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Everything posted by Fantasea

  1. *zoidberg voice* This update is bad, and Jages should feel bad!
  2. Strike spells = 1 air + 1 element (only air for air spells, this is the case for all strike-surge) Bolt = 2 air + 2 element etc. Surge = 5 air + 5 element Barrage spells = 2 blood + 5 other (now all the ancient spells have elements tied to them, as you may already know) Not exactly sure about the others. Some lower level ancient spells use deaths. Magic is cheaper, but if you dual wield a wand and a book, you can burn through a lot of runes very quickly. Most of your damage comes from abilities, just like all combat now. The magic abilities seem uninteresting and rather unsatisfying. I wish they'd at least have different colors you glow for different elements - it seems you glow blue for just about every ability. The animations are repetitive shit compared to melee and range. Ice spells seem super over-powered currently, even more so than they were before. They bind for less time, but now they "stun", preventing enemies from attacking or using abilities. If you dual-cast, you can pretty much stunlock your target indefinitely. Probably isn't 100% foolproof in PvP, but I was getting pwnd by it (only single casted) in Soul Wars. Awesome, Thank you. Hopefully ice magic is tweaked a bit, but not too much. I mostly play with range, so I need my squishy targets. :)
  3. Can someone expand on what maging is like? If possible, could you give an overview of how the runes have been reworked to make it cheaper? Just very curious, since this could really impact a lot of activities in RS.
  4. Isn't it great that anything that isn't a part of their extremely limited game knowledge is either botting, hacking or clearly a glitch. I can tell you must be hitting your saturation point with the general RS population. :D Have had a few like this too: p1: Hi tom me: hello p2: can i add you? me: um sure, if you want p2: ok you are not online me: (at this point, I humor them for a bit and decide to add them for a few mins) p2: (via pm) Hi tom, can i plz have money i just got hacked me: ... *delete* p2: how r u loged off but still here??? p2: HELLO? me: *chuckling irl* I NEVER LEARN :P.
  5. I don't really see how they can be passive if they have cooldowns o.O. Wouldn't this mean you have to actively activate them? Maybe it can be a real passive with lower bonuses, like 2% permanent accuracy add on, or something of that sort.
  6. Seriously, nothing rustles my jimmies more than Bot/RWT accusations. I have lost all faith in the rs player population and never talk to anyone except for my clan/friend chat. Typical chat (Every time, now I just never reply to most people.): me: standing there fishing, havent done a thing to this noob. noob: "ha look at dis bot, *expletive* bot" me: That's quite an accusation these days noob: "nice bot talk nub, u dont get santa without botting" me: Actually, I've had it since rsc noob: "wat's rsc, is that ur bot server?" me: *facepalm*
  7. I have rank 3 prayer at lvl 9 and i have lvl 22 prayer. I should have total of 42 prayer speced. 3*=20+22 =42 prayer which should give me wind protective... Yet i am still casting weak red.. Why?
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