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Everything posted by welephant

  1. If you had prayer you were a prayer beast. Man those things owned at higher levels.
  2. I've never really considered myself as such an old player, but I just checked when my recovery questions were last changed and it's the third of February 2002, and I changed them then because a friend knew my password. God, I am way more old school then I thought I was. I cannot remember my original characters name though, not for the life of me. I think I started this one about halfway through 2001.
  3. It's a sad day when this many people have to leave the game because of a few people that want to ruin it for everyone. Never knew you, but I'll miss another good community member.
  4. Used to be a really nice community to start playing in. Now it's full of elitist players that have been on the game for 3 months, and new players asking for free things all of the time. What happened to those good old days, eh?
  5. You can only ever have 1, and if you have a level 1 say you can't get a level 3 or 2 aswell.
  6. Hmmm, name rings a bell. Well now you can return and have the joy of farming if you fancy taking it up. It's not insanely boring and tedious, not even close.
  7. I have a friend called nig nog boy on it, he's actually black though, bless him!
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