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  1. First article: 1. It's the same rant that has been done a million times. I think there's even been a Times article on complaining about updates already. 2. What exactly about Trouble Brewing needs to be fixed, and how is it good if its broken? 3. People complain about prayer all the time and the "Add more to Firemaking" suggestions have been going on for years. 4. Because of fan sites with detailed quest guides and stuff, there aren't really any quests that aren't noob quests. "Hard" quests are as hard as you make em. There are no surprises, hard boss battles that you don't know the weakness for, or puzzles that can't be solved by reading the answer or a detailed set of instructions to get it. Basically what I'm saying is that no one can complain about the quest cape being hard. The only thing different than a skill cape is that it involves talking and walking. You still have to grind, just in more than one skill instead of one. And to people who say the low requirements make quests too easy: Jagex can't release hard quests every time, otherwise there are no quests to require for others. Most easy quests set up other quests or are at least required for one, so basically even the easy quests are making the quest cape more elusive. Now if you're still reading, Second article: 1. This is basically just a big forum ad. I could read the forum descriptions and get just as much out of it. 2. The majority of users aren't on the forums, and the majority of ones that are are still playing Runescape and talking about it. The site would most likely not stay up if Jagex fell off the face of the Earth, because of the major amount of lost advertising fees and a huge chunk of forum users wouldn't find a reason to come back, since nearly every forum has forum games and other stuff like that. 3. I don't get how this is a response to the people who think the site is going downhill. You don't really state anything that would prove otherwise, other than the fact that the forums are active, and activity isn't what most people mean when they say the site is going downhill. And sorry if I'm a critic, I just found the articles kinda boring and cliche. And what happened to the editor? Every article is a user submitted one now...
  2. So we needed to do a study to figure out theres a difference between a lvl 48 bow with bone bolts and a lvl 61 bow with bolts that take 55 slayer? I could of told you that... And it's kinda stupid to have a damage study for a thing on training with them. Most people train for cost, not damage, or else everyone would use onyx bolts.
  3. P V M: The only way for a monster to be able to outsmart of is if its a battle of riddles or something. In combat, the ones who aren't required by a program to do a predictable strategy will always lose if the human is prepared. TET: Sounds like it was fun, wish I had been there. It sounds like it woulda been better if they had split the group into multiple teams, and taken different worlds each, that way theres not complete chaos. But it woulda been just as hard to get into groups, so I guess the mass chaos is the best way.
  4. Inactivity only kills clans if the people are playing while its inactive. For example, with Punc's clan, it is inactive during times of exams and vacations and such, which means the people aren't sitting in runescape, bored and alone, waiting for their clan to come back. So basically, it won't go inactive unless people are there to miss it. This is unfortunately the same for clans that get back together as well. If no one misses it, it isn't gonna come back. So yes, inactivity can kill clans, but only if not everyone is inactive.
  5. They aren't all low leveled, I know that from being in them. Many however, are just there to scam you by getting "donations" for their "clan bank". Clans that are there for more than that are usually unorganized in battle, and rely on overwhelming opponents. So yes they are unorganized, no to the low leveled noobs thing.
  6. Those of you on lightning who know me know I haven't been on for a month, and now you know thats because I've been taking Driver's Ed. And I would never even think about skipping something like that for an "important" clan war. Those of you who think that Runescape is real life, of course it literally is living. But it does not personally affect you other than emotionally or timewise. There is no way Runescape can "hurt" you unless you play it too much. Losing your job can greatly hurt you. You may, for one, not be able to pay the internet bills. And even if you lose this important war, call to make it a best two out of three battle in regular clan wars for the first two battles, and make it bounty hunter for the tiebreaker if there is one. Or just get a clan co-leader or member you trust to lead for you. If you don't have one of these, that's just your fault for not being prepared for things that might pop up and make you leave *cough cough* failed connections *cough sneeze*. These things are much better alternative than losing your job, which is a bigger risk in your life than losing a clan war.
  7. Great article to start off the set for 2008, but the Did You Know's could use some work still. This one was better than last week, but I liked them better when they accually could be useful in the game, like in "All In A Day's Work" (Dec 1, 2006, which happens to be the first DYK) "Five Year Runescape Aniversary" (Which made me some money :) ), and most of the other ones from back then. Oh and the main thing I thought was bad about the Wildy update was the Reverants. They are extremely overpowered. The Level 126 Warrior hits almost as hard as the Kalphite Queen, is poisonous, and can teleblock. The Level 30 Goblin Reverent can hit 15's. So basically, the wildy is impossible to stay in now, especially in the Agility Course, On the balance beam to get in, I lost all my health (72 hp) from the 126, because you can't even protect from him, cause he uses all forms of combat. I miss pkers, they only used one form of combat and gave up after a while :(
  8. Then write one and submit it, and youll get an article every week.
  9. Ctth the bots are focused on selling now. They dont RWT for logs. They sell the logs for cash then sell that on websites. This raises raw material prices cause supply goes back down when the bots can't get their materials to sell. It means that millions of logs are no longer there. This means that buyers are willing to pay more. Thus, a price increase.
  10. Also, did you knows really could use a little more thought in them. I mean its not really interesting stuff anymore. Like when they first came out with Times, they were good interesting facts that could help. Now theyre just useless stuff you can find out by walking by a guard.
  11. Really, the last letter is only true if PKing is the ONLY part of the economy. This letter would be truer if he replaced PKing with Combat, however, we still have combat. If you think about it, just as many people buy those items for fights like God Wars, KQ, Mithril/Brutal Greens, Quests, Etc. as they do for PKing. Also, the grand exchange makes it even easier to trade faster and more convienently, which keeps the economy going, as now more money is flowing, at an even faster rate. Also, who do you think makes these items? Like Sonicspeed said, herbs, raw fish, bars, ores, etc. are bought as well. The people who make the items are buying them, keeping the economy going. Basically what I'm saying is: The Grand Exchange has sped up the economy enough that PKing will not have much of an effect on it.
  12. Name:Fishers R Us Owner: TheOmega Nub Purpose: Fishing guild! Hes an obsessive fisher so its always on. Join if your bored in the guild.
  13. :arrow: First off, I do agree that Jagex should have a better relationship with fansites. :arrow: However, I also believe that they should never accually advertise names. Think of how tip.it is on it's forums. Compare that to the members on Jagex forum discussion threads. Do we really want the spammers with the worst opinions, with no backup or constructive critism to now know that there is another group of people they can annoy? This of al lthe horrible r unescape suggestions there would be. I do not want to mention what some of those suggestions are, but one of the main ones that I was appalled (sp?) at was one that was horribly degrading to women. I do not believe that we want any links or advertising on Runescape.com for this or any other fan site. This would make many undesirable people who were too lazy to find the sites themselves come here and overwork the moderators (i've been a forum moderater on another site, it's hard even with groups of only about 1000 people. I can only imagine how much tip.it moderaters have to do already.) I do not want to have to deal with these people messing up the site for the long time users. :arrow: That was my two cents.
  14. Heh, you all are so stupid. It's so obvious who the editors are! They are *bow twanging sound made* *arrow lands in my head*
  15. For all of you guys bored with your rares, I'll gladly take em off your hands lol.
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