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Posts posted by xevanx

  1. seriously...I totally wear the red bandanda around my arm.




    so no disrespect. jk




    dude..emo's arent bad people..jsut a bit freaked over life.




    and over shielded parents..only happens because of the bllies. and shtuff that happens at schools now adays

  2. I suggest not getting inspiration from the lyrics but rather the melody. the lyrics will screw you up ryally, because it messes up what you want to say for yourself instead of what it supposed to mean.




    I always start with a nice melody. and remember songs dont have to mean anythign literally, but rather in a philosophical, not so understandable way. but if you take the literal route, remember dont write sentences, you want to write down what you want to say, and shorten it to about 4-5 words for each line. and also remember if your making up a lyric, it doesnt have to rhyme it jsut has to flow. soem things that sound good together are same syllables, and Suffix TH,and suffix PH.




    If your in a song that has a repetitve melody, repeat a word, dont rhyme it.






    Today your gonna lose it (make damn sure)


    Today your gonna Screw Up (Mke Damn Sure)


    She Was so Lonely (was no Cure)


    She coudlnt Help her Ways (No Cure)


    Feeling Trapped and helpess (Crucify Her)


    dealing with all of her madness (crucify Her)




    blah blah. its quite easy. BTW thats like nothing...i jsut wrote that in like 1 minutes..seriosuly. so dont take it seriosuly.

  3. i hate the rules of high school. why cant i wear a hat? whats the point of this? and my school is packed and for lunch they give us 3 dam meat balls, when i come home im starvin cause i have to wake up at 6 and i dont have time for breakfast. i like learning, i just dont like school. my parents want to cut me off from computer but i think it rather should be used as an incentive, such as when i do all my homework i can play, or when i get good grades. also some of the work is dumb like crossword puzzles. i want to be takein seriously, and thats kid stuff. and * is up with emo kids i saw some kid dressed up like the matrix but whatever, if they want to do that then ok, but i dont like some of the kids in my school. anybody else have some strange kids in there school? anybody else dont like the rules in school?




    watch out..dude those are the kids that blow up. black coat mob.






    jk. dont make fun of em though.




    high school was a breeze, n the girls..omg.

  4. i hate coustics without cutaways..its lame..its like saying, dude heres a guitar..but uhh you can use the entire lower section..unless you snap off your fingers..and contort them to play an amazing solo.




    but that seems like a nice acse..(wow. im lame) get it? acoustic axe? haha. anyways.




    how the heck did you mess up on city and colour? lol

  5. Hawkwind was a great band form the 70's metal btw. it had lemmy kilmister in it form motorhead, many people dont know about that band because motorhead just took off. but its great music. try jailbait etc.

  6. smiley over load. anyways..




    -Deep Purple


    -Rage agaisnt the Machine




    -Janes Addiction


    -Panic Channel




    -Iron Maiden


    -Faith no More




    -In flames








    -rolling stones




    -Ben Lee


    -The Cult




    -Cancer Bats




    -Thom Yorke




    -The MArs Volta


    -System of a down




    - and mny more




    i love working at a ticket booth i get 25% off all ticky' :P

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