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Posts posted by Denismage

  1. No, you are not going to be banned for that.




    People always complain because they did not get something. (I'm a rare kind - not complaining about not getting something kind) :)

  2. Yeah lvl 3s with high totals also how can a lvl 3 get 30 plus slayer plz expalain.




    Hi jacob. Copycat :roll: Well, lvl 3's get slayer exp by killing monsters with recoils. Its like 200 exp per hour. Also I think skillers are awesome because those lvl 70's who always 1 item on rr will get very jealous and angry when you mine rune and they cant even touch you :twisted: Its also nice to have high non-combat stats with low combat because it makes you feel good I guess lol.

  3. Guys, for your information, lvl 70-80's are the ones who give hard time to others. BUT there are some low lvls who are actually NICE and POLITE.




    (From my notes I make every day from my lvl 3 skiller)




    Part of it:




    Feb 17, 2006








    I found out people don't trade players with low combat because they think they are all scammers.




    Didn't play much. Got to 1 million gp.








    (lvl 83 runs into the mine)




    lvl 83 says: Sup peeps !!!




    lvl 21: hi




    lvl 83: I didnt talk to you noob.








    And now tell me who is a noob?




    If you said lvl 83 is a noob, you are correct. You win a cookie.








    Met a mature low lvl. His name doesnt matter and he is lvl 48 but he is so nice to noobs (aka me) Gave him 100k for being so nice.




    Got a frog prince outfit. WOOT.




    Got to lvl 35 mining.




    On every world I log into - death runes stock - 1




    Back to buying waters.








    From ultimate noob expirience, I say lvl 70-80's are the ones who are always asking for it. All newbie does - asked where to get that or that, went to get, found some trouble getting it, asked some one else. Thats ALL.








    And now a life of some one who thinks they are high lvl and cool.




    Gets best items out of their bank.




    Goes to some place where the majority are newbies.




    Starts playing with a yo-yo, chicken, some doll thing i never got.




    Calls every one a noob and says he'll "P00n" us all. After his hands hurt because he was calling every one a noob, he logs off and goes to another world to call more people noobs.

  4. If your worried about someone hacking your account via password recovery, fear not! I, the owner of my level 103, cannot even recover my own account! I have agreement numbers, first password, 6 previous passwords, recovery questions, friends list people, intimate details about the account, IP adresses of everywere I have played, age of the account, Zip codes, email adresses, etc and they STILL refuse to give it to me. Like, what the hell. This is sereously pissing me off.








    My password just stopped working. I dont remember changing it, and ive checked every day for the past three days in highscores and no experience gains have occured.








    Anyone have any tips on what information is the best to give them? What works, what dosent?








    I've heard its a bug. Same thing happened to my friends account with 87 mining (lvl 3)

  5. back on my first account in rsc the rarest party hat were green ones, they sold for 6 million gp but the reason why party hats are so expensive is 1) they're rare and 2) they are a purely status symbols. They were only dropped once on christmas of '02 and Jagex decided on Easter of '04 they quit dropping tradable holiday items because the purpose of the holiday was not to make money so since then there have been no more tradable holiday items and Party Hats are now the most expensive holiday item but originally they were the least expensive selling for only 5 gp a piece. Any way thats my two cents i hope it was helpful in some way.




    Wasn't it the pink party hat that was worth more than others before some one has explored a phat dupe?

  6. Alright, this is something i can really unload on.












    PKers who attack innocent miners! (i hate them soooooo much! :evil: )








    PKers who have too be in a group to attack because they are afraid to fight solo















    Look I got 2 together.








    After that they got raped by my main lol.




    I also hate jagex :@ They've banned my miner because I played from my friend :@








    Also the aftermath:








    Flame away on teleport runes, its not like I was meant to pk or anything. I was just protecting my miner, thats all.




    And thats how I usually pked.





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