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Everything posted by xrhinox

  1. Lol I did this quick in about a minute. Basically I just wanted to show you how the body should look. Try to make it closer to a human figure and take a decent amount on your linework. Gl with the rest of your sig. Hope it helps :)
  2. Hey everyone, i'm xrhinox. I'm not one of the most recognized pixelers although I have been around Tip.it for a while. This is mostly because I dont have that much time to commit to making sigs but every once in a while I put my talent to the test. This is a gallery of all the sigs i've made through out my career, there are some missing but this is most of them. The order is from oldest to the most recent. Enjoy! - [Very Old Sig] - This was one of my oldest sigs. Everyone has to start somewhere right :P I still remember TJ saying the chars body figure looks like a Monkey and his arms rofl , good times :) - [3 Hit U Pure] - This was a sig I made for 3 Hit U Pure for 500k. Thanks to Ran Shadow for inspiring me with your cool style to try something new, it was a fun experience. - [Patchman] - This was a sig I made for Patchman5000 for 400k. - [Tooooon] - Made this one for Tooooon for free. It was to practice my line work and shading, but he never used it :(. Still had great fun making it :) . - [Guthan Unfinished] - Due to my obession of Guthan, I started this sig, never really thought of a BG for it yet lol. - [Dolfin] - I made this sig for Dolfin's competition. Unfornately He/She was hacked and lost alot of money so the competition is delayed for now. I would consider this sig some of my finest linework. Also enjoyed having the nice and colourful theme in this sig :). - [Durothean] - This sig was originally made for XX Ghetto XX but he scammed me and ripped the sig. I told his clan admins to remove it but they said they have to believe a member over a guest. The original price was 1mil, but later it was auctioned of to Durothean for 400k. I really liked this sig. - [bKOZ] - Made this sig for a nice guy named BKOZ239. It was a new thing because of the setting and type of view. He paid me 2mil cleanly and we became good friends :). - [Charmander] - This is my idol. Lol jks, I looked at a sprite but I did this from scratch, just for fun :wink: . Anyways I hope you enjoyed looking at all my sigs. Hope you guys still know that I am around :). Also I hope(for the 3rd time lol) that this inspires alot of new pixelers because take a look at my first sig to my last, Big Difference! lol. Have a nice day everyone. xrhinox :)
  3. It's awesome for your first. Wicked line work and you'll get the shading right next time ;). You definately have a future, keep it up :)
  4. Just next time, you need to read the gore warning. Geez... :roll: Eh? I did, im just saying I like the sigs without the blood better. No need to roll your eyes now blazer :wink:
  5. First of all, Ive always respected your pixeling skills TJ. Very nice sig. Only thing I didn't like about this one was all the gore. It was just way too much. I could understand they want a sig like this but imo I like the more peaceful Jeppoz sigs better. This sig almost made me puke because there were about 4-5 heads on the ground. Anyways nice detail , very nice sig. Just next time, bring the gore a tone down lol
  6. Wicked movie and a few good laughs :) Cant wait to see more :wink:
  7. thats awesome :) cant wait to see the finished product!
  8. heres an update on the zendan(soulsagers sig) ye i know i put in a sara helm instead of white phat but i dont know how he/she wants the person to look , like hair colour and stuff so i gotta catch him/her online and ask :wink:
  9. alrite i added you , ghettohaze , but your not on right now so i guess when i see you on we can discuss price
  10. Thanks for sample :wink: made it for flame reece , hes still gotta pay though. and for all sig requests ill get started on them asap , thanks guys
  11. Thanks. If my little animations not working , thats fine. Bump.
  12. 9/10 , doom 3 :D , how much would you sell it for?
  13. bump it up, ill be posting another example soon that im making for someones sig competition.
  14. ye thanks for advice, anyone want a sig?
  15. Hey everyone, I make pixel sigs Here is an example. When ordering please include: Name Quote Details of character(s) Scene Actions Anything else you want Also leave your rsn and how much your paying for the sig, thanks. Clients: Flame Reece (500k+) (completed) zeldan0 (500k) (in work) Ghettohaze (200k) (2nd in line)
  16. Some people dont have the money to pay for it so its perfectly fair , infact i think members has way to many things compared to f2p . Everyday theres a new members item update almost while f2p hasnt gotten any new items for some time now.
  17. use the print screen button on your keyboard , go to paint and paste it, o and btw dont forget to crop.
  18. np :) , glad to here you guys like em anyone else want one?
  19. u can go to my shop and order a custom one for only 50k which also comes with a free avatar :)
  20. np , and thanks guys , you were great clients and easy to work with :)
  21. Ok I_Himano_I here you go What do you want on the avatar and whats your rsn so you can pay?
  22. heres yours car salesman , ill finish your avatar in a bit.
  23. Ok 7486 heres yours thanks carsalesman im still working on yours but it will be done soon.
  24. xrhinox

    not siggy

    black chest trimmed large and kite are gold and normal legs with black warhammer :shock: owned...
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