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Everything posted by crazykiwi

  1. The current random events are a form of CAPTCHA, just not the traditional "type in the distorted word" style (which was used in RSC sleeping bags and quite a failure). Asking "which of these spinning things is a bagette?" should be very hard for a bot to figure out, and I see alot of bots in Catherby get caught by it. The trouble is after being teleported away the bots can just find their way back and keep going. Maybe the punishment for getting it wrong needs to be tougher, but then you don't want to punish people who just click in the wrong place too much. Wow, did I get off topic there or what? Ummmm, probably just server maintenance. Upgrading or moving to a different server can take some time. I guess they don't have a redundant server for creating new characters as it's not that critical.
  2. I've noticed that the tables in the basilisk entry gets screwed up (I'm using IE7, havn't checked in firefox). I took a look at the html and found the fault: at the part where it has about the rag and bone man quest there's a missing " in the link. currently the line of code is : Upon completion of the Rag and Bone Man quest, the basilisk may drop a non-buryable bone.
  3. I've been reporting some of the really obvious ones (lvl 3, default clothes, don't respond to private messages, only 1 skill in high scores and it's lvl 70+, has a name almost the same as another macroer at the same spot). I checked the names of some I've reported and some of them have disappeared from the high score tables, so reporting does work somtimes, and if I can kill off some of these macroers then I'm happy.
  4. Umm, he wasnt born in the US, nor is he a citizen now. he cant run for president even if he wanted lol Arnold is gonna change that soon. That would be a sad day where a movie star becomes the head of the worlds only superpower. Yeah, like that's never happened before... http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001654/
  5. I find that the main thing RS gets bashed about is it's graphics. Sure, they've improved them over the years (dragons, fally, etc), and it's heaps better than RSC, but it's still nothing compared to the likes of WOW etc. Of course they are rather limited by making RS in java and allowing it to run on older slower computers. As it appears that they are working on a new non-rs game, I think they should make it as a standalone (ie. non java/browser based), while keeping the things that have made RS popular. People with older slower computers and those who like games running in a browser will still have RS to play. The new game could be released for free, as a free download off the site (even though it could be quite big), included on magazine cds, or sold in stores at a very low price (say $5 to cover pressing, shipping, store profits etc). Keep a free to play area as that helps introduce players to the game, and the ever expanding pay to play area for those who will pay for more content (this has worked well in RS). Keep the large non fighting content (wow gets boring with just combat), keep making sure there's heaps of servers (wow players know the problem there...), make sure there's heaps of social interaction (making friends in game helps keep people interested), and they'll have a certain hit! Of course, that's just my ideas, but it's what I'd do in their situation.
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