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Posts posted by The_Avatar

  1. I'm not liking this at all, I'm in the first room where it seems like the arrow should be facing south. I'm making the fires as fast as humanly possible and the first fires I made are going out just as I get to the last few. It's not often I get angry at a video game, but this is ridiculous.


    Edit: I assume the arrow is supposed to look like this



    If so, I'm done trying to complete this quest. I literally can't go any faster than I'm going now and don't have time for poorly designed mechanics like this.

  2. I always get really offended when someone tells me to enjoy a holiday I don't celebrate. How rude of them. :---)


    That said, as soon as I finished the event I saw some players enjoying the snowman battle mini-game with each other. Coupled with the Christmasy music it was actually pretty heartwarming. It's not often you see a sizable group of players just having some careless fun. In all I found this year's event enjoyable, albeit a little forgettable. But for what it is it did it's job well.

  3. So an old friend of mine who doesn't play much anymore logs in today and we catch up a little bit. He tells me he's going to sell all of his items and dice a little bit with the cash and quit. I tell him it's a ridiculous idea and he's just going to end up losing the money. 15 minutes later he's turned 23m into 61m and just tosses the entire pile at me before logging out. As you can see, my bank wasn't exactly stunning before, so this is a HUGE thing he's just done for me. Thanks again Phil, you'll always be one of my best RS buds.



  4. Oddly enough, I checked my junk folder in my email and found one of those "it looks like you're trying to sell your runescape account" messages. The weird thing is, it's from five days before I renewed my membership. Meaning that these guys have been trying to get at my account in my year+ of inactivity. Startling to say the least.

  5. [spoiler=tons of text]

    The guys tries to rationalize selling child porn, not even admitting it was wrong to do so in the first place, and has a laundry list of other sexual harassment charges. Most people will never get sexual harassment charges accidentally pinned on them, and this guy just expects everyone to believe that he just KEEPS ending up at the wrong place in the wrong time? Sorry, but this guy should have never been allowed to make a fansite for a children's game. I could somewhat understand defending him if he had cleaned up his act (you'd still be wrong to defend him in this case but it's at least a little more understandable), but when he just happens to "get accused of something he didn't do" every five years something is wrong. He should have known exactly what was going to happen when he pulled this stunt in the first place, and the fact that it was able to go on for eight years is pretty sickening.


    Basically he deserves anything that happens to him from this point on.


    Well damn. How much must a man suffer before he's paid his debt to society?


    Listen. I'm not interested in hearing whether or not he should be punished any further than what the law already has. I'm not concerned with whether or not him creating the fansite in the first place was a violation of some probation order or plea deal, which it doesn't seem like it was.


    I'm more concerned with how that fansite will be able to rebuild itself after having its image thrown to the wolves like this. It wasn't doing so hot before, and now it's got this steaming pile of crap to deal with.


    Check it out. Being labeled a sex offender sticks. Regardless of what you do, or how you behave from there on out, that's the kind of mud that sticks with you. And yes, he was guilty of distributing child pornography. Some years ago. What'd he do since then? Tried to make a clean start for his life and himself, and to put most of this behind him. It's only some legal voodoo that got him caught back up in this mess (as he was tried twice and released/plea-bargained out of higher charges).


    I've gotta admit, it's hard to watch some of these arguments. They're more or less interested in punishing the man instead of reflecting, taking a real-life lesson out of this, and moving on. Why should I care what he does or doesn't deserve? He's no longer a part of that community. The community wants to distance themselves away from him as far as possible, and they want to make a new start.


    The only real problem is that some folks just can't let it go. Jagex's trumpeting of this matter didn't help things at all. I'm kind of with Omali on this, but I'd fire anyone in the PR department that breathes. If this is how they do PR and damage control, they could use a good Spring cleaning.


    He knows what he did was wrong. He knows he's got a lifetime of apologizing to do, much of it unnecessary now, to people he'll never meet in person.


    Punishing the man any further is both pointless and vindictive.


    Aside: Yes, people can change. He was trying to, but the law changed before he could change with it. I don't condone what he did, but I sure don't condone folks around here wanting blood.


    I did want to point out, though:


    We also have a dedicated team of Community Safety moderators working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to ensure Jagex remains industry leading in its Community Safety efforts.


    ...If this is the case, then why was it 18 months later that it came to light? Consider that 12 or more months ago, not many of us even knew what happened.


    The fact of the matter is when you commit a crime as heinous as selling child porn, you lose some of your rights, and with good reason. You'll notice at no point he apologizes for the things he's done, instead he comes off as if he begrudgingly accepts that he can't have his way. There are several instances unaccounted for by his "well I just forgot to register" excuse where he was accused of sexual harassment. The bottom line is, you don't make a fansite for children when you're a registered sex offender, who's first offense was selling child porn. Common sense dictates that that sort of thing isn't going to work out for you, and there's nothing you can do about it.

  6. Probably not gonna quit any time soon. I'm having fun with the game, and if I'm not, I just don't play.


    When people say they're going to quit Runescape 9/10 of the time they actually mean RAGEQUIT!!!! People just get so unreasonably angry over the littlest things Jagex does wrong, like release an update that "isn't good enough" or they don't press the "delete all bots" button. I'll never understand why some people take what Jagex does SO PERSONALLY and why qutting feels like some righteous deed to them.

    I think you're confusing people who legitimately quit, with people who say they're going to quit every week when each update isn't perfect. The people I've known who have quit have just quit playing overtime. No sudden "that's it I'm done" moment. You just stop logging in.

  7. The guys tries to rationalize selling child porn, not even admitting it was wrong to do so in the first place, and has a laundry list of other sexual harassment charges. Most people will never get sexual harassment charges accidentally pinned on them, and this guy just expects everyone to believe that he just KEEPS ending up at the wrong place in the wrong time? Sorry, but this guy should have never been allowed to make a fansite for a children's game. I could somewhat understand defending him if he had cleaned up his act (you'd still be wrong to defend him in this case but it's at least a little more understandable), but when he just happens to "get accused of something he didn't do" every five years something is wrong. He should have known exactly what was going to happen when he pulled this stunt in the first place, and the fact that it was able to go on for eight years is pretty sickening.


    Basically he deserves anything that happens to him from this point on.

  8. I quit two or so years ago now. I don't think I ever announced it because I'm not great friends with anyone here and I honestly don't think anyone cares. I check back for updates every once in a while but the game just seems to be getting worse. Less actual updates, more Facebook integration and shameless promotions. I might come back some day, I do rather enjoy the game. But as things look right now, the prospect isn't too appealing.

  9. I REALLY want to get back into Runescape, yet every time I come to check in on the game there's another update that just screams "NO AVATAR, DON'T DO IT, IT'S JUST GETTING WORSE AND WORSE". Honestly, I would be entirely cool with them completely dropping development on the game to focus on something else entirely, rather than the game slowly creeping towards "micro-transactions the game". I'll keep checking in, I'll never give up hope, but this last years worth of updates, starting primarily with the free trade update, have been nothing but shameless promotions and subscription begging.

  10. So someone answer me this, if the skilling plots aren't good xp by any stretch of the word, and there is no bank to make bank skilling in a clan citadel possible, what exactly is the point of a citadel at all? Custom battlefields? Was there really all that big of an outcry for that? I see clan citadels being entirely deserted as they seem to be almost entirely useless. As someone who hasn't played in months I'm still majorly disappointed by this.


    the skill plot xp isnt brilliant but its not aweful either and in using the plot you get clan ring that gives 1.5x xp bonus for a nice chunk of xp.

    The rings are definitely worth it unless ur maxed in all the skill plot skills


    So the biggest update of the year so far is a bonus xp skill ring? Great.


    Edit: Also holy crap I've almost been here for 6 years.

  11. So someone answer me this, if the skilling plots aren't good xp by any stretch of the word, and there is no bank to make bank skilling in a clan citadel possible, what exactly is the point of a citadel at all? Custom battlefields? Was there really all that big of an outcry for that? I see clan citadels being entirely deserted as they seem to be almost entirely useless. As someone who hasn't played in months I'm still majorly disappointed by this.


    Edit: Aww, my avatar is broken.

    Edit2: directly linked it to the version in my Gallery, that should fix it.

  12. Glad to see I can continue not paying for membership while I don't play for several months. Oh wait, whats that? I'll be behind everyone else unless I DO subscribe? Great, one second, let me bend over and you can shove your marketing schemes right up my ass every month.


    Thanks for the pictures guys, now hang on as I delete them and please don't post any more ;). (done)

    What was this all about?

  13. Hmmm -- so if it does come back ,I guess it just proves that three years of whining, [bleep]ing and complaining can actually achieve something. <_<


    I guess I should go and apologize to my children for all the times that they whined and cried to me, in order to get something, and I said "no" ...


    Congratulations Jagex, you've made spoiled children everywhere completely happy.





    Don't be so cynical about this. Jagex may have handled the trade restrictions and wilderness changes extremely poorly, but right now you sound just as bad as those who complained when everything was changed in the first place.

  14. I suppose there are people who are going to come back if they do it .. and people (like me .. 100% going to happen) who are going to stop playing the game, anyways, if it happens ... I'm pretty much happy for you guys :thumbsup:

    I'd hate to see another player quit. But that's the way things go I suppose. Again good luck to your side of this whole vote. :cool:

  15. I couldn't be happier to see this. Although I'm astounded by the amount of people on Tip.it that are so adamantly against it.

    I'm astounded that ... there are people who actually want it back o.O

    The atmosphere in falador and varrock banks was .. just aweful (I have nothing against making gifts to friends ... if the gifts are not phats for example =/) and some random idiots trying to kill you in the wilderness ? I know the wildy HAS TO BE DANGEROUS but srsly if you want to fight, find someone who wants to fight back (attacking someone who is running and eating gets boring after a while)

    I miss that. I want that kind of unrestricted player interaction. I enjoyed people acting like they wanted, hell I think the whole concept of scamming in an MMO is brilliant for the sheer fact that it brings a little flavor to the day to day of Runescape. The feeling of danger in the wilderness is great. Being attacked by what is basically a group of bandits sounds fantastic, exciting. I'm thrilled just thinking about that kind of player interaction returning to Runescape.

  16. I couldn't be happier to see this. Although I'm astounded by the amount of people on Tip.it that are so adamantly against it.


    The thing I look forward to most from this potential update is the return of player interaction almost as a necessity. Although the feeling of danger in the wilderness will be a welcome return as well. Good luck to the groups on either side of this whole thing, I'm curious to see how it will turn out.


    Free trade.. first thoughts: scammers, botters, lurers, real world trading all that jazz. On the other hand, if you just stay careful you won't fall into those.


    Old wilderness.. Might be fun. Most likely I would just end up dying all the time losing quite a bit of money. Oh well, I remember old wildy being alot of fun. So big thumbs up.


    However what this really gets me into thinking. PIXEL SIGNATURES. This could finally motivate me to start seriously doing more pixels (I pretty much stopped ever since trade got limited) signatures for people (in exhange of rs money /h pay).


    So if this really happens. Give me a call if you're up for those oldschool pixel signatures that used to be awesome back in the days. I'm not cheap though. :grin:

    I'm also very happy to see posts like this. I may just have to be one of your first customers if this vote goes through friend. :razz:

  17. This topic is being made just now? TIF has been in a downwards spiral for months now. Personally, I blame the even more immature crowd that has shown up in the past year or so. Hell, TIF remains the best Runescape community out there, but that isn't saying much.

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