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  1. How about a spell that enchants food. When you eat the food you get some special effect and the healing bonus.
  2. Maybe everyone in Runescape is ambidextrous? :shock:
  3. I have an idea modified from the npc rares trader... Let's say he (the rare trader) buys all rares for a ridiculously high price, let's say 1 billion gp. All merchants would sell to this person who would delete them immediately. Because no player could in my imagination keep up with that extraordinary anoumt of inflation, and any one with half a brain would sell their rare; the price would soon be high that the rares become priceless and nearly extinct in the economy. If people wanted to still wear a rare, this npc would sell replicas at 10 gp each that look just like the real thing, except their name on trade screens say replica of _______. This, combined with a method to remove the flood of gp made by selling rares for a billion gp would help cap inflation. I also liked the idea of alternate ways to use natures in order to deter high alching.
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