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Everything posted by DragonGayeance

  1. 2019 Article on microplastics in the deepest parts of the ocean: https://www.businessinsider.com/microplastics-ending-up-in-creatures-in-the-deepest-parts-of-the-ocean-2019-3 2018 Another article on microplastic pollution: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/2018/12/microplastic-pollution-is-found-in-deep-sea/ Oceanlab, University of Aberdeen Youtube Channel (many videos of life in the Mariana Trench): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCamJAVJXDDLgzdTmTLRkFZQ #RemoveSilverhawkBootsFromRS #RSOF
  2. DragonGayeance


    TODAY, I will tell a story about the 1st grade... In 1st grade, a girl named Jessica invited me to her birthday party. I went to the store with my mom to pick out a birthday present for Jessica and I decided to get her a baby doll, which had plastic box-type packaging. At Jessica's birthday party, when she unwrapped my present to her, she started screaming, "Get it out of the box!!!!!!!!!! Get the baby out!!!!!!!!!!! IT CAN'T BREATHE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Jessica then proceeded to punch the box furiously in order to "rescue" the baby doll. The End. P.S. Plastic is bad for the environment. #RemoveSilverhawkBootsFromRS #RSOF
  3. DragonGayeance


    Anyway, earlier TONIGHT, I had to play music. Pretty good day so far, actually. #RemoveSilverhawkBootsFromRS #RSOF
  4. DragonGayeance


    Newsflash: Tuomo aka Suomi is a diagnosed Paranoid Psychotic. Wtf do you think happened to him on Twitter? He stopped taking his meds because Justin GED Ead was constantly RUNNING his mouth about being anti-medication, anti-psychology, ect. When Suomi started freaking tf out, I was out-of-state at my relative's wedding & he kept calling me, talking gibberish, saying that msgs were being beamed down to him from outer space & Jagex was reading his thoughts. He wound up in a mental hospital for a MONTH after that. I told Maxi, a community helper, about what was going on with Suomi...and next thing you know, freaking Jagex stuck Suomi in that Gowers quest WHILE Suomi was still in the mental hospital. #RemoveSilverhawkBootsFromRS #RSOF Oh, look who was RUNNING his mouth again. #RemoveSilverhawkBootsFromRS #RSOF
  5. Greta Thunberg's speech during the UN Climate Summit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRKMyIwINe4 #RemoveSilverhawkBootsFromRS #RSOF
  6. DragonGayeance


    Scum, like everyone else? Maybe. But I have no criminal record. Unless, ofc, it is criminal to dance...SINCE MATTHE CAN'T DANCE. #RemoveSilverhawkBootsFromRS #RSOF P.S. Happy Banned Books Week.
  7. DragonGayeance


    TONIGHT, Game of Thrones won the Emmy for Best Drama Series. https://youtu.be/PXQw0hBo7nM #RemoveSilverhawkBootsFromRS #RSOF
  8. DragonGayeance


    TODAY...this has been the weirdest wiki entry I've read: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_in_Antarctica Humans are scum. #RemoveSilverhawkBootsFromRS #RSOF
  9. DragonGayeance


    TODAY the temperature was in the mid-90s F. I'm in the mountains. Some areas of this region are supposed to be similar to an Alpine CLIMATE. #RemoveSilverhawkBootsFromRS #RSOF
  10. DragonGayeance


    TODAY...well, not much is going on. I'm going to watch yt or check Twitter or something. #RemoveSIlverhawkBootsFromRS #RSOF
  11. DragonGayeance


    TODAY, I've watched this vid like, 10 times, and idk why tf it cracks me up. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlnNt7D2OdA #RemoveSilverhawkBootsFromRS #RSOF
  12. DragonGayeance


    The first dance practice I ever went to was 35 years ago. The second dance practice I ever went to was, well, 35 years ago, too. #RemoveSilverhawkBootsFromRS #RSOF
  13. DragonGayeance


    TODAY I watched some playlist of 100 clips from RuPaul's Drag Race. I used to watch that show with my mom & my son, when my mom was still alive. I've mainly just stayed in my room most of the time since my mom passed away, so I haven't watched much tv since then. #RemoveSilverhawkBootsFromRS #RSOF
  14. Mentally deficient Donald Trump Jr. seen here, holding the chopped off tail of the elephant he shot: Video about Donald Trump lifting the ban on importing Elephant heads:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BIEF1z4qQ8 #RemoveSilverhawkBootsFromRS #RSOF
  15. "Big cat populations have severely declined over the last half-century and could face extinction in the following decades. According to IUCN estimates: lions are down to 25,000, from 450,000; leopards are down to 50,000, from 750,000; cheetahs are down to 12,000, from 45,000; tigers are down to 3,000 in the wild, from 50,000.[113] A December 2016 study by the Zoological Society of London, Panthera Corporation and Wildlife Conservation Society showed that cheetahs are far closer to extinction than previously thought, with only 7,100 remaining in the wild, and crammed within only 9% of their historic range.[114] Human pressures are to blame for the cheetah population crash, including prey loss due to overhunting by people, retaliatory killing from farmers, habitat loss and the illegal wildlife trade." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holocene_extinction IUCN Red List: https://www.iucnredlist.org/ 2014 PBS Video on the Sixth Extinction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9gHuAwxwAs #RemoveSilverhawkBootsFromRS #RSOF
  16. Let me guess...you didn't bother to read the scientific papers? Biodiversity loss is a more immediate threat. Or would you like to join Trump's dumb ass sons, Don Jr. & Eric, in being a d-bag big cat killer? P.S. Tell me how you like your warmth when the food chain collapses.
  17. 2019 IPBES Report Draft (Under "Chapters" Tab): http://www.ipbes.net/global-assessment-report-biodiversity-ecosystem-services 2018 WWF Living Planet Report: http://c402277.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/publications/1187/files/original/LPR2018_Full_Report_Spreads.pdf 2018 "Trajectories of the Earth System in the Anthropocene" Paper: http://www.pnas.org/content/115/33/8252 2017 Paper on Mass Extinction: http://www.pnas.org/content/114/30/E6089 2014 Paper on Biodiversity: http://static.squarespace.com/static/51b078a6e4b0e8d244dd9620/t/538797c3e4b07a163543ea0f/1401395139381/Pimm+et+al.+2014.pdf "85 Environmental Rules Being Rolled Back Under Trump" Article: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/climate/trump-environment-rollbacks.html #RemoveSilverhawkBootsFromRS #RSOF
  18. DragonGayeance


    TODAY...we are in the sixth mass extinction. #RemoveSilverhawkBootsFromRS #RSOF
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avf9uPZfBKE
  20. DragonGayeance


    TODAY, RS3 has had ~20k ppl online each time I checked, even at peak times. GOOD. I've never bought keys. THIS IS A PROTEST. #RemoveSilverhawkBootsFromRS #RSOF
  21. I CLIMATE STRIKE all day, everyday...JAGEX. THIS IS A PROTEST. http://youtu.be/94uf0MHMCKU http://youtu.be/r2RAe87ueR0 https://youtu.be/ajKgxlnXkeY #RemoveSilverhawkBootsFromRS #RSOF #Bernie2020
  22. DragonGayeance


    Since TOMORROW is the Climate Strike, here is my Solar Briefcase & my Solar Purse. #RemoveSilverhawkBootsFromRS #RSOF
  23. DragonGayeance


    TODAY, the apples turned out pretty well. I'm keeping the dehydrated fruit in separate containers, since hermit crabs won't go after the same scent the following day (so I give them foods of varying aroma each day). I want to dehydrate some vegetables next, but I would have to go get some vegetables first! #RemoveSilverhawkBootsFromRS #RSOF
  24. DragonGayeance


    TODAY is the one year anniversary of Justin GED Ead tweeting this: #RemoveSilverhawkBootsFromRS #RSOF
  25. DragonGayeance


    So anyway, TODAY, or TONIGHT, rather, I'm going to leave my apples to air out in my solar oven (I have the tray pulled slightly out to allow what moisture left in there to evaporate), then I'll have them back out in the sun in the morning. Normally, it takes like 20 mins or so to cook stuff with it, depending on what I'm making, but since I'm dehydrating stuff for my hermit crabs atm it takes a while. #RemoveSilverhawkBootsFromRS #RSOF
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