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Posts posted by Denismage

  1. Official spore demo of the creature creator is now out.




    Direct link:




    http://na.llnet.cdn.ea.com/u/f/eagames/spore/scc/promo/792248d6ad421d577132c2b648bbed45_scc_trial_na[Caution: Executable File]

  2. Here's a suggestion: Download off torrent, burn on a dvd/cd, when it's installing enter YOUR cd key instead of the one provided. Do not apply any cracks that are provided on the cd after installation. Done.




    If you are going to do that, make sure you are downloading the right version of the operating system.

  3. Hold on, connect the hard drive properly, then put in on the shelf. Any tower I know can hold multiple hard drives/cd/dvd-roms inside. Go to BIOS by pressing whatever button is appropriate for your motherboard. You can find the list here: http://www.michaelstevenstech.com/bios_manufacturer.htm




    If you can't find the line that lets you chose in Bios, try switching IDE cables around, should also work. There's also something about one hard drive being "Master" and another being "Slave" and afaik there can be a problem when both of them are master, you can switch it by messing around with pins on the back of the hard drive but I've never done it so can't say more about it not to mention I can be completely wrong, although it might be the reason why it does not work.




    You don't need to reinstall OS if you insert another hard drive as long as you intend to use the old one.




    It should look something like this (Sorry for blurriness, my camera can't focus on closeup pictures.):










    It is a laptop.






    :wall: How could I miss that?




    If you don't have any space in your laptop then you'd have to save your data onto a flash drive, dvd, another computer or external hard drive and insert a new hard drive, which would mean your old hard drive will go to waste.

  4. Stupid-tupid Jjrox.






    Oh well, maybe the actual game will be better. I still like it.




    So could we have a discussion about the game instead of bashing it, folks?




    We are discussing it, Jjrox has just brought up some downsides and I agree with him on those.

  5. Hold on, connect the hard drive properly, then put in on the shelf. Any tower I know can hold multiple hard drives/cd/dvd-roms inside. Go to BIOS by pressing whatever button is appropriate for your motherboard. You can find the list here: http://www.michaelstevenstech.com/bios_manufacturer.htm




    If you can't find the line that lets you chose in Bios, try switching IDE cables around, should also work. There's also something about one hard drive being "Master" and another being "Slave" and afaik there can be a problem when both of them are master, you can switch it by messing around with pins on the back of the hard drive but I've never done it so can't say more about it not to mention I can be completely wrong, although it might be the reason why it does not work.




    You don't need to reinstall OS if you insert another hard drive as long as you intend to use the old one.




    It should look something like this (Sorry for blurriness, my camera can't focus on closeup pictures.):





  6. Pay for more guns, infinite ammo in vehicles and slower paced not to mention no pc version? Bleh, disgusting. The only reason why they are what they are is because pc gamers have supported them, and now they've completely screwed everything over.

  7. I'm gonna check out the demo, but I'm pretty sure I heard about this game 3-4 years ago. It's taking them ages to release it.




    3-4 years ... Thats NOTHING.






    Exactly, think about Duke Nukem Forever.

  8. Basically, spore is a simulation game which lets you control life forms starting with cellular level. You evolve, gain knowledge, create weapons, technology, etcetera.


    Here's a gameplay preview:





    In the game you can create your own species using a creature creation tool. Here's some footage of that tool in action.









    Creature creator demo is not released yet, but it has been leaked. I don't know whether it is against tip.it rules or not so if someone wants to get a copy, pm me.







  9. Any comparatively old, wooden, high speed and big drops roller coaster. Every time I ride those I get a couple of bruises and throughout the ride I have a feeling I'll fall out because all they usually have is a metal handle so you have to hold it for dear life, else you risk falling out on one of the sharp turns.

  10. Look at the N =\


    Talk about stupid and immature. :roll:




    No life would fit it better Cup... :twisted: It currently looks like the bottom of the dogs dinner :| Needs a fair amount of work.


    Oh, want to here something funny? D3N's tip.it account was deleted in the roll back ;)




    That doesn't mean he can't register again and continue flaming though. By the way some new people appeared, I've noticed Luke written everywhere and "KSA" in blue covering big d3n.

  11. The only time I think it is acceptable to kill something is when you need it to survive






    Please don't tell me you've never squished an insect.




    Thanks to pest control services, the place you live in is rat free. If you would ever get rats/mice in your place, you'd most definitely set up traps everywhere.

  12. And think of the 1000s of other jobs. What I'm saying is killing animal for the sole purpose of fashion is bull [cabbage].


    Leather is a different story since it was used for food and other crap.




    In that case using wood for furniture and pencils is [cabbage] also because they could use plastic for everything.




    What "1000s" other jobs are you talking about? We are talking about overpopulated/third world countries here. I dare you to go to China and get one of those thousands other jobs.




    How is my reading comprehension terrible? He stated September 11th, for whatever reason which I knew was a joke and then got into talking about his car being destroyed and them being hurt. How was I supposed to know he got into a car accident? Maybe his car got destroyed by the Twin Towers when he was visiting his Aunt Betty in New York or maybe a tree fell on his car while he standing by it and his brother was inside.




    So, don't be a blatant jerk when he isn't clarifying anything.






    Read what he wrote once more, it's all there. If I'm being a jerk then you are being arrogant thinking just because you didn't understand what he wrote it has to be his fault for not clarifying what is clear already. Instead of trying to make sense of what he wrote, or ignoring the post altogether you had to insert "wait...what?" for +1 post, didn't you?

  14. Lol I was quite lucky in an accident :lol: Day: Septemper 11___________________2001, although I live in Canada.




    I don't have pictures unfortunately, but the car was scrap (Brand new Toyota..) and got sent to a junkyard, nothing was recuperable, and meh, didn't even have a scratch, neither my father and my brother(who if he had been sitting on the other side, would have had quite a few broken ribs).




    Wait... what?






    He got into a car accident and destroyed his new Toyota.




    Your reading comprehension is horrible.








    Hit the fence with my shin and got a hematoma the size of a tennis ball. It hurt.

  15. Nobody gives a damn about the thousands of innocent Iraqis that are killed by coalition forces. But the moment somebody kills a cute little puppy -- boy, does the [cabbage] hit the fan!




    This whole ordeal stinks of hypocrisy.




    When [cabbage] hits the fan, get a tent.

  16. I knew tip.it would sink here some day. I knew it.




    Jk.. :lol: Maybe some people do find it interesting to know where 'memes' come from.




    Note that ED isn't really a source of information, it's pretty corrupted and false.


    Sink this low? Lol, we already got people talking about /cake/ in lightning chat, i believe /cake/ would surely be lower than shoop da whoop lmao


    I'm almost afraid to ask, but what is this "/cake/" you speak of?




    If I answer your question... Will there be... cake...?

  17. Lol @ the dog.




    Sure it died, but I doubt it would have felt much pain. It woulda been dead before it could hurt too much.




    Fake or not, if it was really thrown off the cliff, I don't think it would die as painlessly as you think it would. It's not being instantly evaporated, but thrown on a solid ground.

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