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  1. Protect item drains like .1 prayer, so I'm always keeping it on. You can't tell when you're close to death. Normally you think you're doing good, than "BAM""BAM" 30, 33, 25, 20, 44, you're dead. You can't tell when you're about to die.
  2. I read the guide on HQ about killing the Kalphite queen, but normally there are a lot of things wrong with guides like that. I will be going with 1 friend, I will be wearing full Veracs, and using protect item soI don't loose, or need to repair my helm.. I am bringing 1 pray pot, 1 poison pot, and 1 attack potion. The rest of my inventory will be filled with shark. Any other tips?
  3. Rares is one of the reasons, it's just like any other item people are trying to merchant. The price raised 200m+ for a blue in less than 4 months. Why did it raise? Because they were more rare? No. Because people just kept merchanting, and merchanting.
  4. I've noticed this a lot lately, and it's in a way ruining the game. I never payed much attention to RS market, I bought items, I sold items, didn't bother to study anything about it. But the last few weeks, I've been playing RS a lot, and trying to figure out how to make the best money. Obviously it would come down to merchanting. Merchanting isn't my thing, I don't really agree with it, because it's ruining the Runescape echonomy, and making skills less useful. Well, since I didn't know much about it, I went to world 2, and forums, to see what would be best. To my surprise when I actaully studied this, I was shocked. People are coming to Runescape, at level 3, playing for a month, and making millions, sometimes 100,000,000s. Thats not the problem though, if they want to make that much money they can. The problem is that it's making skills useless. I'm a guy that likes to fish, fletch, wc, mine, and use other skills to make money. Why? Because I would rather get XP, than money. Yeah, thats easy to understand. Now when ever a new item comes out, prices go from being say 10m each - 30 mill each, because of merchanters. Yea... thats OK. but the problem is, prices are staying high, when it should be lowering. Thus making a BIG problem with Runescape echonomy. What made me blow up was this: Yesterday I'm in world 2, buying dhorak's plate and legs, a whip, and d sq. I got them all at a decent price, so I was happy. I decided to go somewhere thats not so busy, so I went to more of an empty part of fally. To my surprize a few people(about 5-8) came by me, and asked me "why don't you have full dragon". I say "I can't afford it", meh I can't, I could if I wanted to fish for like a week straight, but I don't want to do that. One of them goes "You must be bad at merchanting than". I told them I didn't merchant, and that I think raising, and making money from skills is better. They FREAKEDDDD, saying that people who raised skills were noobs. I explained that raising skills is harder than going and buying and selling something over and over. They just kept thinking they were better than me, because they had more money... Why does the amount of money you have define you? I spend money on skills, not items. I have spent about 10m just on items, to improve me look, but I wouldn't waste more. What has RS come to? It once had a great echonomy, with steady prices, since RS2 came out, the echonomy has been totaled.
  5. I've seen a few people with it. If you're in a clan, you could get 600+ tickets in 1 day. Some clans go there for a while day to get massive XP.
  6. Notttttttttttttt true. They were dropped all over the ground, and you had to pick them up. You didn't buy them.
  7. Obviously members would win..... I go to free and I don't see a single person who's level is red, I go to members, and they're everywhere. Oh anyways. I'm in. My names Boogie33.
  8. I'm wondering, when you die while wear cooking gaunts, is there any way to get them back. If so, how?
  9. Well I'm going to go now and try just lobs, with pray pots on Guthan, and Ahrim.
  10. OK. I wasn't sure if this would go there, or here. Umm. With darts, are there any safe spots I could go?
  11. Well, I'm planning to go do barrows for a little bit of cash soon. But first, I need to ask some questions.... 1) Will I make a profite even after having to buy a bunch of pray pots? 2) is it worth it? Right now I'm short on cash, and REALLY don't want to make money by fishing, mining, ect.. So I plan to do this to make a few mills. I'm worried I might end up loosing more money by buying pray pots, is this true?
  12. You can get stuff from the chest at any kill count I think. The more kills you have, the better the chance of getting a barrows item.
  13. Haha! This was funny to read. The lowest level thing I can remember being killed by was a normal goblin, in Lumby.
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