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  1. If fatigue wasn't in there I'd play it from time to time. But as long as it's in there I won't.
  2. It's a full year, but since the summer months (northern hemisphere) ends up towards the end of the graph it will tilt the trend curve upwards. Natural variations, September to April have a relatively coherent number of player variations, May through August has a [bleep]e due to summer breaks on the northern hemisphere. In the example posted the summer [bleep]e is put at the end of the graph, which naturally tilts the trend curve upwards. Take a snapshot from May to April and it will tilt the result downwards. What I meant in the first post was that placing the graph from January to December would put it (the summer [bleep]e) in the middle and have less effect on the trend outcome. To get a more reliable result you would have to compare two years however (my second post) since the data from within a single year varies too much (particularly the summer [bleep]e) to make any solid conclusions from it. You could also compare it month by month (ie jan 2008 to Jan 2009) or even week by week (w1 2008 to w1 2009, though weeks would probably be less reliable). The graph only shows that more players are playing the game due to summer breaks, but it does not show you the overall trend or whether less/more players are playing due to updates. Compare it to weather, sure you can see that the weather is getting warmer as winter ends. But you can't see if the climate as a whole is changing by just looking at a randomly positioned one year data set.
  3. That's probably just due to the number of people playing during the summer months. Can't really see the trend until the whole year is sampled. Eh? That *is* a whole year sampled. There is an increase during the summer months, but the graph tells us that the player count has been rising the whole year, on average. My point is that the summer month are placed towards the end of the graph. If you took a snapshot where those months are in the middle or in the beginning you would get another result. The only way to get a useful result is to compare two full years due to the natural variations during a single year.
  4. That's probably just due to the number of people playing during the summer months. Can't really see the trend until the whole year is sampled.
  5. Ahh nice, that saves me a lot of work. Thanks for the link.
  6. I will keep all data so anything is possible. I also have a year graph, but it doesn't show much yet (obviously) but I'll upload that one too once there's a month or two of data. It will be interesting to see how the graph changes due to JaGeX updating (or downgrading) the game.
  7. I wrote a php script that fetch the current number of players from the RS homepage. I automatically fetch once every hour, 24 hours a day and store all values in a database. After that I simply wrote another php script that creates a graph from the stored values. No manual labor is required. Well, except for uploading the image and posting about it here.
  8. I started automatic storing of statistics for current number of players a few days back. If anyone's interested I could post these now and then.
  9. orgin


    Just testing, ignore ...
  10. Seems number 9 on the list plays Runescape as well!?!
  11. @Omali But does she have a party hat?
  12. Yahoo top 10 searches 2008: 1. Britney Spears 2. WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) 3. Barack Obama 4. Miley Cyrus 5. Runescape 6. Jessica Alba 7. Naruto 8. Lindsay Lohan 9. Angelina Jolie 10. American Idol Funny to see RS in there ;) http://buzz.yahoo.com/yearinreview2008/top10/
  13. Apparently they're fixing a bug. Go to w83 south of falador and you'll find a few hundreds of them.
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