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Everything posted by King_Kazul

  1. The Order that these are listed in and the order that they appear on the picture go together. Black (t) Armor Black (g) Armor Wizard (g) Armor Wizard (t) Armor Studded Leather (g) Studded Leather (t) Black Heralded Kite Sheilds Adamant (t) Armor Adamant (g) Armor Green Dragon Hide (t) Armor Green Dragon Hide (g) Armor Adamant Heralded Kite Sheild Runite (g) Armor Runite (t) Armor Guthix Runite Armor Saradomin Runite Armor Zamorak Runite Armor Runite Heralded Kite Sheilds
  2. i got a friend like that too, just lost full rune in a war so he gave me this. D-Hide Body (t) I decided that he needed some help with his magic too so i gav him a gift of 10k air runes. now i feel special inside :) Then he went and got me some arrows.
  3. the whole poit of me getting 80 def is for the wild, i want to be able to mine in peace
  4. Newsflash: We already can only carry so many things at once... Not all sharks are big dude.
  5. Current- -Defense:25/80 Combat: 11 Status: Off-Line I have decided to go against the grain on this one. I have decided to make a def pure. Skillz are included on first pic. I will find out if 1 atk and str, but high def can win a fight. I train def at monks where i can train for hours on end on the same monk. Feel free to visit and see if you can best me. Melee of your choice, but no rangers or mages. You will more than likly end up here. If i ever make it to 80 defense i am going to go kill elvarg the dragon in defensive. Met someone at the exact same point as me :shock: 20 Def Wins: Loses: Mage owned me but i was slow on screenie :-w
  6. My idea started when i thought: "hmmm why does a bead share the same amount(sp?) of space as platebody armor. I thought this was fairly stupid. Then I though of another good way. Make your inventory and bank into grids. This would more accurately represent the size of objects, and would also open up several new doors. the ability to carry backpacks (carry more, but be able to access it slower. Tell me what you thin but dont flame or anything :wall:
  7. When my brother built our computer, i'm not sure why, he selected a laptop keyboard. Im fine with this and I've gotten used to it. However, I can no longer take my screen shots of my kills on the wilderness because this is where my Prt Sc button is. I have tried everything i can think of, but for the life of my i can't figure out how to get this to work instead of F10. Anyone with an idea would be helpful.
  8. i like the bit with the steel dragon "Just Dropping in" lmao I also wonder if they like the flowers :) You should send jagex the link, i bet they'd like the music :)
  9. ya i remeber selling a santa for 250k and now they like 13mill+ But it doesnt matter too much right? Its just a game... I don't see how it stopped new players from joining... I could, however, see it stopping people from making new accounts ansd getting many holiday items... Actually - they were origanally invented to show/symoblise how long a player has/was playing for. IF thats the case thats mentally challenged because ive played longer than ALOT of people playing now, if anyone remembers when P hats were 100 k and r2hswere 500 k , and the PINK (now known as purple) p hat was 500 k, thats how long ive been playing. 4 years+ i donno exaclty, and i still get called a noob lol They were infact invented to symbolized the leangth a player had been playing. The fact that they became a symbol of wealth is a side effect of the fact that Jagex decided to make them tradeable (bad-idea). and the only reason you probly dont have is because you weren't there to recieve those items on those days. I would be a hypocrit if i said i wouldn't do that, because i would :lol: but I dont think we are meant to make our money by manipulating the market and following its prices, our wealth should be displayed and gathered by the skills we raise and the goals we accomplish. I can't say for sure weather or not they ruin the economy because i have never seen it run "properly". Party hats are not useless, even though it was probably never their intent they now symbolize wealth. Think of it this way, Party hats are like gold in real life, why get gold when steel will do? Because gold looks better.
  10. here ya go dude this should fill in the gaps http://tip.it/runescape/?page=random_events.htm#praycom
  11. ya, now east of the wild is a single combat area don't know how to map or i would do it myself.
  12. i think thts why they don't give out heir phone number..... :?
  13. There is proof right in the pic. look carefully and guess what is missing if it were pvp. There'es no skull over either head!!!!! that is not player vs player there that is an npc. I'm shocked. i didnt think that the code alowed for god spells in f2p worlds..... Congrats at discovery
  14. Just talk back "FLEE FROM ME EVIL CHICKEN!!!!!!!" "MUAHAHAHAHAHAH!" u can get alot of people to laugh that way.
  15. Ok i was just surfing the graveyard when i see this vid from Pain Intended. I start going through the movies like i enjoy doing. on the 4th vid a mom pops up and no big deal right? Then another and anotheer until i cant see anymore cause the camera guy got a maze. I personally think that random events scan the world searching for people who are not acting.(they were all just standing in a pile talking. Don'y believe me??? Here's my proof!! http://josh.painintended.com/videos/PI_vs_KTCheat.wmv For those of u who don't know copy and paste into your url. You cannot just click the link it won't work. The forums wont let me post..... Edit: I must've hit somekeys wrong or sumthin cause my whole topic was messed up
  16. Make theorys on random things.... Yea because computers know how to do random without an equation. If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all.
  17. I know from experience that while trading on world 1 that it is next to impossible to talk to someone you are tradeing with unless they are your friend. This is just an idea..... It would be selectable only while trading or a button can be made on the game menu so it automatically comes on whenever you trade.
  18. And then suddenly there were general stores; angels sang from on high and the sky was filled Party hats of every coler.
  19. The only difference between rangers and melee is melee can train its str up to 80 and hit 20s while being lv 50. f2p rangers simply cannot do that we have to train the equivelent of atk str combined and that raises our level too fast. and i have also seen level 35 mages hitting 16 on us poor rangers. i aint that low but some of my friends are.
  20. The only problems i see with this is that with rsc gone we would be : 1)Destroying the very creater of the game we play now 2)All those macroers would need to go somewhere and thery will try their best on rs2 i'm sure 3)Rsc has too many memories of us old players in it. for me it was my first set of full rune ever, my first defeating the dragon and the meeting of the first friend i still have now. Ast1998899 wants to see rsc cleaned
  21. The only problems i see with this is that with rsc gone we would be : 1)Destroying the very creater of the game we play now 2)All those macroers would need to go somewhere and thery will try their best on rs2 i'm sure 3)Rsc has too many memories of us old players in it. for me it was my first set of full rune ever, my first defeating the dragon and the meeting of the first friend i still have now. Ast1998899 wants to see rsc cleaned
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