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Everything posted by kll29

  1. I try to use the add-as-friend-thing too, but like Redizhot said, sometimes it's just going to fast and u really have a hard time trying to find out 'who said what'. Really annoying. Even more annoying still is to try to add the guy. What I do is make sure I stand in some place I can quickly get out of the crowd from. "Absorb" a list of 'buying, selling blabla', then run to some more quiet place and scroll through the text till u find something interesting. Add and pm ur new beloved friend and voila, merch away.
  2. I think there might be plans for this at Jagex looking at the mages walking south of Fally. Invulnerable for certain spells; Earth Mages resist earth spells, Water Mages water spells etc. I think the Slayer Skill works somewhat the same, some monster can only be killed with certain weapons. if weapon used=draglong, on=icewarrior, then maxhit=12 if weapon used=dragmace, on=icewarrior,then maxhit=20 They could easily give advantages to certain weapons by in- or decreasing the max hit. Still it would get somewhat Pikachu.
  3. How many hairchanges a week were u planning on?
  4. I actually thought this over myself too. But how bout apply the 4 bones per prayer point thing only to normal bones. It might seem somewhat unfair to get the same reward burying chicken bones or giants bones. I know everyone chooses his own preferred monster he trains his combat on, but I think the difference in effort put into it, may be rewarded. Also I was thinking of some sort of prayer bonus if bones are used with an altar, I tried this out but there was some remark about 'daring the gods' or something like that. How bout an extra 3 xp on any bone if used on an altar as some offering thingy.
  5. I think the idea is pretty cool, it would be another bragging-like feature. People look I've played for more than 4 years. Nothing wrong with that though. Ok, it is rather pointless but hey doesn't that account for phats and h'ween masks too??? Keep up the good work Blipo.
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