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Posts posted by Soma2035

  1. Teleport spells are a fail.



    South falador? Why not use lumby ring...



    Ardougne teleport? We already have a teleport nearby to fishing spot... and we could just use the ardougne cape.


    Well, I can't use the ardy cape, it presumably gets me closer.... South falador seems pointless. I'd say it'd be useful for getting to falador on lunars, but there's always house tabs + portal or just falador tabs...


    Remote farming looks awesome :thumbup:


    Gathering points is quite slow.. Hoped it would go faster.

    Back to agility it is!


    EDIT: I just realised this is just a new version of the mage training arena in Al Kharid. Casting spells in a minigame and doing it for ages for a small reward.


    Damnit. You're right. But these rewards look much more useful.


    ^ Veng Group causes your vengeance to rebound onto the group around you. It's a self vengeance that affects a group.


    The food spell seems almost immortal at waterfiends now.

    If you had soul split you're already immortal at waterfiends :rolleyes:


    Heh. In b4 Group Venge, friend AGS specs you.


    One thing I don't like is I get construction exp. That means I might level construction. That means I have to update my house! >.<


    Yes, I realize I don't have to update my house when I level, but whatever.



    Actually, it just casts vengeance on everyone near you, according to the in-game description. The kb is worded horribly, as usual.

  2. ^ Jagex said recently that droprate for 3a is 1 in a 6 digit number.


    Level 3 clues can be done in 5-15 minutes and elite clues in 20-30 minutes. Unfortunately, the average reward isn't even worth the time to do them let alone the additional cost for buying the scroll.


    I don't see where you're getting your numbers from, but they look like you've dug them straight from your ass. I've done plenty of lvl 3 clues and some elites. level 3s usually take 15-30 mins and elites 45-1 hour, and that is if you know what you're doing.


    No, you just suck at clue scrolls.


    Level 3 clues can be done in under 10 minutes easily. After you've done enough, you can outright remember where the coordinate leads most of the time. If not, you'll be able to approximate it well enough - simply open a guide on the side while you head in that general direction. Puzzles boxes should never take you more than a minute and a half. I've gotten them in under 30 seconds. The only clues that are at all time-consuming for me are emote clues, and only for the GE trip. If you're serious about clues, the items should be in your bank, ready to go


    And how on earth do you spend an hour doing an elite clue? What did you do, get 4 Elvenlands scan clues? Scan clues in huge areas are the only ones that really should take much time.

  3. (how do they possibly make it to Diamond/Platinum?) :P







    Funny that you mention that. Today was my first lost in season 2 to a Protoss player, because I somehow missed the fourth gateway and thought he was going to expand, and didn't get my bunker up in time.


    I'm still playing terribly against Zerg, though. If anyone here is a decent Zerg player, we should practice. :D

  4. That is an awful attempt at a viral advertising campaign for NASL :(


    Got this after beating a couple mediocre Protoss players (how do they possibly make it to Diamond/Platinum?). :P




    In other news, my 2v2 skills still fail me.

  5. Wow... My last 3 duels were 3 x-loggers. One was a mere 9M. These stupid [bleep]ing kids are ridiculous. And, we can probably rest assured Jagex ain't gonna do a God damn thing about it.

    This game really has gone to [cabbage] since Free Trade, hasn't it? Bots, scammers, and bug abusers every where you look. Jagex doesn't care-- botters' five bucks are as good as legit players' five bucks, so what's it to them as long as payments aren't fraudulent?


    I have been happily immersed in Dungeoneering, though, so I haven't really encountered much of these issues. I will say that the few times I've tried to do slayer recently, every world I went to was excessively crowded, and at least a few of them had to be bots because the didn't loot anything and moved in predictable patterns. People aren't even scared to openly bot on their mains anymore.


    Bug abusers were just as prominent before free trade came back.


    Personally, I saw just as many bots before free trade came back as after.


    The only one that's really changed is scammers, and they're still stupid and funny more than annoying.

  6. I just love how big a deal they made free trade and wilderness returning. A giant publicity stunt, all planned, and it greatly bit them in the ass. Lawl.

    what do you mean? they have way more subscribers now.

    Many of them are botters, though.

    Yeah and we all know bots don't pay for their subscriptions :roll:

    Jagex knowingly and willingly sacrificed the gaming experience of it's players for more money. Simple as that. They knew botting would come back full-force. You really think they thought making a bot company change their name was "taking down botters"?


    I don't know about everyone else, but my gaming experience has definitely taken a turn for the better since the return of free trade. Most of the bots I see now were the same bots I saw before free trade returned, anyways.

  7. Krill can hit up to 600 on you. Total that with 2 minions you have little protection against, there is the ever slightest chance of being comboed for 600 200 200


    KQ on the other hand only hits up to 300, and attacks MUCH slower then krill + magic + range minion


    Nex only hits up to around 350, barring special attacks, and every special attack comes with ample warning and has very low combo potential. Only one of her special attacks has a slight chance of actually killing you instantly. Are you implying that K'ril is harder than Nex?


    EDIT: Yeah, typo. Meant harder.

  8. Bersker ring > Tactisian ring

    Even if there was no maximum accuracy(as there is no maximum damage), i'd like to know the 3 weapon binds anyone has to justify their tactician ring. If you don't, forget about it.


    I wanna take a guess a this....







    So the 3 worst weapons? :blink:






    You'd need a weapon for every style so it'd be:






    it's just too bad baxe is a batter slash and better crush weapon than longsword/warhammer.


    Well I didn't guess rapier...because it has a stab agressive, and slash agressive, so bersker covers 2 styles, where as the weapons I guessed, only have one agressive style each.


    Meh who cares, we're talking about useless weapons (other then rapier now I guess)




    WHY THE [bleep] WOULD IT!?!?!?!?!?!!?!


    we heard the first time and second time, there's a reason we ignored you.


    Well, not so much that the celestial catalyctic staff SHOULD give free fires runes, but I should be able to bind a celestial staff and a surgebox and NOT need to make fires runes...


    EDIT: I must say though, ranting about it in all caps lock was probably a little obnoxious.


    Wind Surge.

  9. I have been gone for a month (got hacked for 180m,) but I recently got my account back and I am almost ready to nex (I have 99 melees, range, Mage, pray, summ and herby,) I just need to make 50m back to buy my acp/fury/ranger boots, and get rigour/a ccb, and I'll be ready.


    I was wondering what perm teams there were, and how they operate.


    The situation hasn't changed much since the last time this was asked on this topic. :mellow: It's still pretty much just OtG and PiD, as far as bigger teams go. Losing Games often recruits people here on TIF for his smaller team but he tends to just so with whoever's available.

  10. I know a few of you get excited when someone's not using the 'correct' items, but can we please stop with the quote chains and flaming?


    It's also against the forum rules to post someones name on the forums in a negative light, so I've removed a few of the posts.

    -.- i resent this, as i was not so much trolling, but merely noticing that said person WAS there, i also don't know how to "white" out someones name using mac and if someone can show/teach me would be much appreciated. <_<


    Aren't you the one who wore a Ring of Life into Nex's room with a professional team? For the record, learning not to wear Ring of Life at bosses is something you're supposed to pick up long before you're qualified for Nex, and arguably more sub-optimal than the funky Dragon Med Helm and Snakeskin boots your slayer buddy was rocking, as it's putting your team at risk too.

  11. i get the ringalingaling of the row every kill, like on abyssal demons and other bosses.


    the row does not augment existing drops (i.e. it's still 30 brews and 10 restores, NOT like 33 and 11 or something like that).


    i haven't seen close to enough drops to see if it changes the distribution of regular drops.




    You just made 9 times my bank..


    Nah he had to share. I tbed, you see. :)

  12. Guys, read it more closely. Ring of Wealth has the potential to be VERY useful.


    1) Monsters have a normal drop table and a rare drop table. One of the possibilities from the normal drop table is the drop an item from the rare drop table instead.


    2) Items on the rare drop table tend to be shared by many monsters. Not every monster can drop every item on the rare table, but many monsters can drop a good portion of this table. AKA, you can see Nex drop 67 Nature runes and a Rune Battleaxe, both of which are "rare" drops. You can see the same drops from an Abyssal Demon, but NOT a Gorak.


    3) Whenever the Ring of Wealth influences the drop table, it'll shine brightly to let you know.


    4) The rare drop table has been "improved" (debatable, honestly).


    5) The Ring of Wealth shines brightly on EVERY KILL for many slayer monsters, and bosses.


    6) It is specifically stated to apply to Sigil drop rates.


    In case this hasn't made it clear, Ring of Wealth has a VERY different effect now. Not only does it influence the rare drop table, but it ALSO influences the normal drop table for certain monsters that have good drops that aren't rare. Wearing the Ring of Wealth should be improving your drop rate for Abyssal whips, Dragon boots, Granite mauls, Torva platebodies, Dragon hatchets, etc.

  13. If I understand the prestige update correctly, would it speed up dungeoneering if a team were to repeat floors 36 and 48 over and over?

    That way they should be able to skip all the longer bosses like yk'lagor and kalger while still gaining full xp


    Or have I misunderstood it and this is not possible?


    Sort of. Let's say you did floor 40 when you've done it before.


    If you have floors 36 to 39 open, it'll go in order from 36 to 39, and you will get xp based on floor 36-39 and your prestige.

    If you have floors 36 to 39 done, but you have floors 41 to 45 open, you will get xp based on floor 40, but it will check off floor 41-45.


    So if you do floor 36 ten times, it'll check off 36 to 45 in order, but you will get xp for floor 36 every time. On the other hand, if you did floor 45 ten times, it'll check off 45, then 36 to 44, giving you the appropriate xp for each floor.

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