave you the tennis racket? lola freebie the convection :P
  2. otherwise?:o :P :shame: jk :P what about gummy strawberry with chocloate?:o
  3. well what about something you really didn't need or had already?:o
  4. thoughtful anyways a winner lol wonder how many people got socks we should do a poll:P
  5. Such strength :P lol 3.99 who got it for you? what type of pj's?:P
  6. sounds like a fansticanating book.. #-o whoever gave you that must have put alot of thought into it :P
  7. I decided to start this after i recieved something that i slipped in during our conversation i did not want... :wall: :wall: :wall: and it was a cup of a picture of me on it it's not that i don't find my face but seriously i can't process anyone face's at 4AM #-o in the morning and annoys me more that's in my face so i after politely saying I LOVED IT :^o which of course is a big fat :^o and shutting the door i shoved it into the back of washroom closet :D So what was everyone's elses most useless present of the year?
  8. i ave braces too and i swear to the banana goddess :ohnoes: that is not isn't being happening :o i suggest you slap your denist and make a appoiment A.S.A.P. Also it depends what your eating some stains can't be removed with just a tooth brush and toothpaste some of them last longer. anyways my teeth sometimes turn yellow because of the food i eat but never orange or black do u have clear braces or the ones with colors on them?
  9. wow you make me feel so good inside :P oh lol bananas thxs again any mac user here?
  10. lol i'm always on low detail nowsdays but anyway THXS SO MUCH dunno how mcuh to thanmk you and thank goodness :D anyway i'll go update my thingies and again thank you!
  11. could u explain 2) in more depth please sorry lol not really knowledgeable about computers :P and THXS SO MUCH :D Well i think i rest safe i use SAFARI EXPLORER VERISON 1.3.2(v212.6) it's not based on IE is thxs THXS SO MUCH AGAIN :D
  12. Are you sure it's a myth? and btw i cant' do house call cause i have a MAC and it's really old and it's crashes alot in appicaltion departement any other options thxs so much to ya too bubsa love your kirby avtar i just wanna pop him with a pin :D
  13. huh where do i get one of those i can't update it i don't have warrenty anymore where cna i can get screen keyboard for my mac? BTW I LOGGED IN ALREADY IF THERE IS A KEYLOGGER THEY KNOW MY PAS lol a 5 year old mac with 5 year old norton
  14. lol i just ran a 5 year OLD 5 YEAR OLD NORTON ANTI-VRUS SCANNER on my like 5 year old MAC so :P lol i don't know if it even has an effect anyway your the only who has replied yet so kudos to you I USE NOTPAD TO WRITE MY ESSAY'S cows i really need a new computer
  15. Nope there like super evil now days just go to the site and boom instant keylogger and good bye to your stuff nice signy btw :P
  16. well i have no idea why but i keep typing in runescape wrong in address bar i typed in Runesacape and agpoga there two websites talked about buy runescape gold etc should i be worried? seems more like a keylogger site? pS I HAVE AM AC NO IDEA WHERE TO LOOK FOR A KEY LOGGER SCANNER AND I CAN'T INSTALL MAC SCAN for some weird reason quits whenever i start it up thxs WOULD A NORTON ANTI-VIRUS SCAN FIND IT IF IT EXISTED but it really old xp :P
  17. i fell for the willows logs scam OMG slaps himself my green mask for 3m and 100k willows i thought it was 20 yes ok slap me here so i accepted :P now i'm slapping myself all over the head all my cash gone :o slaps himself evne more lost 12m my worst eva deal I'M MATHLESS! misread zeros:P
  18. i got 28.m cash which item should i stock in from shops? in masses or something?
  19. I sooo agree with the part of productiness it' A GAME PPLE ENJOY IT! :D Love the quote :D
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