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Everything posted by Runescapefan948374

  1. Sorry to hear it happened to you, may you now rest in peace in heaven.
  2. If you haven't got to the 702, keep trying! Quitters never win, and winners never lose. Don't give up that easily, i've lost at that game three times, and im going back for the fourth (and hopefully final time tomorrow). Best of luck in your future endeavors.
  3. 195 here, done all but the Shades of Mort'ton quest.
  4. I don't know how, but when I teleported to falador someone had already made both green and red fires? (This isn't a joke) and yes, they were player made. Im working to figure out how they did it. I'll check back here later with details.
  5. I know im going to sound, well stupid, but for everyone that smith's at Port Phasmatys, they removed the bank door! Big deal, I know but it helps some when you gotta smith alot.
  6. I have seen both blue normal mage robes, and also some mystic. The normal mage robes had a brownish (black?) trim to it, while the blue mystic had an orange color. (the lowest part of the skirt, and between the legs)
  7. Here's another spelling correction: The Fight Caves is the ultimate man vs beast challenge for Runescape's strongest players. It consists of battling countless monsters, ranging from level 22 all the way up to the level 702 TzTok-Jad. Ouch! If you wish to complete this mini-game successfully, you will need to have a highcombat leve(110+). It says "leve" that should be level. Edit by oddfaery2 05/30/07: same for highcombat...
  8. Here's yet another correction: "his monster gets annoying, whenever you hit it, it hits you back one as if it had a ring of recoil that always hits 1" I believe, it should say "This" This shows up as the description of the level 45 monster.
  9. A couple of improvements to the guide that I believe the Tzhaar fight cave could use: 1) The level 22 that spawns from the level 45, is entirely different the level 45. It is purple, and smaller. 2) The "Killing the boss" section, second picture (the one that shows an archer hitting TzTok-Jad on 14) could use a picture of the mini-map, or more info on where exactly he's standing, I know it would help me alot. (Example: Northeastern corner, south etc..) 3) A possible suggestion for a ring would help? Like an archer ring. 4) The level 22 drain prayer AT ALL TIMES, not just when the level 360 shows up. 5) Also, for people less then 75 prayer (I think it was..) you should also recommend using Super-Restore pots instead of prayer potions. ~Hope you take some of this into consideration, I love the guide by the way, and this will make it even better! :D P.S. Still trying to get that ever so elusive fire cape! Edit by oddfaery2 05/30/07: Took care of these and your other post except for #2. The corner really isn't all that important, as long as you use a partition. Archers ring would make most sense. I will have to work on getting the items for a new inventory picture
  10. Wish I could get one of those staffs, look real nice!
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