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Posts posted by shadow_Fox99

  1. Hello I'm Shadow_fox99 and I'm going to start playing Runescape again. I'm in the Airforce currently stationed in Spangdahlem Germany, So my overall time to play is limited. To my surprise after 2 years my account is still alive and some how not magically erased. Anways, the last thing I rember doing befor I quit was doing Queen runs (D-Chain was 20min Each at the time) and getting my fire cape (Which yes, Was a pain.)




    With this being said, Im wondering after 2 years what has happened to the game? What are the new/best/most efficient ways to get XP? What are all these new mini games? What new weapons/armors have been added? What are these 2 new skills I see?




    I probbly will be updated my acount within this week to members also. Anyways, Thanks for the help and Im looking for some positive feedback so I can quickly start playing again.






    RSN: Autobot12345








    I don't think we even need to finish the competition. Just give him the prize.








    At any time if I feel like its necessary, I will drop this whole contest. The fact is I'm providing all the prizes and I dont want spam like this taking up entry spots in our contest. Grow up people....








    Also, to every one who PM me about being a judge and anyone who would want to PM me about be a judge. A one sentence statement just asking to be a judge is just not going to cut it here for the most part. It would be nice if you actually said why you wanted to be a judge or what qualifies you as one.


    What you have to do is log back onto wow and make a alliance tweak gnome rogue with duel assassins enchanted. Also, get him to lvl 19 and just keep replaying the battle grounds.... Its complete ownage.








    A gnome togue? You can't be serious...








    I have seen, faught, and died to them. Im serious.






    Probably one of the best outfit in this whole contest, first place is to SHADOW FOX!! Just shows ya what F2P can achieve! :D












    Curious... how does that show one what F2P can achieve? He's been a member before, and has high member stats.








    If you look at it carefully, I think he has been to the varrock Makeover place and changed his clothes to Red and used items from other holiday events. But that's what I think. I'm quite suprised with the results :shock:












    What are you talking about?? The fact is, I have had this custom for months allrady. However, even if I would have went to the makeover place that still does not matter. This is a custom contest god sakes and its not cheating from some one to change their looks to win a contest. Other then that, if there really was one thing I did in runescape with all my money, it was finding the best possible custome.

  5. Well, don't refer to me as 'kid'. As I'm probably older than you, but okay, thanks for your input.








    Um... Thats besides the point. However, that fact is that you may be older then me, but your level of critical thinking still does not show.








    Then theres the fact that you actually came on tip.it asking for an account name... I mean really, who does that?








    No... just, just no.




    The best update, or hoilday drop, I think were the christmas crackers.








    Some may disagree, But enough said, party hats are still the single most best financial investment anyone could ever make in runescape.








    The fact is Party hats will never drop in price... Yeah, they might fluctuate time to time in price, maybe even up to 5mil. But, that could hardley be considerd a drop in my perspective.








    Just because you dont have a party hat or any other hoilday item does not give you the right to disagree with me...




    I have over 20 hats, and recently my reds dropped about 20m each, my yellows dropped about 15m each my greens dropped about 12 and my purples dropped a full 25-35m.




    So dont go on about hats not dropping couse they do, not that i care though :XD:












    Would you care to show me your "20" party hats?








    But wait, you say? Thats what I thought.... As for now.




    I dont show my rares to every person that asks, becouse every person on rs asks :? but plenty of tipiters will vouch for me.








    Yeah... Whatever man. You clearly came out bragging about your "over 20 party hats" at the start of the post.








    O yeah?? did i forget to add i have 500 stants?? A dERRr? R tard.


    The best update, or hoilday drop, I think were the christmas crackers.








    Some may disagree, But enough said, party hats are still the single most best financial investment anyone could ever make in runescape.








    The fact is Party hats will never drop in price... Yeah, they might fluctuate time to time in price, maybe even up to 5mil. But, that could hardley be considerd a drop in my perspective.








    Just because you dont have a party hat or any other hoilday item does not give you the right to disagree with me...




    I have over 20 hats, and recently my reds dropped about 20m each, my yellows dropped about 15m each my greens dropped about 12 and my purples dropped a full 25-35m.




    So dont go on about hats not dropping couse they do, not that i care though :XD:












    Would you care to show me your "20" party hats?








    But wait, you say? Thats what I thought.... As for now.

  8. Well... I would have to agree that axe hut is a great training spot. But... here comes that annoying mage that has nothing better to do and kills you. Even though he sees you only have 3 items and no skull. Plus of couse, there is always the slim chance you might click on the mage by mistake and get owned and lose all your gear.








    I still would find it the most annoying trying in the wild and having the chace someone will pk you.

  9. i love the people who compare firemaking to construction, you are idiots.




    Construction = HUGE HOUSES with TONS OF things to do with it.




    firemaking= firemaking. ownt pl0x.








    I guess I would have to agree. That fact that firemaking would equal firemaking does make sense.

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