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Posts posted by Denismage

  1. I left just as they announced they were going to do the new greaphics thing. It is very cool. What is the pin thing for?? I haven't gotten one I just use my bank like the old days right now.




    Its if you get hacked and hacker tries to take items out of your bank. It will take hacker a while to figure out the pin number and get into your bank unless he uses a good keylogger.

  2. And what are these (t) (g) things in reference to armor?




    (t) is trimmed armor, (g) is golden armor. Also if you havent noticed, the graphics kind of changed, its gonna be hard to get used to it, oh and also you need to have a pin number on your bank.

  3. Well, you guys look at things from the wrong side of the view.




    1) We ALL have started from lvl 3, "low lvls are bad/greedy/autoers/suck" does not work. People who think lower lvls are just gay noobs are totally incorrect. There are a few lvl 3's who simply beat lvl 120+ at amount of cash and skill total, so you have ABSOLUTELY no right to call lower lvl a noob.




    Most of the lvl 3 autoers have a lvl 100+ main. They simply create new accounts because they are too scared to get their main banned.




    Whats it matter if u saw a $100 dollar bill laying on the floor wouldnt you take it? Exactly...




    No I wouldn't, if a person lost anything I'd give it back to them (if its not a wilderness or if they weren't drop trading) Also, I would never, ever scam anyone for anything, idk what the item is, if its yours, I will give it back.

  4. When I was playing I was getting a lot of:




    I'm jagex, we need your password for...




    Whats your password?




    We are jagex and we are well aware you scam, but we need some proof to make sure you have the scammed items, and to make sure we need your password... etc




    Usually when I see a word jagex staff and password in a same sentence I add them to the ignore list without much thinking.





  5. Well written. I agree with that. But I also hate people who correct other people's mistakes but make a [cabbage]load of their own and then argue saying they've written it the right way while its obviously wrong. And there are moments when people miss a key on their keyboard. I rarely misspell any words, misspelling a word for me is as hard as digging up a party hat from the ground for you. I just make a typo in a text very often because I don't look at the keyboard when I'm typing and also don't check the stuff I wrote.

  6. Well done that man. I'm just curious, though, as to why you want this picture? :)




    Well, I quit long time ago and gave away my stuff, I just logged in for a second and found out i had about 2 mill on my pure. Since i have nothing to do with it...

  7. imanoobirl.png








    umm imight have to go soon please get to me later?








    im gunna go see how the kbd likes my bronze sword




    Ok, supa newb won. I'm waiting for him to come online for his 200k.




    By the way: for some people 200k is nothing. But for lvl 40 newbies its A LOT. I remember I was mining coal day and night for some rune armor. It was horrible :( Well point is that not all people even have any spare money. Thanks.

  8. Paying 200k to the first person who will post a screenshot.




    A screenshot has to be: You in greaters (lvl 48 wilderness i think, where the burned bones are) dressed in a pink skirt, chefs hat and a green cape. You must be playing with the toy horsey and saying "i'm a noob irl" Your inventory has to include a bronze short sword, wooden shield, 10 gp, clay, bronze pickaxe and other space - burned bones. NO food is allowed when you make a screenshot. When you make a screenshot saying "i'm a noob irl" I must see the message "i'm a noob irl" in the chat bar.




    P.S follow the requirements :). The first person will get 200k. After you have sent a picture, make sure your private chat in "on", i might be offline for about an hour from now. I'll pm the person that won, there is no level requirement, any lvl can do it. Good luck :)

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