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Posts posted by yomom1919

  1. Name the song.


    Must be getting early


    Clocks are running late


    Paint by number morning sky


    Looks so phony





    Touch of Gray




    Since were all debating Led Zeppelin...


    Name / Complete:


    When I read the letter you wrote me it made me mad mad mad when I read the words that it told me it made me sad sad sad...

  2. ... the rising sun


    And it's been the ruin of many a poor girl and me oh god Im one.




    Since you got it, you get the honors of the next one! [Make it easy though we can progressively get harder]

  3. "finish the lyrics" or info type game, so that'd be cool. :)




    I suppose I could try to start something. Complete the lyric/guess the song. Whatever you want to do with this :P.


    Here it goes, something easy:


    There is a house in New Orleans. They call....

  4. Xbox live is messed up right now.


    Go to the xbox.com call of duty 4 forums [most active board on the whole site] and you'll see the million rants.


    Clever Pun made on the xbox forums by u2boy:


    "Xbox Live service to be renamed January first. It will now be called Xbox Dead"



  5. Since the opening poster is obviously kind of lacking, I think we should turn this into some sort of classic rock trivia thread, or a complete-the-lyric for classic rock thread. I've been waiting for one of those for a long time, and was probably going to make one soon.


    So here it goes:


    Scott McKenzie, and what song he was famous for.

  6. I thought I'd throw in a mostly true stereotype:


    Indian people only use credit cards.


    I've worked as a cashier in a food store for a while now, and every Indian customer I have ALWAYS uses a credit card [even if the purchase is 5 or so dollars]. This is actually a good thing, because credit cards are easy to use.

  7. COD1 was made by Infantry Ward. The deal that was made that IW would make even and Treyarch would make odd titles was made after COD1 was released. COD UO (expansion pack for COD1) was made by Grey Matter which is now owned by Treyarch.




    Oh, my bad. I heard somewhere that trey made cod1, probably was reading about the expansion.

  8. There is one extremely crap and annoying thing about this game. It only supports 1 person per xbox when doing system link!


    I went to a LAN the other day ready to play a whole lot of halo 3 and cod 4 but we found that we could only have 1 person per tv! Why?!


    Cod 3 never had this problem and cod 4 has 4 player split screen for local, why not system link?! I am fuming, although halo 3 was fun by itself....




    COD1 and COD3 were made by TREYARCH, and COD 2 and 4 were made by Infinity Ward. The consensus is that IW is a far better developer then TREYARCH, which is unfortunate because trey is developing cod5, and we're going to the pacific theater. Looks like that ends my short tour with the COD series :|.


    Oh well Vegas 2 is coming out soon!

  9. Hey you reminded me today during school we had a 40 minute long lockdown drill and we all crowded in a dark room in places where we couldn't be seen and slept. I got to miss German cause of it. Yay.

  10. Anyone got any tips on what's the best playlist to rank up with? :|




    I'm about to do some more S&D, but I die a little too much for my liking.




    Headquarters by far, Its the fastest exp in the game, although s&d is pretty good, once you get a little better you can get 10+ kills a game with a small amount of deaths. But if your looking for speed hq is definitely the best.

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