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Everything posted by Rozzbow

  1. i dont say it's not society but its not good to play full rime rs...realy
  2. i dont get much exp i play for 4/5 years now and only combat 105 skill total 1430 but still its funny to meet people and see people go but i have a social live so i only play when i have free time :)
  3. all those people are talking about zezima that is so famous but i play this game for so long and i have a question for someone out there who still know bluerose13x the first 99 smither dos she still plays?
  4. I get mad about this :evil: more then 80% of people who are under the 100 are asking free stuff even my friends you think i keep asking nice not asking for pfr33 st00f man i get irritated of that and 100+ are mostly hard working boys who are realy working on rs thats why we dont talk that much
  5. didnt read it all i think someone already posted this but the fact that full dragon cost aroun 30mill is the status of having it
  6. didnt read it all i think someone already posted this but the fact that full dragon cost aroun 30mill is the status of having it
  7. sad to see you leave :( maybe dont know me but i know you from many posts here and your luck at dust devils i hated you then :P dont know if you ever come back dont know your age but good luck and hope i will meet you again its a hard game to quit :P trust me :oops:
  8. well i had a dragon sq from cave slims once killed only 6 of them dont got picture of it was 3/4months ago i think funny :) and got 1 from black knights once :) killed alot of those and my first was from greator demons :D
  9. Ridle: They Cheapest Water For Miles Around, But They React Badly To Riligios Icons anybody an idear its not the water seller in adhem or something...
  10. this was a note to runescape i will send it later to them... =============================================== Hello jagex, i have a very good idear about hollydays...we got enough room on the runescape map so maybe its a good idear to make a island...you go there with boot its only open on the hollydays like cristmas halloween and stuff like that the boat trip is free offcourse for all players (f2p-p2p) example cristmas... the island has snow on it you got cristmas tree's on it santa is there stuff like that halloween... all stuff from halloween on the island dont know what stuff because its not a tradiotion in holland thanksgiving... sorry that i dont know all the hollydays but i could collect some by asking people... this island is not big it has 1 town in it called (hollydaytown??) i play this game for a long time now and i know people are always like i wanna have a special drop blabla but wanna do something to just have fun and not some money making hollyday i hope you read my idear and send back a massage and sorry that i didnt post it in the forums if you wanna have some more idears about this island i could draw some stuff and send it over or anythink just ask me :D i would like to help... i also know some people wont like this because they wont get cash out of it but its just for fun :D to keep the spirit in the game like when party hats were 5gp ;) yeah those old good times :D some big runescape fan/player, Rozzbow =============================================== dont flame it or anything just give idears to get this idear better
  11. man this is going way 2 far....how :oops: can you be to walk in a city with .....iron armor ???!!!??? :shock: ..ok now just play game ??
  12. im selling 2 clue items cavalier (brown) - 250k and pirate hat - 200K
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