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Posts posted by The_Avatar

  1. YOU CALL THIS HONOR?! Your so-called great warriors use deceptive tactics and show no respect for the art that IS battle! Your warriors claim to fear nothing but run at the first sight of danger. This is no way to live your life, have you not heard the saying no risk no reward MY GOOD SIR!? All those who go on to engage in battle, nay to engage in the act of living this way should be ashamed. Its fairly obvious the days of honor are gone. GOOD DAY SIR!




    Oh wait this is a browser based MMO marketed toward children lulz.


    Not to say it isn't a great game.

  2. Please note the "?" at the end of my title people ::' I'm not saying it definitely is the Stone of Jas, but it just doesn't look like a normal stone to me.




    Yes but anytime makes an argument against it you seem to feel the need to throw the "b-but its crimson and round" thing out there. You can't make a topic and expect to not have some kind of argument against your theory.


    Lol fun event:




















    Popcorn, Chocolate Dip, & Wrapped Candy.








    Environment Pictures:




















    Can I get the specs to your computer? Those graphix are quite impressive. That's got to be the sharpest looking pics I've ever seen.








    Seems to me he just has 4x anti-aliasing on. :-s

  4. If I was a mod I would have already locked this obviously. It is common sense that if people make new topics about something that has been discussed many times in the past and no new information has arisen about it, then it should be locked.








    Than simply report the topic and move on. Saying "OMG THIS TOPIC NEEDS TO BE LOCKED", doesn't get the topic locked any faster.

  5. I think this is old and might even be a fake but here it is:










    Supposedly the Jagex staff :twss:




    That's a staff photo after their paintball trip like 4 or 5 years ago.




    Its too bad the paintball dock that was added the same day is now gone. :thumbdown:

  6. Tip.It's Moderators are chosen because they are eloquent, diplomatic, amicable and ratiocinative.




    We're also a pulchritudinous bunch.




    and they use BIG words




    I think you mean to say the tip.it mods are grandiloquent.

  7. please do not post about polls they are not updates






    nuff said.




    When did 'General Discussions' become a forum whre you can only talk about updates?




    nuff said.




    Good to see there's still some decent posters here.




    I picked teleportation for the magic question. Why have high alchemy when you can teleport into a bank vault?

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