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Posts posted by Merre

  1. I would do the same as some people already advised: buy bones whenever you can.

    I was L78 pray last week and upped it by farming dragons myself. Raised two levels or ranging and a level of craft.

    I farmed 1.1k dragons in total :unsure:

    The good thing with green/blues is you can only hope for a clue since the other drops aren't worth the bones/hides except maybe high level herbs



  2. I'm getting my mage up to level 90 so I got all combat styles L90 or higher.

    But I wonder whether getting B2P-spell is worth all the efforts.

    I'm not planning on making-selling them myself.

    I just think it's a nice spell for own usage for later when I go aviansies or whatever.


    But I just noticed after 30minutes I only got 75 alchemy points and I need 3k :unsure:

    That'll cost me alot of time and the XP is less fast than alching items or other mage training way.


    Some advice plz?

  3. I'm not saying Jagex should ban discontinued items -- if they were going to do that, the time to do it was 6 or 7 years ago. I am just saying they should not let the impact on these items be any sort of consideration in gameplay balance decisions.


    Yer right, if they would have done it back then when they were not this valuable I can understand. I read your opinion too fast, sorry. <_<


    And using other items to base the economy on or to use as a currency doesn't count for everyone.

    For me personally the GP hasn't decreased in value. It's just easier to make cash nowadays (espec in member)...

    But the main things I don't like is the Ubereasy way certain money comes into game...


    I'm very glad they kinda solved the PvP trick (76k trick I believe?) or at least that's what I've heard. But there are other silly, no-skill ways, like the fruitbat papaya way.

    It doesn't take an awefull longtime to gather charms & reach the required level. But every day I see guys in edgeville doing this. I heard over 500k/hr...

    That's just insane for not doing anything special and not gaining XP.

    Also merch clans made the honoust players playtime frustrating. While we are farming herbs, slaying, whatever... Certain people abuse the ge system & many many people who are silly enough to think they can earn cash.

    While they're simply abused by some smart players who use this method and not doing a dang thing except making false promises and cheating the game.


    Knowing furies increase in value doesn't concern me at all, there are way more nasty things that need Jagex priority to be worked on...


    Another thing that bothers me is item flipping. A guy in my CC spends 30mil every day flipping items, buying low and selling way higher.

    Ok nobody notices problems from this, but it's not the way GE should work imo

  4. It would seriously hurt the rare market. Onyxes are vital currency in dealing with street trades, especially since hooks dropped.

    To hell with the "rare market". The bloody things should have been removed from the game years ago; Jagex didn't to be nice to those who owned them already, but they sure as hell shouldn't make ANY decisions about gameplay based on them.


    One thing that would help at least a bit is making tokkul tradeable. There are thousands of players with "partial onyxes" rotting in their banks because they can't buy anything they need with them, and they can't trade them.


    First of all: it would be terribly unfair to players like me to ban the rares. I've always enjoyed running around with a haloween mask (got two now + a santa) and I'm buying up new rares everytime I got +50mil to get a white phat one day when I sell all of these.

    And why do I buy rare items? Because I'm against buying XP to get L99's like many do. I can say I've gathered every single XP myself and hate the fact I see L50's or whatever calling L125's nub because they're not wearing a skill cape and they wear untrimmed cook/fletch whatever...

    Many people say they hate the restricted trade system etc, I don't I curse the day skillcapes were released. Now everyone just cares about L99's and not about enjoying the game.

    It simply doesn't make sense repeating the same action over and over again for weeks, like I see many fletchers/alchers at ge, saying they've not moved there for days in a row...

    Rares are a nice way to decorate yourself and show wealth to the outside. Taking away the rares would make me quit immediately. It would be so unfair to remove all the hard work I did to get the wealth...

    And no: I'm not a mercher/pker whatever. I just love the game as it should be played: the hard way...


    Making tokkul tradeable would make the RS economics crash even more and cause even more inflation... Not a good thing to even think about imo...

  5. Construct: best method imo is just teleing to house.

    Go out & back in, stand near portal and either alch items, or in my case make ardy teletabs...

    My magic room with lectern is the first room when you enter my house so I'm next to portal making tabs.

    I've completed my first 2 statues and Saturday I can complete the third statue.

    So far no problems, except it's rediculous I sometimes have to spend hours at werewolf course for agil rocks and last time 3 laps and I got both of 'em :shock:

  6. I'm a collector myself: got three rares atm red & green mask & santa.

    I never liked santas since masks look way more awesome impo.

    Anyway, the plan is to keep buying new rares with the cash I make (I personally don't wanna buy experience with my cash) and then sell them all in the end to get a white phat. I'm catching up decently. I also don't merch and make most of my cash with farming/herblore/slayer.

    I know there are more santa's in game than masks. I even saw a YT movie once from a guy quitting game and alching rares before he left :o


  7. Yeah, I know a few people in my high school who bot and sell accounts. They make about $1000 a month, without doing jack. I would do it, but it would kill my conscience =X

    Lol what conscience? It's a game. Remember that RL > RS. You could pay your way through school, like Duke Freedom.



    OT: I don't condone or promote cheating in any way, so don't do it. It's against teh rules.


    Dude I've sent you PM's before about your bad influence and bad attitude...

    Everyone knows your online attitude is a reflection of your RL character. It worries me in your case...



    I must say in member areas (except for autotypers & merch clan recruiters) I haven't seen any obvious autoing in a while.

    When I log my pure and go wc'ing in free worlds I notice an incredible amount of willow autoers.

    What the point is isn't clear, since they can't transfer their wealth anymore but there are many of them.

    I also heard on other forums that the newest trend is auto enchanting bolts.

    It seems it's a very huge business to gain fast wealth on their own account.

    The purpose of botting has changed, making cash from it is almost impossible (also the reason why I can't believe people make $1000 from it)

    and when I listen to stories about it. Gold selling isn't a booming business anymore, but nowadays you actually have to hand out your login details to get items. Like you can buy items for cash, give them your login details and when you login back to your acc the item is there...

    If Jagex could find out how they do that they can also take steps against that. That way they can ban another illegal business

  8. Kay, thanks


    Just ran through chaos tunnels a couple times




    Well gl with you RL activities. As long as there is a healthy balance between gametime & RL social contacs/work/hobbies there is no problem.

    But playing too much isn't ok ofc... Take care

  9. I must say I've gotten most of my nests from oak trees.

    I cut all my oak logs myself and made them into planks and I can remember getting many nests.

    The chance you get a god egg is quite small I think.

    I've gotten a raven egg & got all god eggs at least 5x, but that's mostly thanks to MTK :)

  10. Second post I see & report today concerning this matter...


    What is wrong with you. There are in-game rules that you may not trade or transfer items from one account to another.

    You may hold multiple accounts, but it's strictly forbidden to contact them with eachother in the same world.

    If you know it's forbidden, why ask advice about how to cheat in a forum full of admins...


    Be smart & play the game fair. This is not GTA where you can enter cheat codes if you are too lazy to play the game it has to be played!

  11. I'm sure this happens a lot, but my main has been hacked. I managed to get it back but i fear for its safety as this is not the first time it has been hacked so I have started a new account. (you can probably see where this is going). I would keep playing my main but it has been hacked twice as the person to hack it originally put membership on it thus allowing themselves to use these details to get the account back whenever they wish using Runescape's frankly insecure lost password system. Anyway, to the crux of the matter, I have an amount of gold on my main that I have become quite attached to and I would like to keep it safe by either buying something with all of it and somehow hiding it, say in my POH (if this is even possible) or -and I am aware it is against the rules, but I would rather keep my money safe- somehow make 30m of junk on my new account and trade it to my pure so I could keep my main's money safe on it until I am sure I can use the account again safely. I would rather be banned than my money go to this hacker. i was thinking of making junk, but I can think of no way to get 30m junk on an account with barely any skills. Is it possible to do any of this or is it just wishful thinking?


    Thanks in advance.


    Dude you are asking on a RS forum how to cheat the game?

    Makes no sense and if you do try to transfer gold from one acc to another I hope you get caught and banned.

    Sorry you got your account hacked but it's simply no excuse to break the in-game-rules.

    Besides everyone knows being hacked is 100% your own fault: either your pc got infected with a keylogger or trojan horse OR someone saw your password or knew the answers to your secret questions...

    I will report this topic as it's against the rules...

  12. Hey guys,


    Just wondering what is the best thing to smith in F2P to get some money back? Like what actually sells on the G.E.?


    At the moment i'm smelting steel, which generates good profit, but I'm looking to get some xp quickly so I don't care about losses, I just wondered what was the least expensive way of doing it? (No smelting)


    Cheers guys :)


    Keep on smithing steel.


    He said no smelting... *rolls eyes*


    Well tbh,

    I raised most of my smithing in F2P too. I also gained most of my XP with smelting bars.

    The only difference is that I mined all my ores myself, which is the reason why my mining is higher than my smithing I guess.

    If I were you I'd try that too. Makes it 100% profit and you raise two skills at a time...

    If not, I'd just make mithril platebodies and sell those on GE. Many alchers buy em, same with steel bodies.


  13. I ranged 13k black dragons over the course of 6 months and didn't get a visage. So don't get your hopes up =/. Then again i have seen people get 2 within a week. So even if someone were to tell you a "drop rate" that doesn't mean that's how many you should expect to kill to get one.


    By the way i was able to kill about 150 to 200 dragons max a day. If i remember correctly that was about 132k to 176k range xp a day.


    13k? Dang you guys really are very patient! RESPECT

  14. Ok so currently im ranging black dragons for fun/training and the d bone/rune drops. I was wondering if anyone knew a round and about number for the chance to get a visage off a black dragon? I've killed about 2-3k so far and the bones are adding up and easily paying for ammo. I know that there is better training methods but i enjoy killing black dragons as opposed to powertraining. Please dont suggest i kill irons/steels because i hate METAL drags. If anyone can give me a round and about number for visage drop and around how long it would take me to get 85 range killing drags i would really appreciate it.


    Well this is quite a hard one. I only kill black dragons when I get them as a task and never gotten a decent drop from them. It's hard to put a number on this, since most people get their visages from metal dragons & kbd...

    I personally don't know one person who got his visage drop from black dragons :(

    I wish you good luck on getting a drop and admire your patience to kill +2k dragons!

  15. I've heard 1/5.000 - 1/10.000 but I'm slay L88 now. Never skipped a task and only gotten 6 d drops in my career: shield left half & 5 pair d boots...

    It seems it's so random you can't put a number on it. I've farmed over 2k iron dragons trying to get a visage or even a d drop... No luck at all, my friend is 78 slay he did his first task of steels some weeks ago and he got a skirt & legs the same task...

    Gets me confused and but it's all about luck I guess :(

  16. For overall training and combat, use barrows. Dragon is just for showing off IMO, it has worse stats, and the costs of repairing barrows is very low, especially because you should only use the plate and legs parts. For a helmet use the helm of Neitiznot and for a weapon use a whip, or sara sword for strength.


    I couldn't say it better :)

    I never liked dragon anyway, and barrows is cheaper than d plate/chain + it has way better def (torag plate & legs has highest melee def)

    If you repair at your playerowned house it's cheapest. I do it everytime my armor reaches 25. The higher your smithing level, the cheaper the repairs are! :)


    Good luck!

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