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Everything posted by sb23

  1. Jagex seriously need's to do something about all the autoer's. They are killing the economy and making it harder for people who actually play the game to make money. Same with illegal immigrant's, they come to our country illegally to gain a free education and healthcare and most (not saying all) don't pay taxes. In effect all these illegal immigrant's raise our taxes and flood our school's and hospital's making harder for the legal citizen's to get a good education and proper health care. Another thing that is ridiculous is that they go and protest... This flood's our major cities and causes our economy to lose million's of dollar's. Wether in runescape or real life, people that don't gain thing's properly should be dealt with. I do understand that many illegal immigrant's are very poor, but their country should cooperate with the U.S to deal with this issue.
  2. They will make pure yew's or something, and then all the autoer's will find something new to make money off of.
  3. I haven't confirmed this yet, but I've been told their's different sound effect's for the two attacks.
  4. Good job, whip.. and you did the right thing and returned most of his stuff.
  5. They made tear's harder awhile back... I would always get 100+ and not have to move, but now I get 60 or 70 if im lucky and I find my self moving every 2 to 3 seconds.
  6. I was about to go to bed the other night, but I was bored and couldn't sleep. Well, I decided to get on and do a few barrows run's cause it was late. Well to make a short story even shorter, I laged and died. Lost Guthans,Whip,Obby, Alot of runes, and arrows.
  7. It was plenty pointless back when rsc was out, but maybe they planned on using it for something and just never got around to it. Wish I would have kept all those disc of returnings on my noob char:P Who would've thought that a disc that the dwarf gave you to get out of a black area would be worth something.
  8. Heh i like server roll backs ever since i did a clue and didn't get anything. Then i got d/c and rolled back like befor i dug for the clue, and got like a zammy pl8.
  9. yah its just south of legends guild:)
  10. I only made a new topic because, i couldn't find this one in any of the others.
  11. Same thing happened to me, around christmas... i was bored, so i decided to take like 5 sets of rune. I took them to varrock around the christmas tree and told everybody i was going to drop, and gathered quite a few people. I then proceded to drop all the rune and some other stuff. After it was over i told everybody to have a merry christmas and then i had like 30 people private messege me saying they were going to report me because they didn't get anything. Talk about lame...
  12. I wonder if they even realize this is happening.... it's a real pain, not being able to log in.
  13. I still can't log on either... been like an hr:(
  14. this login thing is gay, i've d/ced twice now and have to wait like 20 mins to log back on every time
  15. Their proabaly rethinking what it should look like, because the pic that they had looked like crap.
  16. I killed over 8k of those stupid things, got like 600k gp in soul runes, 1m gp in fire, and like 1.5k rune arrows.. not bad but a d-chain wouldve been alot better.
  17. I'm happy to hear that they banned 15,000 account's. Autoers are a real pain to the economy of the game(they lower prices and make it harder for people that actually play the game to make money). They lower prices on coal, fish, and every other item that has to be gotten. Sure, their's a loss of rare's but they weren't rightfully earned. Hopefully Runescape keeps looking hard for autoers, rather then every year or so have a mass ban after all the items circulate into the system.
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