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Posts posted by shadow_Fox99

  1. Im still hoping for them to change the bank system... But I bet its never going to happen.




    But, we all know that jagex will keep trowing in random items we dont need or ever asked for. Sort of like thoes pirate clothes... Even to this day I havn't yet to see them.








    They will just keep adding in mini games people never play.

  2. *points to avatar* \'






    Na just kidding, I made that in paint. Your 500 sure got me beat.






    I also love it how thoes 2 kids are fighting in the picture calling each other noobs... haha, thats always great to see.

  3. My list of the best ways to make money in runescape.




    1. The single best way to make money in runescape I think is dueling. I have seen video of duels where people make 1billion in a single duel. But of course the whole risk to reward factor comes into play again.




    2. Merchanting, We should all know what that is by now. Phats being the best way.




    3. Kq runs, some people may disagree but I found this a good way to make money.




    4. Using your skills now, nat abyss crafting. Very good and very fast.




    Thats my list.

  4. I bought a crystal seed today for 100k... Not sure if that was a good price.




    Any ways i want to make it into a bow. I went to the elves and spoke to ilfeen, and she is charging my 900k!! to make a bow.




    Is there a cheaper way to do this?

  5. you know i was watching this movie the other day and i got to thinking. the community has really gone to crap over the past 4-5 years i have been playing so i decided to try and do something. i went to a free world and found three new players. all were around combat 15 and all had low other stats which meant they weren't worker accounts. i then gave each one 50k and told them that one day when they were finacially stable they need to find three new players and give each of them 50k to give them a leg up. i know that they may not do what i asked but i think sometimes we all should try and make an attempt to make the community a little better. if only one of them helps one other person then it was a success.




    To be honest man... I dont think that solved anything. They probably just ended up getting scammed, that or died with it.

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