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    Estonia :)
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  1. ive had: obby cape obby shield berserker helm x2 addy boots glory ammy x3 ring of wealth rune full helm DDS climbing boots pretty good so far,and all of them were got while doing slayer or smth like that.i was like level 80 when i got the obby set,a guy thought AFKing at dagannoths without guthans is a wise thing to do. cash for me :thumbsup: donated 106k out of pity for him the next day tho. btw,liquid-we all believe you.NOT!
  2. well it is like this.you pres walk somewhere then fast you use house options and click building mode ON.you hop into another place.it isnt much faster than walking but it looks cool.
  3. this is a bug and should not be abused.whoever wants can report it to jagex.i were not the first person to find it.i only learned it from a guy called sold o u t or smth.ill copy my posat from my clan forums now. not made in a private server.i was trading thrashsa 500 rune arrows when i saw this guy doing it so i decided to start up my camtasia. it should soon be up in YouTube [url=http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=A+warp+bug+in+RuneScape&search=Search]http://www.youtube.com/results?search_quer...e&search=Search[/url] it already is up on google vids but with bad quality. [url=http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3605350717338330872]http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3605350717338330872[/url] i uploaded it to rapidshare.download for max quality. [url=http://rapidshare.de/files/31036318/warping_in_rs.avi]http://rapidshare.de/files/31036318/warping_in_rs.avi[/url] the file is 3.5 megs so dont hesitate. why is a .avi file not allowed here?
  4. could i have something like this: Size:300x130 Style:Grunge Render:http://www.render-world.com/gallery/displayimage.php?album=1&pos=316 Text:Shadow Elf Retsmees Subtext:Mmm...pie.. Colour:Dark Green Borders:up to you Font:up to you
  5. same 'ere m8...be like the irishmen,they seem to hide it some way :lol: :lol:
  6. 10+ frogs-been to cave once,threw away most tokens 0 freaky foresters 0 drill demons 1 mime-Climb the Rope emote :S.looks like Milk the Cow :( i wanted clothing ffs
  7. Some gal called molly,who has ancient magicks teleports u to her place and explains that her evil twin sister captured 3 people.you gotta move a crane-ish thing to catch ppl and put them to the cage.u get only 2 tries.if you catch the twin sister i think u get a reward.i didnt take a good look at molly so i got teled to the top of varrock castle...I got that event while being in someguys house.Anyone else had it? Pictures: i am not going to upload all 6 pics so im gonna make a slideshow. Slideshow: http://img134.imageshack.us/slideshow/p ... 35rsi.smil
  8. tewas...WORD! i wasnt in in the past 12 or 16 hours so i dont really care lol..
  9. most of my clan can log in but i cant..im another lucky member of the 1 of 8..cool..
  10. gl0be

    plz help me!!!

    same here,jagex will fix this soon,we will be rolled 15 mins back.i hope i've still got the label of done the eadgars ruse quest 15 mins back.if it shows i havent done eadgars ruse and i have to do the end again i swear im gonna kill jagex!!
  11. it hasnt been too much a randomish week for me though..i got some dwarves and golems,also swarms.no good people though..never got a quiz or a maze or a mime..also got a chicken this week...Bwuuaaaaak! and by the way its MOM(Mysterious Old Man) ,NOT WOM(Weird Old Man?)
  12. it hasnt been too much a randomish week for me though..i got some dwarves and golems,also swarms.no good people though..never got a quiz or a maze or a mime..also got a chicken this week...Bwuuaaaaak!
  13. 1.Make at least 100k-done 2.Complete all quests-gonna do some day 3.Be Combat Level 60+-done 4.Attend a TET event (lol)-done..kinda 5.Wear Rune Armour or Dragon Armour-done 6.Be able to mine mith ore-5 levels to go 7.Be able to cut down Willow Trees-done 8.Be able to fish for Lobsters-done 9.Get 43 Prayer-3 levels to go 10.Go right to the back of the Wilderness -gonna do some day
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