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Everything posted by Usara

  1. Even if a woman is raped, she could still put the child up for adoption, rathe than abort it. I wish it was that easy, the girl still has to bare it and live with the fact that there is someone with her blood wandering around this world. The baby NEVER shares the mother blood, they may have different blood types.
  2. Killing something just because they where the result of a rape? In my eyes that is stooping to the level of the rapist. It isnt the rapists baby, it's the rapees baby, the rapist only forced the coming of the baby. Dont want the kid to effect your life? thats what adoption is for. You think the rape is a truamatic thing? how about dying before you have lived?
  3. The natural sole purpose of sexual intercourse is to prduce offspring, it wasnt intended for entertainment, its survival of the fittest, not survival of the most entertained.
  4. Then they shouldnt do an act which has the SOLE PURPOSE OF DOING THE INTENDED 'ACCIDENT'.
  5. Ending another life because they inconvenience you? Hell no. Ending someones life because they might go through some difficulty? Without even consulting them? Hell no. That feotus should have the freedom to grow up and not be killed before it gets its first taste of air. Killing something before they get the chance to experiance life? Thats disgusting, many people have lived with horrific illnesses. Inconvenience is the worst excuse ever, there is no justifying killing anything at all, no matter of age, deformity or incapication. It makes me sick how people can bring themselves to kill something without letting it have a say on the matter.
  6. Where does it say that?
  7. Who are you to say what they MEAN? I said I THINK. I never said they MEAN. Who are you to say what you THINK they MEAN? (I can play that game too ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâì_ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâì )
  8. Its been through the bedtime story stage too many times to count, it hasnt evolved, just circulated right back around.
  9. Who are you to say what they MEAN?
  10. You sir, have little or no knowledge of the Christian faith. Right. Incest is a sin, yet we're all related according to the Bible. So you can't have intercourse apparently. We're born into origanol sin, thus we need to be baptised or whatever. Pretty sure that covers it. How are we all related? Can you show me the passage? Can you also show me the passage that states we have to committ no sins to enter heaven? Do you even know what baptism signifies? If you trace your ancestors back to the times of the romans, you get over 1 trillion people who helped make you. seeing as we have bearly touched that number even recently, its safe to say that you may be my 53rd cousin trice removed.
  11. GMail is a free email service from the makers of google, they offer 1GB storage for FREE. But its invite only for the time being. 1. What makes Gmail different? Gmail uses Google search technology to automatically organize and find messages. And because Gmail includes 1,000 megabytes of storage, a typical user won't ever have to worry about deleting mail. Everything just gets archived so it can be found again if needed. There are other differences in the way Gmail provides access to your email. For example, Gmail automatically groups an email and the replies to it as a conversation. That means you always see a message in its proper context. And there are no pop-ups or banner ads in Gmail, just relevant text ads and links to related pages. Gmail's other distinctive features include a labeling system, a spam reporter and a system for filtering your mail as it comes into your inbox. Learn more. 2. How much does Gmail cost? Gmail is a free service and includes 1,000 megabytes of storage with each account. However, Gmail is still in preview mode as we test it to work out the kinks. So for now, it's not generally available.
  12. :( , Demoris, I want it to be scientifically correct, I want it to look like the milky way and have the spot that we are at on it. I like the galaxy that you made but its the wrong type. Maybe you can save it for when we visit a galaxy that looks like that :D . And phil, I thought the premise behind the 'You are here' signs was toshow where people are. Its wierd that the galaxy where they are supposed to be is in the background :P .
  13. Demoris, its a bit too gold, lol. Phil, yours would be better is the board thing on the left was the sig itself, I dont like the right hand part.
  14. I want it to be like the milky way, our galaxy. This is what it looks like -
  15. It would be nice if people would stop ruining this debate by resorting to cowardly tactics like telling the other side to shut up, I'd hate to see whomevers resort is 'Shut up' in a real debate.
  16. Well, as you can see on my current signature, its shoddy work, but im not exactly a master graphic artist like you guys. Im just seeing if anyone can make a better version of my current signature. It should be a picture of a spiral galaxy with an arrow pointing to just inside the fringe and saying "You are here." Bottom right corner sould have the name Usara in stars :D . 50k to the person who makes the one I like best :D . (I quit runescape so it aint gonna get higher :( ).
  17. Christianity didnt die out because of the bible, you know, those 66 or so book of religious proproganda which serves to convince thouse who want a nice god to watch their backs and make them feel better than others. Christians where fed to the lions? Well, cant blame them, the lions dont have a soul according to christians :P . Did you answer a single point he made? No. All you did was write something filled with underlying mockery and disdain. Stop posting if you're not going to contribute to the debate. Good job, keiran. Just to kind of simlify your point: If Christianity was invented by men, it should have failed long ago. BUT, if it is from God, then it will survive and thrive, which it has. I did make a point, religion didnt die out because it has a fundamental backing, namely the bible. Since I contributed to the debate, I should keep posting by your logic, thanks. BTW, divine intervention would have stopped christians from being procecuted wouldnt it? Or maybe its a test of faith? depends what you want to believe. The bible was destroyed, many many times, people hid it from the people who where percecuting... One does not have to doubt the beliefs of others to percecute them. His story could be made up too, maybe he had doubted his own actions for a long time and wanted to try and say it was divine intervention and he has reformed. Why should I believe what another person writes, how can you attest that the entire bible is non-fictionous when you do not know the state of mind of the authors or their intentions?
  18. Christianity didnt die out because of the bible, you know, those 66 or so book of religious proproganda which serves to convince thouse who want a nice god to watch their backs and make them feel better than others. Christians where fed to the lions? Well, cant blame them, the lions dont have a soul according to christians :P .
  19. No, its using the aims of the sample to what it is attempting to achieve. Religion was designed as mans way to asserting his dominance over 'lesser' creatures and to better control a large amount of people, despite this there are some part of religion which are good. "Religion is designed to be used for 'evil', despite this, there are parts of it which are good"
  20. Could you rephrase this please? I don't understand what you're trying to say. The only basis for this claim is if you are referring to certain individuals who scapegoated Christianity for their own means (eg. Hitler). On closer inspection, most of these people were actually atheists. When Christianity is truly followed, it has the opposite effect to that which you suggest: if people are obedient to God rather than to each other, they cannot be exploited. It is the fact that most people aren't Christian that we see widespread governmental exploitation. DisDain doesn't help anyone, it just impedes reasonable though. The same goes for flaming. Don't confuse facts with truth. Hmm time for bed now, I'll edit in the conclusion tomorrow. Coffee is produced by a coffee company? Right? So, my argument is against the coffee company but not the coffee itself. (Some aspects of christianity are GOOD, but it was made with BAD intentions, power, superiority, ect.) Certain individuals who where athiests? People who gain superiority through religion is refering to bishops, preists and the pope. Hitler didnt use god to gain power, but bishops, preists and popes did. When people are truely christians then they follow the bible, the bible in relation to humans being superior than animals is pathetic and shows the true thoughts of the people who invented religion, to 'confim' that humans are the most superior beings on the planet. People, dont get so worked up over my opinion on how I perceive thesis. fact P Pronunciation Key (fkt) n. Knowledge or information based on real occurrences: an account based on fact; a blur of fact and fancy. Something demonstrated to exist or known to have existed: Genetic engineering is now a fact. That Chaucer was a real person is an undisputed fact. A real occurrence; an event: had to prove the facts of the case. Something believed to be true or real: a document laced with mistaken facts. Fact is believing something to be the truth, made with knowledge or infromation based on a real occourrence and has been demonstrated to exsist.
  21. You could say that you find belief in a higher power ridiculous. Whatever you say, I'd like you to stop slyly insulting people for their beliefs. Aww, you know I cant refuse you with that loveable sea...OH CRAP, WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!
  22. If you dislike coffee that is an opinion. But if you say that because of the inhumane tactics used by coffee making company completely undermining what coffee is about, then going on to describe the failings of that company in relation to the aims it has set itself then that is a FACT. I proved that the use of god has primarily to furtuer the interests of certain people or humans as a whole. I didnt say that the USE of god is nothing but the aformentioned, I only mentioned the reason why he was invented in the first place. I flame those who believe in god because the notion is so absurd to me, how else would I convey my distain at the intelligence of Thesists? Who said I wanted facts and not opinions? If I wanted facts then asking random people on the internet is balantly contradictory. Facts are truth, opinion is neither fact nor truth. If one cannot derive amusement from others opinions then one has lead a very shealtered life.
  23. Ok, Ill prove it. Who have been the most powerful and therefore superior figures for the last two thousand years? Religious leaders. Who has a soul making them more superior than their animal counterparts? Humans Who can't get into heaven because they lack a soul which only humans can have? Animals, making them less superior than human. Who had been sacrificed to make up for the follies of humans? Poor animals again. Who got victimised and ultimately put to death by questioning religious leaders proclaimation of what god did? Scientists, this made people afraid to question god, and ultimately made less inteligent people drink it up as their where no protests. There is my proof, religion is the worst thing that mankind has ever invented because it brings out the worst in those who desire power and also gives people a dispicable false idea of superiority. You may believe whatever your religious leaders say, or the ramblings of some book which indoctrinates the notion of god. But many others are not that stupid to fall for it without the given proof. The word of others means nothing in this world where everyone lies to get ahead.
  24. Correction, Your God, not everyone believes in your god. Jesus's death was hardly a sacrifice for an Omnipotent being, a sacrifice is to lose something, what did God/Jesus lose that he couldn't replace? The fact that Jesus constantly stated He was the Son of the Jewish God (Jehovah) should dispell any confusion here. A sacrifice isn't "to lose something", but rather The act of offering something to a deity in propitiation . Propitiation means taking away God's wrath, and this is what Jesus' death (the perfect sacrafice) does for those that have Him as their Saviour. So God offers himself to himself to take away his own wrath? If Jesus is God the offering part was redundant as God already had/is Jesus. So was the sacrifice just to finalise it, or just the blood sacrifice God so enjoys? That's a complex question - a logical fallacy. "or just the blood sacrifice God so enjoys?" is the same as me asking "when are you going to realise how wrong you are?" Both assume something to be true in the question. For years people had to offer animals of sacrifice to take away their sin. These animals were not perfect things, so they needed to be sacrificed each time. Jesus was the perfect sacrifice, he spent time in hell for dying for us. I have to go to work now else I would write more... One of the reasons god was invented, to enforce mans superiority over everything. God is nothing but a power play tool by Humans to justify their exsistence, the things they cannot explain and their superiority, nothing more.
  25. Erm, exactly, how could everything just appear? Creation is a big load of crap.
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