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Posts posted by captainpoet

  1. Well I don't seem to have any of my pictures from RSC anymore (or they're buried somewhere in my computer) but here's some pictures that I think people can enjoy anyway.








    Jagex staff after a paintball trip.








    My favorite RSC fake








    The kalphite queen on the day she was released. NOTE: The massive use of rune thrown axes back when the spec used to not be able to miss at all...man those were good range staking days for rangers in rune :P

  2. Well I don't know where you guys would get the idea of a pk cube from a pyramid...when a cube obviously has 6 sides and 8 points, but whatever floats your boat.




    Anyway, the idea of a pk pyramid is highly possible, but I don't see where some of you are thinking there has to be a class at the top of a pyramid. If you think about it a class could be at the BOTTOM of the pyramid, but the other 3 faces would all be equal. So this makes me think that lunar mage was the new class (although not really a class.) That is unless they're making a all new combat skill (now that'd be interesting.)




    Anywho, I think that from that rambling there is definately a new quest coming out soon that involves an old god partially forgotten, which leads me to either the god mentioned after completing that little quest at pollivinech (muttered by a menaphite after you defeated one of their guards.), or of course Zaros.

  3. Yes, it does have it's use for npc's that you can easily hit, but that's it...I mean I wouldn't use this for range stakes, fighting the kq and certainly not pking. It's just one of those things that makes you wonder why people use it. Sure the bone bolts do hurt a bit, but I'm personally not crazy about the full bar specs...only one that's halfway decent that takes half bar to a full bar is the d baxe, and the MSB spec...and if you ask me the MSB spec is going to be out of date by high lvl lunar mages with excellent ranging.

  4. In addition to my juggling skill I figured out a way to devise it to work for magic and ranging, that would as well use up agility. (Meleers don't need anything they as usual have too much)




    So the higher juggling level you have the more things you can juggle...so why not let some mages be able to juggle some weaker instant spells to use upon a target at once? Or for a ranger to be able to juggle throwing axes and then throw them at the enemy at once? The spells I was thinking could be no stronger than fire blast in strength so that's 16 damage and no more than 4 of them. As for ranging well somebody else can figure that out, but it'd do no more than 40 damage total.




    Now to balance out the juggling skill it needs a catch...how about in order to juggle energy needs to be used to keep juggling. As well juggling takes time to start getting things juggled and built up so that it can be used. This way agility would play a role in combat besides just running away :P. And could be used for building up that same energy to use in some attacks.

  5. How about a juggling skill? That could be fun and it wouldn't give any combat type an advantage...since it wouldn't be combat based. I'd go into detail, but I'm pretty much retired from RS and too lazy to think past 93 juggling being like juggling drunken dwarves.

  6. Drunken Dwarf, because he just has to be a skilled adventurer before the memory charm. Besides, even though he's as drunk as he is and his memory is addled...he still manages to show up at the toughest spots where pratically nobody can get to.




    Past that though I guess I'd go for a abyssal demon just for humor...sure it can only hit up to 9, but I don't have 90 slayer to choose a dark beast in case it BSed me.

  7. Think I posted this before you with a pic :P






    As well you posted saying you have it 3 hours before the update even happened...so please don't post saying you have something 3 hours before the update happened.

  8. Hellhounds aren' t 5M they're 500K so not that bad at all really...condsidering that logically they'd respawn. Ok so the marble and magic stone are overpriced some, but on the bright side people won't be speed training with that stuff unless they're mental ;-)

  9. 99 farming wouldn't be that impressive to me...afterall farming is easy xp and can require pratically no work. In short plant trees and fruit trees. Pay for an npc to take care of them, log off or do whatever you normally do for a day...then 8-10 hours later check the health of the trees and you can easily get 40K+ xp each time you do that...along with of course to keep getting good xp you chop down the trees, dig them up, and replant them. Sure this takes some money, but it's proof that you can get some great farming xp with virtually no work at all.






    99 Slayer would be a useless skill and waste of time. Personally I quit doing slayer July of last year, because rcing was seeming to be more balanced money and I could tell that whips would just keep dropping in price for quite awhile.




    99 Prayer is a respectful skill, but really takes a lot of money to waste for something that's only useful in a few combat circumstances.




    99 rcing would be a great source of non staking money where if you abyss rc with eng pots a person could get 3.2K nats an hour np. As well this skill takes loads of time (even if a person is to hire nat or law runners)

  10. Well you tried to be nice and profitted nicely I might add due to his rudeness :D. It's funny really I haven't been a member for a month...just no desire to play the game besides pking, but I suppose that I could pay again just to visit the 3 kings.

  11. Well when teleother came out people were all set for a default of accept aid being off...so the only people that can be tellied are by logic people that want to be tellied. So if they have accept aid on barrows they're just foolish and wish to die if you ask me lol. Sure I haven't killed people there or even been a victim there, but again it just seems to me that they're people completing for the Darwin Awards. (People that do stupid stuff that causes themself to become neutered or dead.)







  12. Nice luck yeah I average something halfway decent about 1 out of 8 kills so you guys were doing well it seems :P Personally, I find the money better fighting the kings than barrows, but again it's more dangerous to be doing the kings with a group that doesn't know what they're doing...even if it's 20 people.

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