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Posts posted by _k0m0d0_

  1. edit: when I try to upload it I get this message from imageshack


    " file integrity failed, upload terminatid" what's that mean and how do I fix it?


    Upload at somewhere else. Photobucket, Tinypic... there are loads of places.

  2. and k0m0do its not "prohibited" you make it sound like he'll be arested :lol:


    I couldn't resist, sorry, I dont have lots of chances to say something like it :D


    In fact, if he post something like a game ss, his thread will get locked and if he keeps posting he will get banned. So its kinda "prohibited" ^^




    And edir your first topic to say you want a pixel.

  3. i did this with paint.... lol.... so if u could give me some tips it would be greatly apperciated...or take that pic and edit it for me ?


    Paint is no excuse, there are great artists that uses paint. In your case, isnt the program and yes the artist (you) that isnt good.

  4. Jeez...just look at the way her weight changes as well. Yuck, horrible.


    Don't smoke crack.




    you dont smoke crack, you inhale it :lol:






    but yeah, thats a good reason not to do drugs, this is the kinda stuff they should show at school.




    I think you can do both. People I know talk about smoking it all the time. On Moral Oral, the hobo, in one episode, told him that beginners smoke and hardcore users sniff. :shock: If I can find link, I'll post. It's a t.v. show on Adult Swim BTW.




    Found it like 2 sec.'s of looking:










    Crack is a freebased form of Cocaine, Heroine, Amphetamines, or any other freebaseable items. You smoke crack, don't sniff it.






    All of the drugs I mentioned above when heated can be injected, when freebased can be smoked, and can be sniffed in their normal form.






    The smokeable form is a rock, when smoked it makes a cracking noise, thus, crack. The injected form is a liquid, of course. The pure form is a powder.









    it sound like you know ALOT about drugs. im keeping my eye on you.








    Rose knows a lot about drugs :P



  5. Dude you stole my avatar! I should just have my name added to it... :? I've had this happen before....




    anyway I'd appreciate it if you removed it and had your own avatar made....


    I think theres no need of more proof... :roll:


    Ripper... bad!






    I Really don't think he could have googled it. considering I only use it on RS related forums and I never post it, the place I got it from can not be viewed by normal members, (clan forums) also its named with numbers (54196011442e90767a5dbf) unless he some how randomly typed in the right numbers and letters then I think he knew what he was doing when he used it...


    Hrmmm... whats the chance to this have happened :D


    He IS a ripper, and he should remove that avvy.




    OK so I don't think I'll be having this problem anymore. 8-) *Points to avatar*




    But I'd still like his avatar removed if possible, thanks.






    One last thing :? _k0m0d0_ I'm a guy, always have been always will be.


    I called you "her" or "she" ?


    If so, I'm really sorry :oops:

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