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    California, much to my dismay
  1. Update your filter all you want Jagex you will never be able to stop kids from swearing if they feel like it. Just yesterday I saw someone succesfully say that he wanted someone else to s___ his d___. From what I've seen, it seems like an impossible task to ban all innapropriate language from the game. The constantly updated filter doesn't really bother me, I rarely notice it. The only time I get censored is when I say words like damn, crap, and sh_t, which happen to be the only "curse" words I've ever used in this game.
  2. I've never really gotten anything for free of much value but a mod bought full black [t] from me for 300k once. Thank you. :D
  3. Siggied! How dissapointing.... The following doesn't apply to everyone, you know who you are : The man has an idea and is trying to share it with you ungrateful swine and you flame him for it. Why? First try to understand what he's suggesting before you start posting what you think are witty comments that make you appear smart by actualy reading what he wrote. To the author of this thread, I'm sorry you had to put up with this childish behaviour, I think that this is a very useful tip and thank you for sharing it with the rest.
  4. Another reason to keep public chat off: really really bad jokes. And I don't joke in RS anymore, not since I was banned for it. Usualy when I try to make a joke really immature people take it way too seriously and think that you are a "scammer" or a "noob". In fact the only time I ever talk to ther people on Runescape now is when trading.
  5. rsn: RedSektor Mortal Kombat anyone? When people recognize it, I can tell I'm talking to someone about my age or older. Red is also in almost every account I make for anything. [for further explanation consult the avatar] :wink:
  6. Recently I realized runescape can get very lonely sometimes when you have no one to talk to :( . I remember seeing a topic like this a while ago and I was looking for it recently but all in vain, so I decided to make a new one. Basicaly, post here if you are looking for some new friends and please leave some very general information about you and some interests that you might have (besides runescape). I'll kick things off. Age: 17 Originaly From: Moscow RSN: RedSektor Add me to your friends list, pm me, or post a reply if any of the folowing sound very familiar to you. David Lynch Vincent Gallo Philip K [bleep] Dalton Trumbo Richard Linklater Ernest Hemmingway A. E. Van Vogt Denis Leary Spetsnaz Gy!be E.E.Merhige Hubert Selby Jr. The Deer Hunter (movie) Taxi Driver (movie) Clerks (movie) Buffalo '66 (movie) Salad Fingers ( =P ) HBO ----- Don't have to follow the same format.
  7. How do you translate an image into code? Sounds alien to me. BTW: Stages 5 & 6 were my favorite so far.
  8. If you can't get past the first stage, don't even bother. This is the most obvious clue you are going to get. It just gets harder after this. As for the 3rd stage, all I can say is "ROYGBIV"
  9. I was burrying bones in the wilderness for an hour and not a single random event. All I got was killed by three lvl 65-70's armed to the teeth. I don't know what these guys were thinking... They weren't exactly looking for a challenge because there were three of them, and I'm not exactly that hard to kill. They were obviously looking for spoils, but jesus christ I wasnt even wearing any armour. Whats' the point of killing a guy who's just minding his own busniess burying bones? :roll: EDIT: Mind you there was another guy about lvl 71 combat who was killing skeletons not far from me. I could see him and he could see me, but he didnt rush over and kill me. So if that guy happens to be reading, thank you for being understanding.
  10. I personaly don't like the look of party hats at all. Although, I was mining the other day, and walking to the guild I noticed a shiny yellow round object on the floor and I had a heart attack when I second clicked it and noticed that there were two of them. My eyes focused and I realized that they were not yellow party hats at all as I thought but were merely gold rings. :shock: How can someone play such a cruel joke!
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