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Posts posted by Gamerr

  1. If being #1 would mean every week hour-long PKRI with excessive losses of rune sets just to get your e-rep up, then no. I still believe a clan is the strongest when you do a no returning war where u can test the warring skills. Returning has nothing to do with loyalty, it has to do with time & money.




    I hope 'the' will reach the top 10 though, that we would become a stable warring clan that pulls about 60-70% of our ML to an important prep war.




    But dominance? I'd like to taste it, but I'm not a successo. I don't join a clan "because it's #1", it has to feel right.

  2. Not sure what to say about the attitude from TSL, not exactly great spirit... Well, their loss. Hopefully that was a one time thing, otherwise I foresee some dissatisfaction.




    How would you like to take on the KBD with no armor, weapon, or food. thats what they went through. why 'The' hunts clans lower than them is beyond me but i find it kinda sad




    How is it sad? They are free to decline eh?




    First of all, we have higher averages but they have double our memberlist. So you expect they can pull double our numbers, which maybe doesn't compensate the average difference but would have given them a far closer fight.




    Secondly, this is a TWR. In that ranking you can challenge who you want, when you want and under the conditions you agree. We were looking for a good fight, and we tried to arrange one.




    It's not we are hunting down small clans, but if we can get a fight we fight. Because that's fun, it's why clans excist ;).

  3. Rules:

      [*:tkj0pxm6]Matched Opts Miniwar - 1 day prep.
      [*:tkj0pxm6]Clan Wars - Old School CWA Map
      [*:tkj0pxm6]All Styles
      [*:tkj0pxm6]Clan who pulls more attacks


    Iceman and I approached PKM regarding a miniwar for the TWR (Tip.it's Warring List) in hope of some double trouble ::'








    'The': 12 (Cut from 25)


    PKM: 12












    'The': 4


    PKM: 0






    It was a good fight PKM, thanks for it! :thumbup:




    If you got pics of the fight, feel free to post them!

  4. Rules:

      [*:20fnr1k9]Safe Run-in - 1 day prep.
      [*:20fnr1k9]Clan Wars - Turrets Map
      [*:20fnr1k9]All Styles, No Blasts
      [*:20fnr1k9]1.5 hour cap.


    TCL approached us yesterday after wishing to fight us for quite a while. We had been PKing a lot recently but nevertheless decided to go for it, although we did slightly under-estimate them.








    'The': 31


    TCL: 39






    Being slightly early for some of our ESTers, we were heavily outnumbered but stayed positive throughout the start, knowing we'd have more log on and good organisation. The fight started and TCL gained a very small lead early on but we pulled ourselves together and began KOing member after member. Within a few minutes we had a 10 man lead but couldn't manage to stretch this any further until 30 minutes or so in. Once we hit that point, we kept on extending our lead, keeping good binds and spam throughout. We peaked at 40 in our TS :)








    'The': 34 People - 191 Kills


    TCL: 32 People - 142 Kills






    Other Pictures:




































  5. Let me clarify my title. If I talk to friends from other clans, ask their opinion about tip.it's clan discussion one of the most popular answers is "It's biased". My question is, are we? I personally don't think so, but go ahead and write what your opinion is about it.










    I am a clan community leader, that means I need to know what the clan community thinks. and I wish to know YOUR opinion about the tip.it clan discussion. What you think that can be improved in our CD? What you think this staff/the CD as a whole can improve on? We need YOUR opinion.




    I want a honest opinion, keep it mature. I want to hear actual reasons, not "I know all clans left because tip it was biased", that was the past and let's keep it that way.




    I would also like to hear your opinion about our warring lists, what you think we can improve on them? Or what do you think is the ideal warring list for your clan? You can post it here or in this topic (viewtopic.php?f=216&t=744443)




    Oh yeah, whatever your opinion is, but mostly if you think we are biased I don't only wanna hear that but also what we can do about it. What do you expect from a clan mod?




    I hope to hear your opinion.




    Clan Community Leader.

  6. How about we, as tip.it go to Ts_storm and ask him to make a tip.it hall of fame. We can vote people in and you must have about 75% of the votes saying yes to make it to the hall of fame. you must also have at least 100 votes total. Also we can ask make Ts_storm the first member.




    Say I if you like the idea and we will send this to Storm. :P




    Did he ask you to post this? :lol:

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