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Posts posted by The_Avatar

  1. Alright I'll admit I was holding back just... a little bit. Some of the voices are terrible and almost unintelligible. Some I can understand just aren't that good of singers, but others, I mean what the hell? For the people who at least tried, add a little emotion to your singing, don't just talk fast. For the creator of this, I know it can be hard to turn someone down but some parts where just terrible.




    effort 7/10


    execution 3/10

  2. In the last banner, their was a guy with a drag plate watching an island go down by a dragon. Everyone kept saying it was d slayer 2 or a new quest series. The guy in the pic also had a sailing cape. Neither of those ever came out.




    What the hell is wrong with you? First of all the cape had no clear icon on it. Second it wasn't clear what he was wearing for a top the only thing that was clear was that, there was NO [bleep]es on it. Do you think no one else saw the previous banner? I don't even get your post, your not kidding, so your just flat out lying. Which I don't see the point of. Can you just please get out of here? Wait no one should be asking a liar like you anything. Get the hell out of here!




    [My pissed off/annoyed post for the month]

  3. LOL, this is hilarious. I am always in world 99 except for Tip It events, yet I've never been spotted. Sad thing is, I usually just sit in one spot for large periods of time, usually the G.E.




    How can I not be spotted? Am I the TIF nobody loves? :cry:




    .... ::' \'




    You have 80 posts here over a year or so, thats like going to Disney World and expecting the ride operator to instantly recognize you from your last visit.

  4. The game has turned from a friendly, pleasant retreat from everyday life, into an fast-paced race for the next 99 cape, with the losers in this race receiving nothing but flames, insults and general grief.




    It's no way for a community to be.




    I'm sorry, but its your own fault if you see Runescapes community this way. The community for the past 5 years or so has remained exactly the same. Theres always been whiners, flamers, and rude folks, nothing about that has changed. Its not the community that has changed, its you.

  5. I wish we could just roam around in undies :P




    This is why rs has a 13+ Age limit.. You must have slipped through hey?


    I can think of a couple of things to do in undies that's 13+ :twss:


    And you can't think to call "undies" underwear. =D>


    Further proof maturity runs rampant on these forums.

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