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Everything posted by welephant

  1. I had Pious Pete and tangle vine. Tangle vine was a pain, if you were somewhere where monsters were aggressive towards you, the fighting would make the vine kill you as the game counted you as still moving. Pete took absolutely forever to complete, and was incredibly difficult. First time I got it, it was glitched and I couldn't light any of the candles so I was just stuck there until they updated the server. The second time I still couldn't do it, but after about half an hour I finally got away. They should take out swarm, it does nothing but annoy, at least all the others have a chance of a reward, swarm just makes you move, wait, return.
  2. I was riding my bike down the main street in my village to go to the shop. So I hit about halfway down the hill and I see a guy driving pretty strangely so I slow down to avoid him. He then accelerates to 50 mph and smashes into me head on. My head goes through his windscreen, but the momentum of his car twists my body and one of my legs knocks off his wing mirror, then my head comes out of his windscreen, pulling glass into my forehead and (somehow) into the back of my neck. My bike flies up and pulls me over the back of his car, as my legs are still clinging on for dear life due to some reflex action. Throughout this whole ordeal my eyes somehow never leave the drivers, I'm literally staring him right in the eyes as he as near as kills me. At least, that's a version that I have managed to string together from some eye-witness accounts, and what the guy who hit me said. I can't remember the actual crash, or a few days before it, but I remember the part after. He was drunk still from the night before, and had decided to drive whilst talking on his mobile and had hit me due to not concentrating/being drunk. caused $6000 of damage to his car, and he lost his licence. Best part of the story? I was completely fine when I landed at the back of his car. I pulled the glass out of my neck and forehead, popped my dislocated knee back in and then asked him what had happened. Then I passed out and woke up in an ambulance. I called the ambulance men alot of very undesireable things for putting me in a neck brace when I was obviously fine, tried to sit up and walk out of the ambulance WHILE IT WAS MOVING. They took me in to hospital and checked me over. Then they let me go because I was fine and I had to get the bus home. Worst part of the story? The bus cost me ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã1.80!
  3. Since it seems to be the rule here that parts of the body designed to attract you to a person will only be met with responses claiming you're immature, I'll go for things that are 'acceptable'. I really like a girl to have a nice stomach (nice in this case doesn't always mean flat, just a stomach I think is nice), and a good sense of self. You know, good style and a good knowledge of how to offset their positive features. Unnatractive would be excessive bodily hair, and boney feet.
  4. That's too bad wizard. I would love to give blood, went once. Got tested, weighed and all that jazz and just in passing mentioned that I'd had skin cancer. Apparently that means i can't give blood, which is a shame :(
  5. You could mine the ess, and pick up a bronze pick axe from barbarian village.
  6. September I join the local fire service. I'm really looking forward to it, I get to help people and it's an interesting job. Not great pay, and I'm risking my life but I love everything about it.
  7. Leicester, England. Pros: Good night life. Good job prospects. I live about 15 minutes drive from 3 different town centres, with alot of interesting and big shops. An hour or so to London, a little more to Manchester, a little less to bimingham. Awesome transport links. Friendly people, who learn to know their place pretty quickly. Plenty of job prospects. Beautiful surroundings. Cons: I'm quite a well known local person, so I can't get away with moving without people talking to me, and questioning me on what I'm doing. We have our own dose of chavs, who tend to get beaten up quite badly every so often, so have learned there place. I'm banned from every pub around here due to unfortunate happenings with a few of my friends. Every so often, someone I know gets raped or stabbed or hit and run on, then that leads to people I know getting revenge, which is then revenged. Alot of bad memories from people being killed/killing themselves. Robberies and house breakages are low, stabbings rapes and murders. Highest concentration of both legal and illegal immigrants. My family are originally immigrants, but alot of immigrants who come to Leicester illegally, then rape or stab someone so that they get put into prison for a long time, so that they can claim citizenship. Having to carry some sort of weapon, and always having to keep your head down on nights out. Really went on a bit of detailed description there.
  8. I social smoke. I actually hate that term, but it's deemed on me by others so I'll stick with it. In my opinion, you either smoke or you don't Everyone hates inconsiderate smokers, another persons smoke is so much worse then your own. One of the main problems is venues outlook to non-smoking areas. Almost every pub I have ever been into that has a no smoking area places it higher up then the smoking area. Amoke is heavy, but it still tends to rise from the heat and people tend to blow it upwards, away from their bodies and the faces of others. This needs sorting out, badly.
  9. Never, ever heard Neek before in my life. But yeah, fashion is a powerful force in everyone. I've never met anyone who wears something because it's there, it'd be pretty much impossible. You either follow trends as best you can, or you actively try not to follow trends. I follow trends, but my own choice of trends. I don't have to wear the most up to date clothing and labels, but I like to wear labels that will be recognised in certain circles, but don't draw ridiculous attention. Another factor is money. Obviously when something is really popular, the price will go up. Someone would gain my fashion approval alot better if they wear something cheap, and unlabelled that looks good on them, then follows a fowl looking fashion. For the record, my rear hangs out, but I've been doing it for years, because I hate tight trousers/shorts/jeans.
  10. Not bothering to train a black pure in rsc. I missed out on all the crazy pking fun.
  11. Or you could use your friends and remaining family to get the support you need, if you aren't religious or don't want to go down that route, as not all people do. Me being one of them, my dad died a few years ago, I never ever saw him, and last time I did we talked for 5 minutes and then I called him a racist biggot and that was the end of it. Time heals all wounds, but this one will take alot of time. Seriously though, lean on your friends and family and make sure you don't distance them. That's what I did and it only lead to more grief.
  12. 9,748. But I'm not sure if that is the mountain itself, or it's elveation above sea level. Jungfraujoch in Switzerland, scariest thing I have ever done was scaling that mountain. Also, when we got to the top you'll never guess what is there. A restaurant with a James Bond museum, and a cable car. We took the cable car down, apparently that was the plan all along. :-w
  13. What, finals?? A-levels are where it's at. And I don't have to take any, as I've been kicked out of school. Good luck with whatever these mysterious beings are.
  14. Here's my attempt. Awful but ah well.
  15. I, too, have absolutely no idea what you mean by half of this. I live in England, and like someone said before me there really isn't this weird social ladder. If there was though, I'd probably be at the top as I'm so amazing....................(but really, I would :lol:) Trust me though. Put yourself out there. Yes, stereotypes suck but they are a part of life. I've been kicked out of college, when I was 17 (remembering American college is English university). I wish I could go back. I've found it almost impossible to get a job due to stereotypes and I had to fight so hard to get my half a years worth of excess education. I have a girlfriend that I've had since school. I never wanted to go out with her to raise my social status or just for sex. I went out with her because I wanted to spend time with her, and was physically and emotionally attracted to her. Actually, most of your post pissed me off, so I'll stop now before I rant on for hours.
  16. It does sound like you put yourself into a stereotype and are now complaining because others then placed you into that stereotype. Just put up nice pictures of you or ridiculous ones, That's my advice. Also, off topic, you are the first person I have ever met that actually likes Trivium. I have seen them live twice and, damn, they are awful. (In my opinion anyway)
  17. A little robot body popping thing would be nice. And maybe a check watch emote, where you look at your wrist and tap it, I'd love that.
  18. I was really expecting this to be boring, but I quite enjoyed it for some reason. Kudos to you.
  19. Seems to have just turned into a thread for your mates to argue on, so back on topic. Good luck, should be a nice pure, even with that 2 def :wall:
  20. Erm, none of these are really awkward, just seems to be another what have people done for you thread. On-topic: I once pked someone, it's probably my only pk ever. Turned out it was my friends little sister, who I happened to meet through chance on the game and I made her cry. Her dad said he was going to kill me :shock:
  21. Hopefully get all skills 60+ and 85+ slayer. Also, lava cape is probably up there.
  22. My friends attempt to bully me, but I'm amazing so they fail miserably. I then laugh in their faces and push them into the mud. The mud in some sort of murderous arsenic mud, and they get it in hundreds of tiny cuts that they got as I pushed them through my bath of gold leaf. I then just take the time to drink a cool refreshing drink as I individually point out their finer faults. Or something like that anyway.
  23. That made me laugh, it really did just sum up the argument in an instant.
  24. Squeezing salamanders to make them shoot fire......... But generally yeah, the updates are getting alot more realistic. That'll probably go down the drain again soon though.
  25. I recently died and lost pretty much everything, so I decided to start this blog. It is a road to pretty much anything. The main aim is to keep me motivated, as I'll probably be doing awful things like runecrafting. Anyway, this is my starting bank: And my starting stats: I'll post all progress made on here, first thing to do is sell some stuff and get a tonne of pure ess, got to get to nat crafting level and then power it. ACHIEVEMENTS Missed level, but 36 rc. Just realised I was able to cry again, so 34 construction.
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