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Posts posted by _k0m0d0_

  1. This site is not mainly for pixel artists.




    And how did that take hours? It's some text with a stroke and a few pixellated flowers? They're not the kind of sigs people like here anyway.




    Yeh, Cad has a 3 week ban, so he was most probably banned at that time, don't worry, you won't be rejected, your work is great. :)




    If you had been rejected Cad would've sent a PM.




    WIP Looking good, but the background's looking a little plain.




    Actually i rather like most of Pixel's sigs. Good Job.


    And I rather post GFX :D


    I'll start posting works again ^^

  2. Her manager had the recordings for that atrocity hanging in his office in a red box which read "in case of lack of publicity, break glass". There used to be three of those boxes, the first one held the sex tape. Nobody knows what the third box holds, but verily, the apocalypse shall soon be upon us should it be broken.


    :shock: :lol:

  3. *wonders why they'd release her 12+ times for drug possession..




    The anti-smoking campaign has worked, it seems. Not many people smoke here on campus (UCD). :)




    I hate the smokers in my school :| They smoke right off the stairs so I used to pass them almost everyday. If I had a decent camera, I would've been so tempted to take pictures of them and mail it to the school.




    Yeah, it's sooo obnoxious.


    I can't even pee without getting convered in smoke.




    Isnt againt the rules smoke inside closed places like bathrooms?


    In my school they dont let smoking inside, but outside... meh, if you die they wont move a finger.




    In Toronto they just passed a bylaw that makes it illegal to smoke in any public place, including outdoors I believe.


    Smoker are pised arent they? :P So they cant smoke out from their houses! Yay! Our law says that each public place needs a smoking area, with plants, vents, needs to ble closed, but have windows... uhhh! >.<

  4. ok dude i rap and cabbage and i try to respect all music but...are you joking for real lol?




    thisi s * up,your like a chipmunk cracked out..what the *.your notes are about to blow my eardrums.




    i mean on the first song on your SC page says "Sick Of Talking


    Kalashnikov is on the first verse, Untold is on the second verse. "




    Kalashnikov?! Kalishkinov!? are you * kidding me? what the * this isnt russia...




    keep practicing.


    Wow! What a reaction! :P :shock:

  5. Just to make a point about how much i dont care, I blocked that website with the HOSTS file.




    *moves along*




    you actully took the time, i just pressed that little x in the upper left right corner..




    that thing solves alot of problems.




    Same here ^^

  6. Why is he still bumping this???




    Obviously nobody is interested... It's been way over 2 weeks...


    I've said this once... but it was cleaned ^^


    But nice to say again, maybe now.... :D

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