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Everything posted by gizmo2k3

  1. jwrm22 is in my post, i feel so honoured :D :D
  2. well as i was on a role with all my staking on b4rr4ge i was up by about 25 mill ( started off with 2 mill and rest is profit :P ) and i decided to go to fally to buy afew things like afew mage bits and so on, and i walked up north just to check what was what and i see a person saying 'selling full dragon for 25mill' and i was like :shock: :shock: i'm going to have abit of that and rushed over i trade the person and i put up my 25mill and wait for the dragon, chain appears first, followed buy the legs, then the obby shield appears followed buy a berserker helmet now i closed the screen and he said 'noob' now i put him on my pm and i said to him i wanted full drag, not just chain and legs and he said that was full drag so my question is what has happened to the drag square and medium, surely for the toughness of getting them and the quest you have to complete to get square they should still be being used?
  3. don't take stuff like that into wildy nowa days, and just fish sharks, each is 1k so maybe do 200-300 an hour and your making a tone of money
  4. not that i'm saying scamming is good but that is acutally a well done scam
  5. yeh slayer is the way to go, you will end up with a high slayer level and also 100 combat good luck and go for it
  6. i am the exact same, except it is with running laws, when i make something like 100k in laws i go and spend, and when that runs out i just run more how i got over it was i set myself a goal of trying to reach 3mill with all my savings to buy my torag set, and i just kept saying that to myself and now i have my full set of torag and after that just save for somthing else, like now i am saving for a whip and obby shield and rune boots, so thats about another 4-5mill so that will keep me going
  7. i am looking for one with some of the following stuff: where: duel arena character: full zammy robes, ancient staff, ghome hat (cream) , red hair (the [bleep]es long kind) glorie ammy, red gloves and boots doing: i want him to be standing with a smiles and doing a peace sign with one legs stood on a chest full of rares, and i want a secnod person to be staning at the other side looking very angry and steam coming from his head ( if you get what i mean ) what to say: name: B4rr4ge caption: ancient noob for life cheerz if someone can do this for me
  8. pj, was wondering if you noticed mine coz every1 seems to be gettin put befor me :( :( it was: head: ghome hat ( cream colour ) body: zammy robe bottom: zammy robe weapon: ancient staff shield: mage book boots: red gloves: red ammy: glory and at the top can u put 'b4rr4ge' cheerz if you can do this
  9. do what i done, stood in lummy and the first new person to reach the mainland i traded and gave aload of stuff and said welcome, now that person is a great player and comes pking with me and cheerz me on when i own up the duel areana, and all because i was nice and help him out
  10. can you make me one of: Head: ghome hat ( cream ) Ammy: glory Body: zammy robes Legs: zammy robes Shield: mage book Weapon: anicent staff Boots: red Gloves: red and can it say 'b4rr4ge' at the top and on the bottom can it say 'ancient noob' backgorund you can pick, but i gotta be able to see words and person =p
  11. Head: ghome hat ( cream ) Ammy: glory Body: zammy robe Legs: zammy robe Shield: mage book Weapon: ancient staff Boots: red Gloves: red cheerz if you can make it avatar and normal size
  12. the monsters are easy all i took to quest was steel pickaxe rope antiposion ret was cake
  13. i would say that the odd one out event is the rarest, i seem to be the only person that has ever had it
  14. i think the studded leather body (g) looks so rubbish, but the shield look cool, but you got to take your time to look and see if it is the one you want to buy
  15. the wall between drayor manor and fally west wall has gone a show in the mini map work
  16. well after being told by a lvl 4 that i was a horrible person i felt quite bad and i pondered what i could do, so i went to lummy and stood there, and a level 3 appears called 2 shae 2 and i said hello, he said hi back and i asked him how he was doing, he said fine. now that we had a basic communication i said to him, would you like some free armour, and he said my mate got killed when he accepted someting like that, and i said it was not a trick, so he followed me and went to drayor bank, and i took off my full iron that i train my pure with, took out my old iron battle axe and about 200 hirmp and 50 lobbies, and the ret, like a defence ammy and leather gloves and boots and a cape, and i gave it all to him, and he accepted and said i was very kind and wanted to let me be the first on his buddy list, and this made me feel really good that a new player has had a great start to his runescape career.
  17. i have a little book on what my pure should do and his goal and in the back i decided to write down every quest he could do and here is the list i manages to write for him: now this quest only includes quest that u don't need prayer for, as i will onli get 10 prayer for experiments: here we go: f2p restless ghost ( to get my 10 prayer) vampire slayer black knights fortress witches potion p2p horror from the deep monkey madness mage arena ( i am counting this as a half quest) priest in peril lost city witches house plague city biohazard death plateau fight arena chompy hunting tai bwo wannai trio temple of ikov tree gnome village watch tower waterfall quest now befor you post saying you could off added ... this is a list of the ones that give either magic, attack, strenght or range xp not prayer. well i hope this helps afew people with there pures, since they are taking over the wilderness :twisted: :twisted:
  18. this is really bad news :( :( lots of the rs players are leaving for the better place and i remember seeing gedgee afew times in the game and he was always up for talking to you :( :(
  19. that pritty good observation, now all the brave people can prepare themself based on those few tips, and also againt the pkers
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