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Everything posted by gizmo2k3

  1. awww, well i gonna collect parts, started on right skull halfs now and already got 2
  2. think i am the first to get this: 10 bottom parts after afking at flesh crawlers going for 10 staffs, any1 fancey a race :D :D pm if you wanna race to 10 complete staffs
  3. little bit of help from me: research on flesh crawler: level: 41 hp: 25 aggressive: for awhile till there use to you examine: 'i don't think inset repellent will work...' items: bottom of sceptre ash body runes (3-11) coins (49-51) steel arrows (5) 1x Silver Bar 42x Fire Runes 5x Nature Runes Uncut Sapphire 3-7 Noted Iron Ores herbs if you get anythin else post and i'll update P.S just got my 7th bottom septre drop from these guys - going for 10 :pray: credit: gizmo2k3, bashful
  4. little bit of help from me: research on flesh crawler: level: 41 hp: 25 aggressive: for awhile till there use to you examine: 'i don't think inset repellent will work...' items: bottom of sceptre iron ore (1) ash body runes (3-11) coins (49-51) steel arrows (5) if you get anythin else post anc i'll update, can use in date base :D
  5. i did start to notice that, also i seem to get alot more mines and random events than anywhere else, you noticed that yet? maybe it one of jagexes hotspots for randoms? can someone comment on my working out, this the biggest things i done for tip.it atm
  6. in RSC it was called a champions cape but they changed it but alot of vetran RSC f2pers kept callin it a champs cape, it also makes an appearence in one of the quest but i can't remember what one
  7. nah i didn't notice them. purley because i always come past the jail and straigh down that side, so i always miss the rat holes, i only noticed today because i was coming down from fally through mining area and down past chruch
  8. well i am a level 87, and so it is hard for me to power train in f2p, but i think i found a good monster to power train on, i mean i can go like about 5 hours non stop trainin on them and still have a lobbie or 2 left at the end, now what i am sayin is that pirates are good pwoertrainin monsters, and here are my personal reasons: high-ish HP points pretty low defence very quiet trainin spot fairly decent drops: drops i like: nats (2) laws (2) coins ( most i got once was 100) all basic elemtental runes also what i like is that they drop runes so u can pci kup the bones and use bones to bannanas, so you could recycle your drops and stay there for ages also they don't hit hard, what i wear to go down there in: rune full helmet full dragon hide rune kite rune scimitar str ammy leather boots 'champs' cape and in my inventory: full lobbies, tellie rune space for other objects, about 4 spaces and it is realli fast trainin xp so if you want to join me come down and give it ago, also add me so we can train together and chat rs name: gizmo2k3 i also did abit more research and came up with this: kills in 1 minute: 5 ( shocking for me, hit poorly ) so in 1 minute i can kill 5, 5 x 60 = 300 pirates an hour pirates also have 23 hp 23 x 300 = 6900 damage inflicted training one certain skill, exapmle atm i'm trainin attack, you get 4xp points for each hit: 4 x 6900 = 27.6k an hour not bad for a f2p training spot i don't think, 27.5k would be the minimum i would probably be gettin, so on certain days i can traib for 5 hours on the trot, so that would be: 27600 x 5 = 138k every 5 hours, and if i train that each day then i could gain maybe 2 levels each day, post your thoughts and any corrections if you find any in my research
  9. mine was sellin 3 purples, 2 reds and 5 yellow partie hats to the general store so i could pay the toll to get 2 al kharid :cry: :cry: #-o #-o p.s if anyone want to add me ingame i caht to anyone, rs name gizmo23k :o
  10. well i train alot down in the ice caves and this morning when i past the thugs i noticed this and iswear i never seem it befor any idea because i can't put any dungeon to it or anything, part of a new up-date soon to come or something, i had an idea but it a roguh one, maybe they will put a giant rat, because walking past the moestry there are now rat holes like the mole holes, and maybe they will put a giant rat inside it, dunno just an idea, what do you think
  11. omg i could work for them as i have 'A' levels in media and engineering :shock: :shock: i would realli work for jagex for the gym membership
  12. mine is: guthans helmet dharok body torag legs ( all from barrows chest so i never gt rid of dem ) dragon square whip barrows gloves climbing boots berserker ring fury obby cape inventory: money normal str and att pots
  13. just a thought, does this mean you can do claws of guthix without doing mage areana, because if you need a staff to cast it u got it after mini game, but now you can get a second option without doing it
  14. ahhh right, sorry i f2p atm and thought you could :lol: :lol: and my staker hasn't tried construction yet
  15. what i found out is that at level 75 construction you can plant magic trees, and if you have the demon butler, you can cut a full load and give to him to take it to the bank, although you have to pay him i think, your gain will be greater than your losses, although on the down side 75 construction would cost a bundle, although i got aload of oak logs from f2p cuttin so i should be sorted :D :D
  16. Just go through your friend's place. i don't have rs friends, when ever i reach out people they call me a noob, even tho i own them like a tax collector :lol:
  17. i was thinkin a ting scam could be done, people staking herald helms if they can, then switch it to the initate helm, so it looks like it the new one so even if you win you get a rubbish helmet, nto that big i know
  18. i don't mind being poor, sometimes its more fun because it makes the game more challenging because you don't have the best and makes it just that little bit tougher, like i think people have more fun doing fight caves with no guthan = more challenging, slayer without guthans = more challenging and greater feeling when you can hunt demons for whips
  19. HOLY COW YOU CAN GET THERE ASWELL :shock: :shock: :shock: i can get blood barrage now with 1 prayer...but first i gotta get construction :wink: :wink: but afew i think i will get anicents because that was the only thing holding me back from gettin it, the prayer so time to start no lifing construction and then i can own hard in duel areana
  20. emmm some major problems with your way 1) how do you pick ou tokkuls 2) how do you heal if you get low 3) what happens when you get random events 4) how do you auto fight when they are non aggressive monsters anyway mine is mine gold and sell it to shop simple and quick
  21. just thinking, afew months ago someone said that the castle war banners should be allowed out of arena so clans can go to war with their banner in front, look quite sweet, now i guess they can do that
  22. freeze for me, your not going emo are you? if he is PEOPLE DON'T GIVE HIM IDEAS
  23. yey congratz to THE VALOR, a tip.iter is first go him :D :D
  24. lol thats nothing, to get a steel dragon to guard your treasure room is 10million :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
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