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Posts posted by Denismage

  1. Technically, it's 2^63, the last bit is used to determine whether a number is positive or negative.


    So following your logic 32 bit supports 2^31? That would make it support up to 2GB RAM, whilst 2^32 is around 4 GB. I'm pretty sure it's not 2^63. Can you elaborate on that negative business? Since when can you have negative memory locations ?

  2. Noobish question here. I can download Windows 7 Professional for free because of a school thing, but right now it's only available in 64 bit. I know I am running 32 bit Vista, but can I use the 64 bit Windows 7? What's the difference, anyway?


    basically i believe 64-bit can use more RAM than 32-bit but with 32-bit you can still reserve RAM to put on your integrated graphics, 32-bit can only handle 2 gigs of RAM 64-bit can handle 4 gigs, or up possibly, and while 64-bit is stronger, it has some compatibility problems so 32-bit is more convenient, it won't run your system to maximum power.




    Just my noob guess.


    You've got a lot wrong with it and a little right.


    32 bit can support up to roughly 3.5GB of RAM

    64 bit can theoretically support up to (IIRC) 128GB of RAM

    64 bit compatability issues are a thing of the past as every major (and even minor these days) drivers have support for 64-bit OS's. Software wise both Vista and Windows 7 have a 32bit and 64 bit folders so you can run both 32 bit and 64 bit software on a 64 bit OS.


    Actually it supports 2^64 addresses, which is far more than 128GB RAM.

  3. Bound to trick a few people.


    I've always wondered what computing would be like if people who coded malware used their talents constructively instead of destructively.

    There's constuctive uses for malware? (As that's what they have a talent for making.)


    Malware writers give jobs to security analysts, people in antivirus companies and pretty much everyone in IT security industry. They are dependent on each other.


    I don't have a problem with these as I run Linux. :)


    Nothing but a false sense of security. It's really easy to write a java applet (every skid wants a copy btw) that will download and install a backdoor on your PC, or simply destroy as much data as it can under default rights. Same goes for Mac and Windows.

  4. What if you're not running the OS that the malware is designed in? I remember getting pop-ups with the xp skin when I was running vista. kinda gives it away


    Well, that site fakes being XP, and that's all it does. It can be easily redesigned to look like any OS though, since it's pure javascript and icons. As for malware, most recent malware functions well in any OS past Windows NT (windows-vise), if it's coded properly, and does not depend on static locations such as C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\

  5. I know that people use your ip address to ddos you, but when I'm on swiftkit irc, people can most of my DNS server's address (but not my ip) and i was wondering if i could be ddosed in runescape if someone knew that? its weird because every ip finding site i go on shows my DNS server address and not my real ip, does this mean I'm safe from people finding my real ip or am just totally lost?

    for example at the moment my DNS is which shows up on whatismyipaddress.com, but when i go to my connection and click properties thats the DNS server not the ip, the ip is 192.XXX.1.XXX (hiding some numbers in case lol, can change anyway) so yeah... which is which and which do i not want people to know? :lol:

    sorry if this is kind of confusing to read..

  is your external (or "REAL") IP, 192.xx.. is your internal IP. Internal IP is only used within your home network, external is used everywhere on the internet.

    The chances of you getting DDOSed are extremely low either way.

  6. This may be old to some, but I just found it, and it's pretty amusing.

    Website pretends to be a part of your windows XP desktop, does a fake scan (javascript) and throws malware in your face.

    I bet this is a really effective infection method too. I'm sure many inexperienced users will get scared and fall for it.



    HD version is available on youtube.


  7. Only the noobiest (I know that's not a word) viruses and malware are removable using msconfig.

    It says an essential process crashed, which is what I was saying earlier.

    do shutdown -a, scan with a good scanner like 'cureit'. You will most likely have to do a massive system restore/format either way.

  8. if you have any time to download and install something before the shutdown get this software called trojan remover linkright here downlaod and install, its shareware so after 30 days you have to pay for it but you have 30 days! so install then after just run a scan i am 99% sure it will find the virus and delete it.I use this software myself i have the full version and i have also had viruses, alot of my friends come to me to help them with viruses and i use this, everytime it gets rid of it. try also click start, click run, type in msconfig and then click the startup tab more then likely the virus is in there so uncheck anything that looks odd or that you cant recongize and reboot. usually reformating is not needed. good luck


    Not to sound mean or anything. But i'd suggest against getting a suggestion from someone with two post count and no signature/avatar. :|



    TRJ remover is alright, I've used it before.

  9. I generally boot up a game on a spur of the moment decision. By the time I go and do all that I don't feel like playing the game anymore.




    Damnit, I want my youthful days when I could spend hours upon hours on a game back :(




    Just timed it, going from Mac os x, to windows, to playing oblivion took 1:42 minutes.




    See? By that time I would've already been distracted by some other shiny object.




    Well, not all of us have a 5 second attention span.




    Switching between OSs just to play a game for a couple hours.




    Lol. Here's what it takes to boot into OS on a different hard drive:




    1) Reboot


    2) Enter bios


    3) Change primary to secondary and secondary to primary


    4) Save changes and reboot




    Whole process takes less than 30 seconds.

    It's actually easier than that! You can open up Bootcamp under Utilities and select Windows as your primary OS! You can do the same thing in Windows by clicking on the Bootcamp icon. If you ever want to boot into the secondary OS, you just hold the Option key upon startup or you can toggle the settings in whatever OS you happen to be using. And as Apple has begun further improving its line of graphics cards, more and more titles have begun supporting both operating systems.




    In addition, there are several virtualization application available for OS X, both free and fee, that allow you to run Windows/Linux within OS X.




    Well, I don't have a mac (i think they are overpriced), but that's how I boot from linux to windows on my desktop.




    Additionally you could use virtualbox, almost no performance loss except it can only use one core. You can run pretty much every OS on it, and the only limit to how many OS's you can have running using virtualbox is RAM. OS's are completely separated and if (for example) a virus affects a virtual OS, it won't affect the actual physical machine. The only bad part - can't play video games, but since my laptop has integrated video I don't care about that.

  11. It's working fine. It quits because it ends outputting hello world and there's to interrupt.




    This is how you need to do it (snippet from my program)


    int check()
       if( Process( ), Modules( ), Users( ), Registry( ) == 0 )
           printf( "Nothing Detected\n" );
           getchar( ); // - This will pause the program until you press any key.
           return 0;             




    By the way I use Dev-C++, I recommend you do the same.

  12. Download and run TCPView, see what connections are open. Redirect all strange outbound connections to using the hosts file.


    If they still keep on appearing (they aren't downloaded from the web), boot into a live cd and do a scan from there.

  13. Nobody's gonna care about your msn password and if you did manage to change the passwords then you're fine. Nothing to worry about.




    But....just to be safe, it wouldn't hurt to run Spybot - Search & Destroy, just to be safe.




    Spammers care as it adds one more name to their arsenal and in turn increasing the probability that another computer could become infected with a trojan or virus.







    I'd have to disagree, doing that is probably the biggest waste of time ever.




    Yeah that's why this sort of thing happens all the time, right? :roll:




    There's a difference between a bot doing it and a person doing it.

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