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Posts posted by shadow_Fox99

  1. The best update, or hoilday drop, I think were the christmas crackers.








    Some may disagree, But enough said, party hats are still the single most best financial investment anyone could ever make in runescape.








    The fact is Party hats will never drop in price... Yeah, they might fluctuate time to time in price, maybe even up to 5mil. But, that could hardley be considerd a drop in my perspective.








    Just because you dont have a party hat or any other hoilday item does not give you the right to disagree with me...

  2. Was haunted Mines really even that hard of a quest?








    The fact is I have it done and dont even remember doing it... I have seen a few other threads about haunted mines also and I never even remember finding the quest hard. I think it was actually one of the first quest I did when I got members.... Not sure though.

  3. rsaccountft3.png












    ARGGG!!! I wish I was still members, I had the coolest outfit befor.








    But anyways, I was going to enter red party hat with full zammy. But then I saw that other guy allready entered full zammy and red mask, So I decided just to let him have it.








    Any ways heres mine....








    F2P! SHADOW_FOX99!! yeah!

  4. When I heard about hunting, the first thing I thought of was World of warcraft. But in Wow, Hunter is a class not a skill. But then I thought... well, I could see it having to do somthing with skinning/ leathermaking, as I would think that makes most sense.








    Then again... yeah?

  5. I'm sure enough we could all agree on that Firemaking is the single most best skill in runescape... Remember thoes times and you were slaying cows and chickens and you wanted to cook their meat because you were getting low in health. Yeah, thats right FIREMAKING. With out the great and holy skill of firemaking you would have never been able to cook the meat. So in result, you would have died. Now in theory you would have kept dying and never gained any combat lvls because you could have never cook the meat and you were to poor to buy food. So, there for the combat lvl you are today all came from the skill Firemaking.








    Get my point? or no? Then again, any one just could have used a stove to cook the meet.... But, no one knows where thoes are anymore...

  6. *thinks*




    I'm lvl 99 cooking... and I hate it. The fact is cooking is one of the single most borning skills in the game and not to mention 1 of the most easy skills that takes less time to get to 99. Unforchanly, its all true, and any one else that has lvl 99 cooking would agree with me.




    *.... o well*








    Can I join?

  7. The fact is that the other player died and you claimed his stuff. Its a common acurance in Runescape and there is nothing wrong in clamming his items as yours now. You did nothing wrong in keeping his items. Even if the reason the other played died was because of lag or any other computer problem not because he was low in health and did not have food to cure him self.








    Just remember, just because you or someone else you dont know dies, the world does not stop. You just have to get over it and move on.

  8. SO i was walking past south varrock, by those dark mages who attack any random passerby. I was low on hits, i got hit a 6 and died. I came back there with 100 k to buy my stuff back from the looters. I found one very nice guy who gave me back my body, chaps, and short bow for free. Then i found the guy who got my 2 k iron arrows, my vams, and my coif. I asked to buy them back and the kid said no, you wont have enough money to aford this kind of stuff you lv 19 nub. I was just standing there shocked that someone could be so stupid..... If i had it to begin with i could definitely afford it.








    Its just the nerve theses newer players(pixel huggers)..... I forgot why i hated f2p so much...












    Ah well, guess ill go play guitar.








    Lets analyze this.








    From my prospective it sounds like you were lvl 19 pure ranger entering the wild with 2k iron arrows for pking thats why you were by the dark mages. But why would any one ever do that? Allready having and knowing the addiquit knowledge of runescape that you were low in health and that the dark mages were hostile makes you sound stupid that you would even walk over there.








    But for get that for now... Also, you referred to new players as "pixel huggers". I for one think more of my items in runescape more then just pixels, but a sign of accomplishment.








    Now... What was the point of you saying "Ah well, guess ill go play guitar". From the way I see it you intentionally said that in the fact that you were trying to make your self sound cool that you could play guitar. I for one do think it is cool that you can play guitar... But come on, is this really needed on the tip.it fourms?

  9. Well... Heres a few of mine.




    When I was in 5th grade I threw a book at a teacher when she was facing the other way and it ended up hitting her in the back of the neck. After all said and done I got expelled from school for a day. Every day after words i felt so weird walking into class knowing the teacher hated me... even though he never said it.




    Heres another one




    When I was sophomore in highschool I stole the chemistry final. I ended up making copys of it and handed it out to all my friends. The teacher never did find out about it and we all passed the final and the class with "A's"... Owned please?

  10. I never got why people by Jeeps, 4x4s and other cars made for off-road or heavy activities, if all they're going to do is use it on main roads or pick up their kids from school. It gets on my shingles a bit, I guess.




    You've got to be some sort of idiot if you don't realise that buying a 4x4 makes you better than everyone else...




    lol, true to that.

  11. Yeah, We did alot of crusien up and down main street with it. GREAT times.




    I was just about to put a system in it to... and i never got the chance to go mudding in it either. Thoes were 2 things I was planning on doing all summer.




    Still the best time was when I went cruisen with 3 girls from school in it. Thank god I knew how to drive stick really good. lol, would not of wanted to killed it in the middle of an interstion with 3 girls from school in it.

  12. Its a 5 speed manual. And at first we might of thought it was just the clutch that went out. And my dad's friend agreed as long as we bought a new clutch he would spend a few days teaching my dad how to put a new clutch in and fixing the jeep. Plus the clutch was onlying going to cost me 200$. Not to bad I guess... but, yes it was alot of money to my $5.90 a hour. But then thats where we found out it was the transmission that went out and not the clutch....







  13. I bought this jeep for 2,500$. After driving it for a month the transmission blew out. The year of the jeep is 88.




    Im wondering how much it would cost for me to get buy a new transmission and labor cost for someone to fix it?




    I was talking to some friends and they said it might cost more then what you paid for the jeep and its not worth it. Other then that do you have any other ideas what I should do with the jeep if im not going to buy a new or used transmission?






    Im not to sure if the picture is loading for every one. Some times I have to click refresh a few times to make it come.



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